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female icterine warblerGelbspötterweibchen {n} [auch: Gelbspötter-Weibchen]
female impala Impalaweibchen {n} [auch: Impala-Weibchen]
female in her late eighties Endachtzigerin {f} [Frau Ende achtzig]
female in her late fiftiesEndfünfzigerin {f} [Frau Ende fünfzig]
female in her late forties Endvierzigerin {f} [Frau Ende vierzig]
female in her late seventies Endsiebzigerin {f} [Frau Ende siebzig]
female in her late sixtiesEndsechzigerin {f} [Frau Ende sechzig]
female in her late twenties Endzwanzigerin {f} [Frau Ende zwanzig]
female indriIndriweibchen {n} [auch: Indri-Weibchen]
female infertilityweibliche Unfruchtbarkeit {f}
female insert Buchseneinsatz {m}
female intuition weibliche Intuition {f}
female jackBuchse {f}
female jackdaw Dohlenweibchen {n} [auch: Dohlen-Weibchen]
female jaguar Jaguarweibchen {n} [auch: Jaguar-Weibchen]
female jailFrauenknast {m} [ugs.]
female jayEichelhäherweibchen {n} [auch: Eichelhäher-Weibchen]
female journalistJournalistin {f}
female juvenile lead jugendliche Liebhaberin {f} [Rollenfach]
female kea Kea-Weibchen {n} [auch: Keaweibchen]
female kinkajou Wickelbärweibchen {n} [auch: Wickelbär-Weibchen]
female kinkajouWickelbärenweibchen {n}
female koala Koalaweibchen {n}
female labor [Am.] Frauenarbeit {f}
female labour [Br.] Frauenarbeit {f}
female Lahore (pigeon)Lahoretäubin {f}
female languageFrauensprache {f}
female leopardLeopardenweibchen {n} [auch: Leoparden-Weibchen]
female leopard Leopardin {f}
female lineweibliche Linie {f}
female Luer-Lok ® / Luer lock <FLL> weiblicher Luer-Lock {m}
female Luer-Lok ® (fitting) connection [Luer-Lock connection] weiblicher Luer-Lock-Anschluss {m} [Luer-Konus, Innenkegel]
female lynxLuchsweibchen {n}
female lynx Luchsin {f}
female macaqueMakakenweibchen {n} [auch: Makaken-Weibchen]
female macawAraweibchen {n} [auch: Ara-Weibchen]
female mallardStockentenweibchen {n} [auch: Stockenten-Weibchen]
female Maltese [dog] Malteserweibchen {f}
female mamma [female breast] weibliche Mamma {f} [fachspr.] [weibliche Brust]
female melodious warblerOrpheusspötterweibchen {n} [auch: Orpheusspötter-Weibchen]
female migrant Migrantin {f}
female monkeyÄffin {f}
female monkey Affenweibchen {n}
female multipoint connectorFederleiste {f}
female musk oxMoschusochsenweibchen {n} [auch: Moschusochsen-Weibchen]
female muskox Moschusochsenweibchen {n} [auch: Moschusochsen-Weibchen]
female (northern) lapwingKiebitzweibchen {n} [auch: Kiebitz-Weibchen]
female nude weiblicher Akt {m}
female occupation Frauenberuf {m}
female ocelotOzelotweibchen {n} [auch: Ozelot-Weibchen]
female offspring weibliche Nachkommen {pl}
female orangutan / orang-utan Orang-Utan-Weibchen {n}
female ostrichStraußenweibchen {n}
female parrot Papageiweibchen {n} [auch: Papagei-Weibchen]
female parrotPapageienweibchen {n} [auch: Papageien-Weibchen]
female part Mutterteil {m} {n} [Schlauch- und Kupplungstechnik]
female part Frauenrolle {f}
female participation Frauenbeteiligung {f}
female partnerPartnerin {f}
female patients Patientinnen {pl}
female pattern baldness / alopecia [Alopecia androgenetica]weibliche Glatzenbildung {f}
female pattern baldness <FPB> [Alopecia androgenetica] androgenetischen Haarausfall {m} [bei der Frau]
female penguin Pinguinweibchen {n} [auch: Pinguin-Weibchen]
female (person) weibliche Person {f}
female piece Mutterteil {m}
female pigeonTaubenweibchen {n}
female pigeonTäubin {f}
female pin Buchsenstift {m} [Hohlstift]
female pinHohlstift {m} [Buchsenstift]
female pipe thread <FPT> Rohrinnengewinde {n}
female player Spielerin {f}
female plug Steckerbuchse {f}
female polar bearEisbärweibchen {n}
female polar bear Eisbärenweibchen {n}
female polar bear Eisbärin {f}
female poodle Pudelweibchen {n}
female poodle Pudeldame {f} [hum.] [Pudelweibchen]
Female Pope <II> [also: female pope] ["La Papesse", Papess, High Priestess] [Tarot card] Päpstin {f} <II> [Hohepriesterin] [Tarotkarte]
female populationweibliche Bevölkerung {f}
female portraitFrauenporträt {n}
female portraitFrauenportrait {n} [alt]
female portrait Frauenbildnis {n}
female portraits Frauendarstellungen {pl}
female portraits Frauenporträts {pl}
female portraits Frauenportraits {pl} [alt]
female portraitsFrauenbildnisse {pl}
female povertyFrauenarmut {f}
female principle weibliches Prinzip {n}
female profession Frauenberuf {m}
female pronghornGabelbockweibchen {n}
female protesterDemonstrantin {f}
female pugMopsdame {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [Mopsweibchen]
female pug Mopsweibchen {n}
female pugMöpsin {f} [ugs.] [Mopsweibchen]
female puma [esp. Br.] Pumaweibchen {n} [auch: Puma-Weibchen]
female quotaFrauenquote {f}
female rape [rape by women]Vergewaltigung {f} durch Frauen
female red-backed shrike [Lanius collurio] Neuntöterweibchen {n} [auch: Neuntöter-Weibchen]
female red-footed falcon Rotfußfalkenweibchen {n} [auch: Rotfußfalken-Weibchen]
female regulator [Packera aurea, syn.: Senecio aureus] [golden ragwort] Goldkreuzkraut {n}
« fellfellfelofeltfemafemafemafemafemofenpfenc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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