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English-German Dictionary

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electoral rules {pl} Wahlordnung {f}
Electoral SaxonyKursachsen {n}
electoral setback Wahlschlappe {f}
electoral showdownWahlauseinandersetzung {f}
electoral state [Holy Roman Empire] Kurstaat {m}
electoral successWahlerfolg {m}
electoral system Wahlsystem {n}
Electoral TrierKurtrier {n}
electoral victory Wahlsieg {m}
electoral vote [Am.] [Ergebnis einer Präsidentschaftswahl im Wahlmännergremium]
electoral vote [Holy Roman Empire] Kurstimme {f} [Heiliges Römisches Reich]
electoral votes Wahlmännerstimmen {pl}
electoral votes Wählerstimmen {pl}
electoral wildernessWahlabseits {n}
[electoral system in which a vote is cast for a candidate rather than a party]Persönlichkeitswahl {f}
(electoral) manifestoWahlprogramm {n}
electorateStimmvolk {n} [schweiz.]
electorate Elektorat {n} [geh.]
electorate {sg} Wahlberechtigte {pl} [Wahlvolk]
electorate [Aus., NZ] Wahlkreis {m}
electorate [territory of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire]Kurfürstentum {n}
electorate [treated as sg. or pl.] [voters]Wählerschaft {f}
electorate [treated as sg. or pl.] [voters] Wahlvolk {n}
Electorate of Cologne Kurköln {n}
Electorate of Mainz [Latin: Electoratus Moguntinus] Kurfürstentum {n} Mainz
Electorate of Mainz [Latin: Electoratus Moguntinus] Kurmainz {n}
Electorate of SaxonyKurfürstentum {n} Sachsen
Electorate of TrierKurfürstentum {n} Trier
Electorate of Trier Kurtrier {n}
electoratesWählerschaften {pl}
electorsWahlmänner {pl}
electorsWähler {pl}
electors Wahlbürger {pl}
electors [members of the electoral college] [USA]Wahlleute {pl}
ElectraElektra {f}
Electra [Sophocles] Elektra [Sophokles]
Electra complex Elektrakomplex {m}
electra dolphin [Peponocephala electra]Breitschnabeldelfin {m}
electra dolphin [Peponocephala electra]Melonenkopf {m}
electressKurfürstin {f}
Electress Palatine Kurfürstin {f} (von) der Pfalz
electret Elektret {m} {n}
electret microphoneElektret-Mikrofon {n}
electret microphone Elektret-Mikrophon {n}
electret microphone Elektretmikrophon {n}
electret microphone Elektretmikrofon {n}
electric elektrisch
electric [very tense, emotionally charged]spannungsgeladen
electric / electrical ignition elektrische Zündung {f}
electric accounting machine elektrische Buchungsmaschine {f}
electric acoustic stimulation <EAS> elektrisch-akustische Stimulation {f} <EAS>
electric appliance Elektrogerät {n}
electric arcLichtbogen {m}
electric arc effect Lichtbogenwirkung {f}
electric arc furnace Elektrolichtbogenofen {m}
electric arc furnace <EAF> Lichtbogenofen {m}
electric arc sprayingLichtbogenspritzen {n}
electric atmospherespannungsgeladene Atmosphäre {f}
electric (baking) oven Elektrobackrohr {n} [österr.] [Backofen]
electric bass E-Bass {m}
electric bass guitarelektrische Bassgitarre {f}
electric beacons [term includes radio, infrared and sonar beacons] Funkfeuer {pl}
electric bicycle <e-bike>Elektrorad {n}
electric bicycle <e-bike> Elektrovelo {n} [schweiz.]
electric bicycle <e-bike>Elektrofahrrad {n}
electric blanket Heizdecke {f}
electric blanketelektrische Decke {f}
electric blender elektrischer Standmixer {m}
electric blueStahlblau {n}
electric blue damselfish [Pomacentrus coelistis] Neon-Demoiselle {f}
electric blue gecko [Lygodactylus williamsi, syn.: L. picturatus williamsi]Blauer Zwerggecko {m}
electric blue gecko [Lygodactylus williamsi]Himmelblauer Zwergtaggecko {m}
electric boatElektroboot {n}
electric bowl fire Heizsonne {f}
electric box Elektrokasten {m}
electric busElektrobus {m}
electric busE-Bus {m}
electric bus [trolleybus] Oberleitungsbus {m} <O-Bus>
electric cabinet Schaltschrank {m}
electric cable Stromkabel {n}
electric cable Elektrokabel {n}
electric cableelektrisches Kabel {n}
electric capacity elektrische Leistung {f}
electric car Elektroauto {n}
electric car charging station Ladebox {f} [Elektromobilität]
electric catfish {pl} [family Malapteruridae] [in general] Elektrische Welse {pl}
electric catfish {pl} [family Malapteruridae] [in general] Zitterwelse {pl}
electric catfish [Malapterurus electricus]Zitterwels {m}
electric catfishes [family Malapteruridae] [with reference to the species of the family] Elektrische Welse {pl}
electric catfishes [family Malapteruridae] [with reference to the species of the family] Zitterwelse {pl}
electric cautery Elektrokauterisation {f}
electric cautery Elektrokaustik {f}
electric celloE-Cello {n} [elektrisches Cello]
electric chain hoist Elektrokettenzug {m}
electric chain sawElektrokettensäge {f}
electric chain saw elektrische Kettensäge {f}
electric chairelektrischer Stuhl {m}
electric charge elektrische Ladung {f}
electric charger [e.g. for toothbrush, cordless vacuum cleaner] Ladestation {f} [z. B. für elektrische Zahnbürste, kabellosen Staubsauger]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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