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feltwort [Verbascum thapsus] Wollblume {f}
feltwort [Verbascum thapsus] Kleinblütiges Wollkraut {n}
feltwort [Verbascum thapsus]Himmelsbrand {m}
feltwort [Verbascum thapsus]Fackelkraut {n}
feltwort [Verbascum thapsus] Feldkerze {f}
feltwort [Verbascum thapsus] [common mullein] Wetterkerze {f} [Kleinblütige Königskerze]
feltwort [Verbascum thapsus] [common mullein] Brennkraut {n} [Kleinblütige Königskerze]
feltwort [Verbascum thapsus] [great mullein] Frauenkerze {f} [regional] [Kleinblütige Königskerze]
Felty / Felty's syndromeFelty-Syndrom {n}
felty lilac [Syringa tomentella] Filziger Flieder {m}
felucca Felucke {f} [inoffiziell; seltener neben: Feluke]
feluccaFeluke {f}
felwort [Gentianella amarella]Herbstenzian {m}
felwort [Gentianella amarella] Bitterer Fransenenzian {m}
felwort [Swertia perennis] Sumpfenzian {m}
felwort [Swertia perennis] Moorenzian {m}
felwort [Swertia perennis] Blauer Sumpfstern {m}
felwort [Swertia perennis] (Blauer) Tarant {m}
FEM calculation FEM-Berechnung {f}
female Weibchen {n}
female [e.g. boxing, labour, bust, corpse, clothes]Frauen- [z. B. Boxen, Arbeit, Büste, Leiche, Kleider]
female [humans, mammals] weibliches Geschlecht {n} [Mensch, Säugetiere]
female [person]Typin {f} [ugs.]
female [person] weibliches Wesen {n}
female [woman] Frau {f}
female [woman] Weib {n} [z. B. prächtiges Weib]
female [woman] Frauensperson {f} [veraltet]
female / male Luer [coll.] weiblicher / männlicher Luer-Lock {m} [ugs.]
female / woman in her late thirtiesEnddreißigerin {f} [Frau Ende dreißig]
female <f, ♀> weiblich <w, wbl., ♀>
female aardvarkErdferkelweibchen {n} [auch: Erdferkel-Weibchen]
female acquaintance Damenbekanntschaft {f}
female acquaintanceFrauenbekanntschaft {f}
female activity rate Frauenerwerbsquote {f}
female albatross Albatrosweibchen {n} [auch: Albatros-Weibchen]
female ancestors Vorfahrinnen {pl}
female ape Menschenäffin {f}
female apeÄffin {f} [Menschenäffin]
female apeAffenweibchen {n}
female applicant Bewerberin {f}
female artist Künstlerin {f}
female athleteAthletin {f}
female athlete Sportlerin {f}
female athlete triad weibliche athletische Triade {f} [Triade der sporttreibenden Frau]
female baboonPavianweibchen {n} [auch: Pavian-Weibchen]
female badgerDächsin {f}
female badger Fähe {f} [Dachsweibchen]
female badger Dachsweibchen {n}
female badger Dachsfähe {f}
female Barbary macaque Berberaffenweibchen {n} [auch: Berberaffen-Weibchen]
female batFledermausweibchen {n} [auch: Fledermaus-Weibchen]
female bear Bärenweibchen {n}
female bear Bärin {f}
female bearded vulture Bartgeierweibchen {n} [auch: Bartgeier-Weibchen]
female beaverBiberweibchen {n}
female birdVogelweibchen {n}
female blackbirdAmselweibchen {n}
female blackcap Mönchsgrasmückenweibchen {n} [auch: Mönchsgrasmücken-Weibchen]
female blind snake Blindschlangenweibchen {n}
female blindsnake Blindschlangenweibchen {n}
female boat urinal Urinschiffchen {n}
female bodyweiblicher Körper {m}
female bonoboBonoboweibchen {n} [auch: Bonobo-Weibchen]
female boxing Frauenboxen {n}
female boxingFrauenboxsport {m}
female bracke [also: female Bracke]Bräckin {f} [Jagdhündin; weibliche Form zu Bracke]
female breast weibliche Brust {f}
female brown bear Braunbärin {f}
female brown bearBraunbärweibchen {n} [auch: Braunbär-Weibchen]
female brown bearBraunbärenweibchen {n} [auch: Braunbären-Weibchen]
female bullfinchGimpelweibchen {n} [auch: Gimpel-Weibchen]
female bullfinchDompfaffweibchen {n} [auch: Dompfaff-Weibchen]
female burial Frauenbestattung {f}
female bust weibliche Büste {f}
female bust Büste {f} einer Frau
female bustFrauenbüste {f}
female bustard Trappenweibchen {n} [auch: Trappen-Weibchen]
female buzzard Bussardweibchen {n} [auch: Bussard-Weibchen]
female cable connector Kabelsteckverbinder {m} [Federleiste]
female camel Kamelstute {f}
female cassowaryKasuarweibchen {n} [auch: Kasuar-Weibchen]
female chaffinchBuchfinkweibchen {n} [auch: Buchfink-Weibchen]
female chaffinch Buchfinkenweibchen {n} [auch: Buchfinken-Weibchen]
female chamois Gämsgeiß {f}
female cheetah Gepardenweibchen {n} [auch: Geparden-Weibchen]
female chiffchaff Zilpzalpweibchen {n} [auch: Zilpzalp-Weibchen]
female chimp [coll.]Schimpansenweibchen {n} [auch: Schimpansen-Weibchen]
female chimpanzee Schimpansenweibchen {n} [auch: Schimpansen-Weibchen]
female choiceWeibchenwahl {f}
female circumcision Beschneidung {f} der Frau
female circumcision Beschneidung {f} des weiblichen Genitals
female circumcision [clitoridectomy] Klitorisbeschneidung {f}
female clothes Frauenkleider {pl}
female coal tit Tannenmeisen-Weibchen {n} [auch: Tannenmeisenweibchen]
female comedianKomikerin {f}
female common raven Kolkrabenweibchen {n} [auch: Kolkraben-Weibchen]
female common sealSeehundweibchen {n} [auch: Seehund-Weibchen]
female (common) starlingStarenweibchen {n} [auch: Staren-Weibchen]
female companionWeggefährtin {f}
female company Damenbegleitung {f} [geh.] [Begleitung durch eine Frau]
« Feltfelifellfellfelofeltfemafemafemafemafemo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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