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elect designiert
elect Auserwählter {m}
-elect [e.g. president-elect] designiert [z. B. designierter Präsident]
electabilityWählbarkeit {f}
electable wählbar
elected ausgelesen
electedgewählt [in einer Wahl]
elected gekoren
elected by the people [postpos.]vom Volk gewählt
elected for a period of three yearsfür drei Jahre gewählt
elected member [UN Security Council]nichtständiges Mitglied {n} [UN-Sicherheitsrat]
elected official Wahlbeamter {m}
elected official Abgeordneter {m}
elected public officerWahlbeamter {m}
elected representativegewählter Vertreter {m}
elected representative Mandatsträger {m}
elected unanimously ohne Gegenstimmen gewählt
[elected representative of all pupils / students in Austria] Bundesschulsprecher {m} [österr.]
[elected representative of the pupils / students of a school] Schulsprecher {m}
[elected representative of the pupils / students of a school] Schülersprecher {m}
electing wählend
electionErwählung {f}
election Wahl {f}
election Abstimmung {f}
electionElektion {f}
election Erkiesung {f} [veraltet]
electionKür {f} [Wahl]
election [attr.] Wahl-
election [chosenness]Auserwähltheit {f}
election [in Holy Roman Empire] Kur {f} [Wahl] [im Heiligen Römischen Reich]
election address Wahlrede {f}
election analysis Wahlanalyse {f}
election assistant Wahlhelfer {m}
election assistant [female]Wahlhelferin {f}
election battle cryWahlkampfslogan {m}
election blow Wahldebakel {n}
election board Wahlvorstand {m}
election body Wahlgremium {n}
election boycott Wahlboykott {m}
election campaign Wahlfeldzug {m}
election campaignWahlkampf {m}
election campaign Wahlkampagne {f}
election campaign chestWahlkampfkasse {f}
election campaign expenses Wahlkampfkosten {pl}
election campaign funds Wahlkampfgelder {pl}
election campaign language Wahlkampfsprache {f}
election campaigns Wahlfeldzüge {pl}
election commission Wahlkommission {f}
election commission Wahlausschuss {m}
election commissionerWahlkommissar {m}
election commissioner [female]Wahlkommissarin {f}
election committeeWahlausschuss {m}
election committee Wahlkomitee {n}
election committee [of a union, works council, etc.] Wahlvorstand {m} [einer Gewerkschaft, eines Betriebsrates usw.]
election co-ordinator [Br.]Wahlkampfleiter {m} [jd., der den Wahlkampf der einzelnen Parteien koordiniert]
election crisis Wahlkrise {f}
election cycle Wahlzyklus {m}
election dateWahltermin {m}
election day Wahltag {m}
Election day is payday. [fig.]Wahltag ist Zahltag. [Redewendung]
election daysWahltage {pl}
election debacle Wahldebakel {n}
election debate Wahldebatte {f}
election decision Wahlentscheidung {f}
election defeat Wahlniederlage {f}
election district Wahlkreis {m}
election documents Wahlunterlagen {pl}
election drama Wahldrama {n}
election drubbing Wahldebakel {n}
election eve Wahlabend {m}
election farce Wahlfarce {f}
election fever Wahlfieber {n}
election financing Wahlkampffinanzierung {f}
election for the third term Wahl {f} für die dritte Amtsperiode
election forecastWahlprognose {f}
election fraudWahlbetrug {m}
election fraud Wahlfälschung {f}
election fraudsterWahlbetrüger {m}
election gift Wahlgeschenk {n}
election goalWahlziel {n}
election in contest angefochtene Wahl {f}
election initiativeWahlinitiative {f}
election ink Wahltinte {f}
election issueWahlkampfthema {n}
election issuesWahlkampfthemen {pl}
election judge [Am.] Wahlvorsteher {m}
election manifesto Wahlprogramm {n}
election marathon Wahlmarathon {m}
election meetingWahlversammlung {f}
election meetings Wahlversammlungen {pl}
election monitor Wahlbeobachter {m}
election monitoringWahlbeobachtung {f}
election nightWahlnacht {f}
Election Night [Anders Thomas Jensen]Wahlnacht
election night party Wahlparty {f} [offiziell]
election notice Abstimmungsbekanntmachung {f}
election observation mission Wahlbeobachtungsmission {f}
election observation report Wahlbeobachtungsbericht {m}
election observer Wahlbeobachter {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers