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female regulator [Packera aurea, syn.: Senecio aureus] [golden ragwort] Goldenes Kreuzkraut {n}
female regulator [Packera aurea, syn.: Senecio aureus] [golden ragwort]Goldenes Greiskraut {n}
female rhino [coll.]Nashornweibchen {n} [auch: Nashorn-Weibchen]
female rhino [coll.]Rhinozerosweibchen {n} [auch: Rhinozeros-Weibchen]
female rhinoceros Nashornweibchen {n} [auch: Nashorn-Weibchen]
female rhinocerosRhinozerosweibchen {n} [auch: Rhinozeros-Weibchen]
female rights activist Frauenrechtsaktivist {m}
female rights activist [female] Frauenrechtsaktivistin {f}
female rights activists Frauenrechtsaktivisten {pl}
female rights activists [female] Frauenrechtsaktivistinnen {pl}
female ring ouzelRingdrosselweibchen {n} [auch: Ringdrossel-Weibchen]
female ring-tailed lemurKattaweibchen {n} [auch: Katta-Weibchen]
female roleFrauenrolle {f}
female role model Vorzeigefrau {f} [Vorbild]
female rottweiler Rottweilerweibchen {n}
female screwSchraubenmutter {f}
female screw Schraube {f} mit Innengewinde
female screw Mutter {f} [Schraubenmutter]
female screw Hohlschraube {f}
female sculptureFrauenskulptur {f}
female sealRobbenweibchen {n} [auch: Robben-Weibchen]
female serin Girlitzweibchen {n} [auch: Girlitz-Weibchen]
female serval Servalweibchen {n} [auch: Serval-Weibchen]
female sexweibliches Geschlecht {n}
female sex hormone weibliches Geschlechtshormon {n}
female sex hormoneweibliches Sexualhormon {n}
female share Frauenanteil {m}
female skeleton Frauenskelett {n}
female smew Zwergsägerweibchen {n} [auch: Zwergsäger-Weibchen]
female snail Schneckenweibchen {n}
female snakeSchlangenweibchen {n}
female socketFlanschdose {f}
female song thrush Singdrosselweibchen {n} [auch: Singdrossel-Weibchen]
female southern cassowaryHelmkasuar-Weibchen {n} [auch: Helmkasuarweibchen]
female (Soviet) soldiersFlintenweiber {pl} [pej.] [Nazi-Terminologie]
female sparrow Sperlingsweibchen {n}
female sparrow Spatzenweibchen {n} [auch: Spatzen-Weibchen]
female square Innenvierkant {m}
female square driveInnenvierkantantrieb {m} [Schlüssel]
female statue Frauenstatue {f}
female sterilization [tubal ligation]weibliche Sterilisation {f} [Tubenligatur]
female stoatHermelinweibchen {n} [auch: Hermelin-Weibchen]
female stork Störchin {f}
female stork Storchenweibchen {n}
female suffrageStimmrecht {n} für Frauen
female suit Kostüm {n} [Damenkostüm]
female swan Schwanenweibchen {n}
female tapir Tapirweibchen {n} [auch: Tapir-Weibchen]
female teacherLehrerin {f}
female threadInnengewinde {n}
female thread Hohlgewinde {n}
female threadMuttergewinde {n}
female toilets {pl} Damentoilette {f}
female torso Frauentorso {m}
female touch weibliche Note {f}
female urethra [Urethra feminina, Urethra muliebris]weibliche Harnröhre {f}
female urination device <FUD> Urinella {f} [ugs.]
female visit Weiberbesuch {m} [hum.] [auch pej.]
female voice Frauenstimme {f} [bes. Gesangsstimme]
female wild boar Bache {f}
female wild boarWildsau {f} [weibliches Wildschwein]
female willow warblerFitisweibchen {n} [auch: Fitis-Weibchen]
female wolf Fähe {f} [weiblicher Wolf]
female workers exposed to noise Lärmarbeiterinnen {pl}
female yellowhammerGoldammerweibchen {n} [auch: Goldammer-Weibchen]
[female / male / non-binary, used to express gender diversity in job listings] weiblich / männlich / divers <w/m/d> [z. B. in Stellenanzeigen]
[female Austrians living abroad]Auslandsösterreicherinnen {pl}
[female (certified) multilingual administrative assistant](geprüfte) Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin {f}
[female citizen of Canton Vaud, Switzerland] Waadtländerin {f}
[female doctor's receptionist with additional medical duties, such as drawing blood] Arzthelferin {f} [veraltet] [medizinische Fachangestellte]
[female high government official responsible for family affairs]Familienministerin {f}
[female inheritor of a large fortune] Millionenerbin {f}
[female member of cantonal parliament in Switzerland] Großrätin {f} [schweiz.] [weibliches Mitglied des Großrates]
[female member or follower of the SPD] Rote {f} [ugs.] [oft pej.] [Politikerin der SPD od. Anhängerin]
[female native of Canton Solothurn in Switzerland] Solothurnerin {f}
[female native of the city of St. Gallen / St Gall or of the Swiss canton of St. Gallen / St Gall]Sankt Gallerin {f} <St. Gallerin> [auch: Sankt-Gallerin]
[female native of the city of St. Gallen / St Gall or of the Swiss canton of St. Gallen / St Gall] Sankt Gallenerin {f} <St. Gallenerin> [auch: Sankt-Gallenerin]
[female native of the city of Zug or of the Swiss canton of Zug] Zugerin {f}
[female native of the Swiss town of Engelberg in Obwalden Canton] Engelbergerin {f}
[female operating room nurse, OR nurse, perioperative nurse, scrub nurse] Fachgesundheits- und Krankenpflegerin {f} für den Operationsdienst
[female owner of one or more heavy-industrial companies] Schwerindustrielle {f}
[female person from Basle] Baslerin {f}
[female person suffering from chronic pains] Schmerzkranke {f}
[female person who breaks the law out of moral conviction]Gesinnungstäterin {f}
[female person who pilots and tows different kinds of ships in large ports, and takes part in loading and unloading]Hafenschifferin {f}
[female professor responsible for formulating the topic of an academic thesis, who is not necessarily the student's personal advisor]Themenstellerin {f} [einer akademischen Qualifikationsarbeit]
[female pupil who has to repeat a year]Sitzenbleiberin {f}
[female resident of Canton Obwalden in Switzerland]Obwaldnerin {f}
[female roe deer in the second year of life] Schmalreh {n} [jägerspr.] [weibliches Reh im zweiten Lebensjahr]
[female secretary] Sekretärinnentussi {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
[female sommelier experienced in breaking open a champagne bottle using a saber] Sabreuse {f}
[female supervisor of servants at an estate] Baumuhme {f} [veraltet] [Meierin]
[female worker who mixes mortar and carries it to the bricklayers] Mörtelweib {n} [österr.] [veraltet]
(female) bathing attendant Badefrau {f}
(female) mould [Br.]Gesenk {n}
(female) nurse pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]Schwesternhose {f}
(female) nurse's pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.] Schwesternhose {f}
(female) suit jacketKostümjacke {f} [Jacke eines Damenkostüms]
femaledom {sg} [women considered as a group] Frauen {pl} [als Sammelbegriff]
female-dominated in Frauenhand
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