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educational facility Bildungseinrichtung {f}
educational factorErziehungsfaktor {m}
educational factorBildungsfaktor {m}
educational film Lehrfilm {m}
educational filmSchulfilm {m}
educational filmSchulungsfilm {m}
educational filmBildungsfilm {m}
educational film hire service Bildstelle {f}
educational forest trail Waldlehrpfad {m}
educational formationBildung {f}
educational freedom Bildungsfreiheit {f}
educational game Lernspiel {n}
educational gerontologyErziehungsgerontologie {f}
educational goalBildungsziel {n}
educational goal Erziehungsziel {n}
educational goalAusbildungsziel {n}
educational grantAusbildungsförderung {f}
educational guidanceAusbildungsberatung {f}
educational guidance Bildungsberatung {f}
educational guidanceErziehungsberatung {f}
educational habitusBildungshabitus {m}
educational history Bildungsgeschichte {f}
educational holiday Erziehungsurlaub {m}
educational idea Bildungsidee {f}
educational ideal Bildungsideal {n}
educational inequality Bildungsungleichheit {f}
educational inflation Inflation {f} der Bildung
educational inflation Bildungsinflation {f}
educational infrastructure Bildungslandschaft {f}
educational initiativeBildungsinitiative {f}
educational innovationBildungsinnovation {f}
educational innovationpädagogische Innovation {f}
educational instituteBildungsinstitut {n}
educational institute pädagogische Einrichtung {f}
educational institution Bildungseinrichtung {f}
educational institutionBildungsstätte {f}
educational institution Ausbildungsstätte {f}
educational institution Bildungsinstitution {f}
educational institutionAusbildungsinstitution {f}
educational institutionBildungsinstanz {f}
educational institution Ausbildungseinrichtung {f}
educational institutionLehreinrichtung {f}
educational institutionsBildungseinrichtungen {pl}
educational institutionsAusbildungsstätten {pl}
educational journeyStudienreise {f}
educational journey Bildungsreise {f}
educational journey Bildungstour {f} [Bildungsreise]
educational justice Bildungsgerechtigkeit {f}
educational landscapeBildungslandschaft {f}
educational leave Bildungsurlaub {m}
educational leaveFortbildungsurlaub {m}
educational legislationSchulgesetzgebung {f}
educational level Bildungsgrad {m}
educational level Ausbildungsniveau {n}
educational levelBildungsniveau {n}
educational level Bildungsstand {m}
educational level Ausbildungsstand {m}
educational levelBildungsstufe {f}
educational linguistics [treated as sg.] pädagogische Linguistik {f}
educational literature Aufklärungsliteratur {f}
educational management <EM> Bildungsmanagement {n} <BM>
educational mandateBildungsauftrag {m}
educational mandate Erziehungsmandat {n}
educational material Bildungsmaterial {n}
educational material Lehrmaterial {n}
educational materialUnterrichtsstoff {m}
educational material Lehrstoff {m}
educational materialUnterrichtsmaterial {n}
educational mattersBildungsangelegenheiten {pl}
educational measures erzieherische Maßnahmen {pl}
educational measures Erziehungsmaßnahmen {pl}
educational measuresBildungsmaßnahmen {pl}
educational mediaBildungsmedien {pl}
educational method Erziehungsmethode {f}
educational methodsErziehungsmethoden {pl}
educational methods Bildungsmethoden {pl}
educational migration Bildungsmigration {f}
educational movementBildungsbewegung {f}
educational objective Lernziel {n}
educational objective Bildungsziel {n}
educational objective Ausbildungsziel {n}
educational objectiveErziehungsziel {n}
educational offerBildungsangebot {n}
educational offer [Br.] Erziehungshilfe {f}
educational opportunitiesBildungschancen {pl}
educational opportunitiesBildungsmöglichkeiten {pl}
educational opportunities {pl} [educational offerings]Bildungsangebot {n} [Gesamtpalette]
educational opportunity Bildungschance {f}
educational organisation [Br.]Bildungsorganisation {f}
educational organizationBildungsorganisation {f}
educational pamphletAufklärungsschrift {f}
educational participation Bildungsbeteiligung {f}
educational pathBildungsweg {m}
educational path Bildungslaufbahn {f}
educational performanceBildungsleistung {f}
educational planBildungsplan {m}
educational planning <EP> Bildungsplanung {f} <BP>
educational plightBildungsmisere {f}
educational policy Police {f} der Ausbildungsversicherung
educational policyBildungspolitik {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers