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educational material Bildungsmaterial {n}
educational material Lehrmaterial {n}
educational materialUnterrichtsstoff {m}
educational materialLehrstoff {m}
educational material Unterrichtsmaterial {n}
educational matters Bildungsangelegenheiten {pl}
educational measures erzieherische Maßnahmen {pl}
educational measures Erziehungsmaßnahmen {pl}
educational measuresBildungsmaßnahmen {pl}
educational mediaBildungsmedien {pl}
educational methodErziehungsmethode {f}
educational methodsErziehungsmethoden {pl}
educational methodsBildungsmethoden {pl}
educational migration Bildungsmigration {f}
educational movementBildungsbewegung {f}
educational objectiveLernziel {n}
educational objective Bildungsziel {n}
educational objective Ausbildungsziel {n}
educational objectiveErziehungsziel {n}
educational offer Bildungsangebot {n}
educational offer [Br.]Erziehungshilfe {f}
educational opportunitiesBildungschancen {pl}
educational opportunities Bildungsmöglichkeiten {pl}
educational opportunities {pl} [educational offerings]Bildungsangebot {n} [Gesamtpalette]
educational opportunity Bildungschance {f}
educational organisation [Br.]Bildungsorganisation {f}
educational organizationBildungsorganisation {f}
educational pamphletAufklärungsschrift {f}
educational participation Bildungsbeteiligung {f}
educational path Bildungsweg {m}
educational path Bildungslaufbahn {f}
educational performanceBildungsleistung {f}
educational plan Bildungsplan {m}
educational planning <EP>Bildungsplanung {f} <BP>
educational plightBildungsmisere {f}
educational policyPolice {f} der Ausbildungsversicherung
educational policy Bildungspolitik {f}
educational policyErziehungspolitik {f} [seltener]
educational practice Bildungspraxis {f}
educational practice Erziehungspraxis {f}
educational principles Erziehungsprinzipien {pl}
educational process Bildungsprozess {m}
educational processErziehungsprozess {m}
educational program [Am.]Bildungsprogramm {n}
educational program [Am.]Bildungssendung {f}
educational program [Am.] Bildungsgang {m}
educational program [Am.]Erziehungsprogramm {n}
educational programme [Br.] Bildungssendung {f}
educational programme [Br.]Bildungsgang {m}
educational programme [Br.] Bildungsprogramm {n}
educational programme [Br.] Erziehungsprogramm {n}
educational progression Bildungsverlauf {m}
educational project Bildungsprojekt {n}
educational providerBildungsträger {m}
educational psychologistSchulpsychologe {m}
educational psychologist Erziehungspsychologe {m}
educational psychologist Bildungspsychologe {m}
educational psychologist [female] Schulpsychologin {f}
educational psychology pädagogische Psychologie {f}
educational psychologySchulpsychologie {f}
educational psychology Erziehungspsychologie {f}
educational publisher [firm] Schulbuchverlag {m}
educational publishing company Schulbuchverlag {m}
educational purposeBildungszweck {m}
educational quality Bildungsqualität {f}
educational reform Ausbildungsreform {f}
educational reformBildungsreform {f}
educational reform Schulreform {f}
educational reformer Bildungsreformer {m}
educational reformerSchulreformer {m}
educational reformsBildungsreformen {pl}
educational requirementBildungsanforderung {f}
educational requirementsBildungsvoraussetzungen {pl}
educational requirements Bildungsanforderungen {pl}
educational requirements {pl}erforderliche Vorbildung {f}
educational research Bildungsforschung {f}
educational research pädagogische Forschung {f}
educational researchErziehungsforschung {f}
educational residents Bildungsinländer {pl}
educational resources Bildungsressourcen {pl}
educational responsibility pädagogische Verantwortung {f}
educational schemes Bildungspläne {pl}
educational science Pädagogik {f}
educational science Erziehungswissenschaft {f}
educational sciences Bildungswissenschaften {pl}
educational sectorBildungssektor {m}
educational servicesBildungsdienstleistungen {pl}
educational sociology Bildungssoziologie {f}
educational softwareLernsoftware {f}
educational standard Ausbildungsstandard {m}
educational status Bildungsstatus {m}
educational stayBildungsaufenthalt {m}
educational strategies pädagogische Strategien {pl}
educational strategy Bildungsstrategie {f}
educational style Erziehungsstil {m}
educational substanceBildungsgehalt {m}
educational successBildungserfolg {m}
educational success schulischer Erfolg {m}
educational supportErziehungshilfe {f}
educational system Erziehungswesen {n}
« editeditEDP-educeduceduceducEEGfeelseffeeffe »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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