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ear pond snail [Radix auricularia, syn.: Helix auricularia, Limnaea / Lymnaea auricularia] Ohrenschlammschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
ear pond snail [Radix auricularia, syn.: Helix auricularia, Limnaea / Lymnaea auricularia] Ohrförmige Schlammschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
ear pond snail [Radix auricularia, syn.: Helix auricularia, Limnaea / Lymnaea auricularia] Ohrschlammschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
ear probe Ohrsonde {f}
ear prosthesis Ohrprothese {f}
ear protectionGehörschutz {m}
ear protectionHörschutz {m} [ugs.] [Gehörschutz]
ear protector Gehörschützer {m}
ear protector Gehörschutzmittel {n}
ear protectors {pl} Gehörschutz {m}
ear punch tissue Ohrstanzgewebe {n}
ear ring Ohrring {m}
ear rings Ohrringe {pl}
ear scoop Ohrlöffel {m}
ear seals Dichtungskissen {pl} [Gehörschutz]
ear shell [genus Haliotis] Ohrschnecke {f}
ear shell [genus Haliotis] Seeohr {n}
ear shell [Haliotis tuberculata, syn.: H. bistriata, H. incisa, H. reticulata, H. rugosa, H. vulgaris]Gewöhnliches Meerohr {n}
ear shells [family Haliotidae] Abalonen {pl}
ear shells [family Haliotidae]Meerohren {pl} [Abalonen]
ear shells [genus Haliotis, family Haliotidae]Seeohren {pl}
ear shells [genus Haliotis, family Haliotidae]Irismuscheln {pl}
ear shells [genus Haliotis] Ohrschnecken {pl} [Abalonen]
ear simulator Ohrsimulator {m}
ear size Ohrgröße {f}
ear speakerOhrhörer-Lautsprecher {m}
ear specialist Ohrenarzt {m}
ear specialist [female] Ohrenärztin {f}
ear specialists Ohrenärzte {pl}
ear speculumOhrenspiegel {m}
ear speculum Ohrenspekulum {n}
ear speculum Ohrspekulum {n} [seltener für: Ohrenspekulum]
ear speculum Ohrtrichter {m} [Ohrenspekulum]
ear speculum holderOhrtrichterhalter {m}
ear spoonOhrlöffel {m}
ear stone [otolith] Gehörsteinchen {n} [Ohrstein]
ear surgery [branch of medicine] Ohrchirurgie {f}
ear surgery [operation]Ohrenoperation {f}
ear syringing Ohrenausspülen {n}
ear syringingOhrenspülung {f}
ear tag Ohrmarke {f}
ear tampon Ohrtampon {m}
ear thermometer Ohrthermometer {n}
ear thermometryOhrthermometrie {f}
ear training Gehörbildung {f}
ear trumpetHörrohr {n}
ear trumpet Hörtrichter {m}
ear trumpets Hörrohre {pl}
ear tubePaukendrainage {f} <PD>
ear tubes [ventilation tubes] Ohrschläuche {pl} [ugs.] [Paukendrainagen]
ear tuft Ohrpinsel {m}
ear tumor [Am.]Ohrentumor {m}
ear tumour [Br.] Ohrentumor {m}
ear under examination Prüfohr {n}
ear vein [Vena auricularis]Ohrvene {f}
ear (wax removal) syringeOhrspritze {f}
ear (wax removal) syringeOhrenspritze {f}
ear weakness [otomyasthenia] Ohrschwäche {f} [veraltend bzw. ugs.]
ear wire Ohrringhaken {m}
ear worm [coll.] [catchy tune]Ohrwurm {m} [ugs.] [einprägsames Lied]
(ear) blast injury Knalltrauma {n} [Explosionstrauma]
(ear) ossicleGehörknöchelchen {n}
(ear) piercing gun Ohrlochpistole {f}
(ear) scutulum [rare] [scrutiform cartilage of the ear]Dreiecksknorpel {m} [Ohr]
(ear) stud Ohrstecker {m}
(ear) studOhrring {m}
earache Ohrenschmerz {m}
earache {sg} Ohrschmerzen {pl}
earache {sg}Ohrenschmerzen {pl}
earache [otalgia] Ohrenzwang {m} [veraltet] [Ohrenschmerz]
earaches Ohrenschmerzen {pl}
earball witness [Am.] [coll.] [rare] Ohrenzeuge {m}
ear-basher [Aus.] [sl.]Labersack {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
earbuds Ohrhörer {pl}
earcupOhrpolster {n}
ear-cutting caterpillar [Mythimna separata, syn.: Cirphis separata, Leucania separata, Pseudaletia separata]Raupe {f} der Asiatischen Reiseule [Agrarschädling]
ear-cutting caterpillar moth [Mythimna separata, syn.: Cirphis separata, Leucania separata, Pseudaletia separata]Asiatische Reiseule {f}
ear-deafening ohrenbetäubend [Lärm]
eardrop Ohrhänger {m}
eardrops Ohrgehänge {n}
eardrumOhrtrommel {f} [veraltet bzw. ugs.] [Trommelfell]
eardrum [Membrana tympani, Myrinx]Myrinx {f} [selten für: Trommelfell]
eardrum [tympanic membrane] Trommelfell {n}
eardrum impedance Trommelfellimpedanz {f}
eardrum inflammationTrommelfellentzündung {f}
eardrum perforationTrommelfellperforation {f}
eardrum reflex Trommelfellreflex {m}
eardrum retractionTrommelfellretraktion {f}
eardrum rupture Trommelfellruptur {f}
eardrum thermometer [rare] Trommelfellthermometer {n} [österr., schweiz., ugs. auch {m}]
eardrum umbilicusAnsatzstelle {f} des Hammers [im Trommelfellnabel]
eardrumsTrommelfelle {pl}
eared Ähren tragend
eared ohrig
eared ark (clam) [Anadara notabilis, syn.: Arca auriculata, A. deshayesii, A. notabilis] Schöne Archenmuschel {f}
eared ark (clam) [Anadara notabilis, syn.: Arca auriculata, A. deshayesii, A. notabilis] Schöne Arche {f} [Schöne Archenmuschel]
eared dove [Zenaida auriculata]Ohrflecktaube {f}
eared grebe [Am.] [Podiceps nigricollis] Schwarzhalstaucher {m}
eared hutia [Mesocapromys auritus] Langohr-Baumratte {f}
eared pheasant [Crossoptilon crossoptilon]Weißer Ohrfasan {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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