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feline [Cerura erminea] [moth] Weißer Gabelschwanz {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
feline [Cerura erminea] [moth] Weißer Großer Gabelschwanz {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
feline [Cerura erminea] [moth]Weißer Raufußspinner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] [alt: Weißer Rauhfußspinner]
feline amenities {pl}Katzenfreundlichkeit {f}
feline ataxia feline Ataxie {f}
feline calicivirus <FCV>felines Calicivirus {n}
feline caries Katzenkaries {f} [veraltet] [feline odontoklastische resorptive Läsionen]
feline cavity Katzenkaries {f} [veraltet]
feline cervical line erosion Katzenkaries {f} [veraltet]
feline claw Katzenkralle {f}
feline demodicosis Demodikose {f} der Katze
feline dermatophytosis Dermatophytose {f} der Katze
feline diabetes Katzendiabetes {m}
feline distemper Panleukopenie {f}
feline distemperKatzenstaupe {f}
feline eyesKatzenaugen {pl}
feline health Katzengesundheit {f}
feline herpesvirus (type) 1 <FHV-1>felines Herpesvirus-1 {n} <FeHV-1, FHV-1>
feline hyperthyroidism feline Hyperthyreose {f}
feline immunodeficiency virus <FIV> felines Immundefizienz-Virus {n}
feline immunodeficiency virus <FIV> feliner Immundefizienz-Virus {m} [ugs.]
feline infectious enteritis <FIE> infektiöse Enteritis {f} der Katzen
feline infectious peritonitis <FIP> feline infektiöse Peritonitis {f} <FIP>
feline leukaemia [Br.]Katzenleukämie {f}
feline leukaemia virus [Br.]Katzenleukämievirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
feline leukemia [Am.] Katzenleukämie {f}
feline leukemia virus [Am.]Katzenleukämievirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
feline leukemia virus <FeLV> [Am.]Felines Leukosevirus {n} <FeLV> [auch: felines Leukosevirus]
feline leukemia virus <FeLV> [Am.]Feliner Leukosevirus {m} <FeLV> [nicht fachspr.] [auch: feliner Leukosevirus]
feline night monkey [Aotus azarae infulatus] Katzennachtaffe {m}
feline night monkey [Aotus azarae infulatus]Brasilianischer Nachtaffe {m}
feline odontoclastic resorptive lesion <FORL>feline odontoklastische resorptive Läsion {f} <FORL> [Erkrankung der Zähne bei Katzen]
feline owlet-nightjar [Aegotheles insignis] Käuzchenschwalm {m}
feline panleukopenia Panleukopenie {f}
feline panleukopenia virus felines Parvovirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
feline poxvirus infection {sg}Katzenpocken {pl} [Infektion, Krankheit]
feline predatorRaubkatze {f}
feline rhinitis Katzenrhinitis {f}
feline skull Katzenschädel {m}
feline speciesKatzenart {f}
feline species {pl}Katzenartige {pl}
feline therianthropic creature [werecat]Ailuranthrop {m} [Werkatze]
feline therianthropic creature [werecat] Katzenmensch {m} [Werkatze]
feline urinary syndrome Harnabsatzstörung {f}
feline viral rhinotracheitis <FVR>feline virale Rhinotracheitis {f}
felines [family Felidae]Katzen {pl} [Raubtierfamilie]
feline-specific therianthrope [ailuranthrope] Ailuranthrop {m}
felinity Katzenartigkeit {f}
felinosis Viruskratzlymphadenitis {f} [auch: Virus-Kratz-Lymphadenitis] [veraltet]
felinosis [cat-scratch disease] Felinosis {f} [Katzenkratzkrankheit]
Felis margarita meinertzhageni [North African species of sand cat] Algerische Sandkatze {f}
Felix the CatFelix der Kater
fell [archaic] tödlich
fell [Br.] kahler Berg {m}
fell [Br.] [high, barren hills and moors]Fjell {m} {n}
fell [Br.] [high, barren hills and moors] Fjäll {m} {n} [auch: Fjell]
fell [Br.] [rocky ridge, esp. in northern England and Scotland] Bergrücken {m} [baumlos, bes. im Hochland]
fell [literary] bestialisch
fell [poet.] [cruel] grausam
fell [skin]Balg {m}
fell handle [chain saw] Fällgriff {m} [Kettensäge]
fella [coll.]Atze {f} [selten {m}] [berlin., ugs.]
fella [coll.] Kerle {m} [regional: Kerl, Kerlchen]
fella [coll.] [fellow]Kerl {m} [ugs.]
fella [coll.] [fellow] Gefährte {m}
fella [coll.] [fellow] Typ {m} [ugs.]
fellah Fellache {m}
fellah [female]Fellachin {f}
fellaheenFellachen {pl}
fellahin Fellachen {pl}
fellas [coll.]Kumpel {pl} [ugs.]
fellas [coll.]Kerle {pl}
fellas [coll.] Atzen {pl} [berlinerisch]
fellas [coll.] Typen {pl} [ugs.]
fellatio Fellatio {f}
fellation [fellatio]Fellatio {f}
felled [tree] abgehauen
felled [tree]gefällt
felled seamKappnaht {f}
felled timber geschlagenes Holz {n}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara] Bittersüßer Nachtschatten {m}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara]Bittersüß {m}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara] Hundbeere {f}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara]Mäuseholz {n}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara] Mausholz {n}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara] Rote Hundsbeere {f}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara]Saurebe {f}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara] Stinkteufel {m}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara]Süßstoff {m}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara] Waldnachtschatten {m}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara] Wasserranke {f}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara] Wolfsbeere {f}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara]Teufelsklatten {m}
fellenwort [Solanum dulcamara] Natterholz {n}
feller [coll.] [a nonstandard variant of fellow] Kumpel {m} [ugs.]
fellers [Am.] Gefährten {pl}
fellers [Am.] Burschen {pl}
felling fällend
felling Holzung {f} [veraltend] [Holzfällen]
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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