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exploration tunnel Sondierstollen {m}
exploration well Probebohrloch {n}
exploration well Explorationsbohrung {f}
explorationsErforschungen {pl}
explorative erforschend
explorative behavior [Am.] Erkundungsverhalten {n}
explorative behaviour [Br.]Erkundungsverhalten {n}
explorative drilling Suchbohrung {f}
Exploratorium Exploratorium {n}
exploratory untersuchend
exploratory erforschend
exploratory Forschungs-
exploratory explorativ
exploratory [attr.] [e.g. experiment, drilling, trip, walk] Erkundungs- [z. B. -versuch, -bohrung, -fahrt, -gang]
exploratory activity Erkundungsaktivität {f}
exploratory behavior [Am.] Erkundungsverhalten {n}
exploratory behavior [Am.] Explorationsverhalten {n}
exploratory behavior [Am.] Neugierverhalten {n}
exploratory behaviour [Br.]Erkundungsverhalten {n}
exploratory behaviour [Br.] Explorationsverhalten {n}
exploratory behaviour [Br.] Neugierverhalten {n}
exploratory clinical trials exploratorische klinische Studien {pl}
exploratory committee [for an electoral bid] Wahlkomitee {n} [das über die Auswahl von Kandidaten entscheidet]
exploratory data analysis <EDA>explorative Datenanalyse {f} <EDA>
exploratory discussionsSondierungsgespräche {pl}
exploratory drilling Aufschlussbohrung {f}
exploratory drilling Explorationsbohrung {f}
exploratory drilling Suchbohrung {f}
exploratory drillingProbebohrung {f}
exploratory drillingErkundungsbohrung {f}
exploratory experiment Erkundungsversuch {m}
exploratory geologist Aufschließungsgeologe {m}
exploratory geologistAufschlussgeologe {m}
exploratory hole Probebohrung {f}
exploratory journey Forschungsreise {f}
exploratory measures Erkundungsmaßnahmen {pl}
exploratory missionErkundungsmission {f}
exploratory negotiationsSondierungsgespräche {pl}
exploratory oil well Explorationsbohrung {f} [Erdöl, Erdgas]
exploratory oil well Erkundungsbohrung {f} [Erdöl, Erdgas]
exploratory operation Operation {f} zu diagnostischen Zwecken
exploratory researchSondierungsforschung {f}
exploratory studySondierungsprojekt {n}
exploratory study Sondierungsstudie {f}
exploratory study explorative Studie {f}
exploratory talkSondierungsgespräch {n}
exploratory talks Sondierungsgespräche {pl}
exploratory tourErkundungstour {f}
exploratory trip Erkundungsfahrt {f}
exploratory visitinformativer Besuch {m}
exploratory walk Erkundungsgang {m}
exploratory work {sg} Vorarbeiten {pl}
exploratory worksErkundungsarbeiten {pl}
explored ausgekundschaftet
explorement [obs.] Erforschung {f}
explorer Erforscher {m}
explorer Forscher {m}
explorer Forschungsreisender {m}
explorer Erkunder {m}
explorer Explorand {m}
explorer Explorator {m} [Fachsprache]
explorer Sonde {f}
explorer Entdeckungsreisender {m}
explorer [discoverer]Entdecker {m} [Erforscher]
explorer [female] Explorandin {f}
explorer [female] Erkunderin {f}
explorer [female] Erforscherin {f}
explorer in the Antarctic region Antarktisforscher {m}
explorer-in-residence Forscher {m} in residence
Explorers on the Moon [Hergé] Schritte auf dem Mond
exploring auskundschaftend
exploring Erforschung {f}
exploring behavior [Am.] Explorationsverhalten {n}
exploring behaviour [Br.] Erkundungsverhalten {n}
exploring electrode [ECG] Reizelektrode {f} [differente Elektrode]
exploring journey Forschungsreise {f}
explosibility Explosibilität {f}
explosible explosionsfähig
explosion Explosion {f}
explosion accident Explosionsunglück {n}
explosion center [Am.] Explosionsherd {m}
explosion center [Am.] Explosionszentrum {n}
explosion centre [Br.] Explosionsherd {m}
explosion centre [Br.] Explosionszentrum {n}
explosion chamber Sprengkammer {f}
explosion cladding Sprengplattierung {f}
explosion concentrationExplosionskonzentration {f}
explosion control Explosionsschutz {m}
explosion crater Explosionstrichter {m}
explosion crater Explosionskrater {m}
explosion diaphragmBerstscheibe {f}
explosion disasterExplosionskatastrophe {f}
explosion disaster Explosionsunglück {n} [größeres]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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