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eye liner (pencil)Augenkonturenstift {m}
eye make-upAugenschminke {f}
eye make-up remover Augen-Make-up-Entferner {m}
eye marks Augenflecken {pl}
eye maskAugenmaske {f}
eye motility Augenmotilität {f}
eye movementBlickverlauf {m}
eye movement Augenbewegung {f}
eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing <EMDR> [Br.]Augenbewegungsdesensibilisierung {f}
eye movement desensitization and reprocessing <EMDR> Augenbewegungsdesensibilisierung {f}
eye movement disorderAugenbewegungsstörung {f}
eye movements Blickbewegungen {pl}
eye movements [voluntary or involuntary movement of the eyes] Augenbewegungen {pl} [Okulomotorik]
eye muscle Augenmuskel {m}
eye muscle disorder Augenmuskelstörung {f}
eye muscle paralysis Zykloplegie {f}
eye muscle paralysis Lähmung {f} des Ziliarmuskels
eye muscle surgery Augenmuskeloperation {f}
eye musicAugenmusik {f}
eye nut Ösenmutter {f}
eye of a dragonfly Libellenauge {n} [Auge einer Libelle]
eye of a flyFliegenauge {n} [Auge einer Fliege]
eye of a needleNadelöhr {n} [Öhr einer Nadel]
eye of cyclone Auge {n} des Sturms
eye of day [literary] [sun] Auge {n} des Tages [literarisch] [Sonne]
Eye of Horus Horusauge {n}
Eye of Providence Auge {n} der Vorsehung
Eye of RaAuge {n} des Re
Eye of Re Auge {n} des Re
eye of roundSeemerrolle {f}
eye of roundSchwanzrolle {f}
eye of Santa Lucia [Bolma rugosa, syn.: Astraea rugosa, Baldufa rugosa, Turbo rugosa] Roter Runzelstern {m} [Stachelschnecke] [Meeresschneckenart]
eye of Santa Lucia [Bolma rugosa, syn.: Astraea rugosa, Baldufa rugosa, Turbo rugosa] Stachelschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
eye of the / a doll Puppenauge {n}
Eye of the Beholder [Stephan Elliott] [remake]Das Auge
eye of the cyclone Auge {n} des Wirbelsturms
Eye of the Devil [J. Lee Thompson] Die schwarze 13
eye of the dragonfly Libellenauge {n} [Auge der Libelle]
Eye of the Eagle [Peter Flinth]Das Auge des Adlers
eye of the fly Fliegenauge {n} [Auge der Fliege]
eye of the hurricane Auge {n} des Orkans
eye of the needleNadelöhr {n} [Öhr der Nadel]
Eye of the Needle [novel: Ken Follett, film: Richard Marquand] Die Nadel
eye of the storm Sturmzentrum {n}
Eye of the Storm [Jack Higgins] Die Lerche fliegt im Morgengrauen
eye ointment Augensalbe {f}
eye pads Augenpads {pl}
eye pain {sg} Augenschmerzen {pl}
eye patch Augenklappe {f}
eye pattern [in data transmission] Augendiagramm {n} [Übertragungstechnik, Messdatenerfassung]
eye pencil Kajalstift {m}
eye pigmentAugenpigment {n}
eye pigmentationAugenfärbung {f}
eye pin Kettelstift {m}
eye place [coll.] Optiker {m} [Geschäft]
eye position Augenstellung {f}
eye powder [obs.] Augenpulver {n} [veraltet]
eye problemAugenproblem {n}
eye protection Augenschutz {m}
eye redness Augenrötung {f}
eye regionAugenregion {f}
eye rhyme Augenreim {m}
eye ringAugenring {m}
eye ring [scissors] Auge {n} [Schere]
eye ring lovebird [Agapornis personatus]Schwarzköpfchen {n}
eye rinsingAugenspülung {f}
eye rinsing solution Augenspülmittel {n}
eye root [Hydrastis canadensis] Kanadische Orangenwurzel {f}
eye root [Hydrastis canadensis] Kanadische Gelbwurz {f}
eye salve Augensalbe {f}
eye sand {sg} [coll.] [dried rheum]Schlafkörnchen {pl} [ugs.]
eye sand [coll.] [dried rheum]Schlafsand {m} [ugs.]
eye scannerAugenscanner {m} [auch: Augen-Scanner]
eye scissors {pl} Augenschere {f}
eye screwAugenschraube {f}
eye segment Augenabschnitt {m}
eye sensitivityAugenempfindlichkeit {f}
eye shadow Lidschatten {m}
eye shadow brush Lidschattenpinsel {m}
eye shape Augenform {f}
eye shnooters [sl.] [rare for: eye boogers] Schlafkörnchen {pl} [ugs.]
eye shop [coll.]Optiker {m} [Geschäft]
eye shop [coll.] Brillenladen {m}
eye slit [also: eye-slit] Sehschlitz {m}
eye slits Augenschlitze {pl}
eye socket Augenhöhle {f}
eye socket Ösenmuffe {f}
eye specialistAugenarzt {m}
eye specialist Augenspezialist {m}
eye splice [permanent loop in the end of a rope] Augspleiß {m} [in das Ende einer Leine gespleißte Schlinge]
eye spot Augenfleck {m}
eye spots Augenflecken {pl}
eye stalksAugenstiele {pl}
eye strain Augenbelastung {f}
eye stripe Augenstreifen {m}
eye stripe [of a fish, bird, donkey, etc.] Augenstreif {m}
eye surgeonAugenchirurg {m}
eye surgeon [female] Augenchirurgin {f}
eye surgeries [operations] Augen-OPs {pl} [kurz für: Augenoperationen]
eye surgery [branch of medicine]Augenchirurgie {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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