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fended abgewehrt
fenderSchutzblech {n}
fenderFender {m}
fender [Am.] Kotflügel {m}
fender [of a fireplace]Kamingitter {n}
fender beading [Am.] [trim] Kotflügelkeder {m}
fender bender [Am.] [minor automobile accident] (Unfall mit) Bagatellschaden {m}
fender bender [Am.] [sl.] Unfall {m} mit Blechschaden
fender bumping hammerKotflügelhammer {m}
fender bumping hammer Tiefhammer {m}
fender file [Am.]Karosseriefeile {f}
fender liner [Am.]Banane {f} [ugs.] [Schutzblech im Radkasten]
fender mount Schutzblechhalter-Ösen {pl}
fender shield [Am.]Banane {f} [ugs.] [Schutzblech im Radkasten]
fender systemFendersystem {n}
fender welting [Am.] [trim]Kotflügelkeder {m} [Kotflügeldichtung]
fendertrim Radlaufzierleiste {f}
fending abwehrend
Fendley GlacierFendley-Gletscher {m}
fenestellaFenestella {f}
fenestrane Fenestran {n}
fenestrate gefenstert
fenestrate limpet [Lottia fenestrata, syn.: Acmaea cribraria, A. fenestrata, Collisella fenestrata, Notoacmaea fenestrata, Tectura fenestrata]Lottia fenestrata {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
fenestrate topshell / top shell [Tectus fenestratus, syn.: Trochus fenestratus]Fenster-Kreiselschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
fenestrated fenestriert
fenestrated gefenstert
fenestrated and branched stentsgefensterte und verzweigte Stents {pl}
fenestration Fensterwerk {n}
fenestration Fensteranordnung {f}
fenestrationFensterung {f}
fenestrationFenestration {f}
fenestration operation Fensterungsoperation {f}
fenethylline Fenetyllin {n}
fenetylline [spv.] Fenetyllin {n}
fenfluramine [C12H16F3N]Fenfluramin {n} [Appetitzügler]
feng shui Feng-Shui {n}
feng shuiFengshui {n}
fengchengite [Na12?3(Ca,Sr)6Fe3Zr3Si(Si25O73)(H2O,OH)3(OH,Cl)2]Fengchengit {m}
Fenians Fenier {pl} [republikanische Iren]
fenlandMoor {n}
fenlands Moore {pl}
fennec [Vulpes zerda]Fennek {m}
fennec [Vulpes zerda] Wüstenfuchs {m}
fennec fox [Vulpes zerda] Wüstenfuchs {m}
fennec fox [Vulpes zerda] Fennek {m}
fennel [cooked or sautéed]Fenchelgemüse {n}
fennel [Foeniculum vulgare] Fenchel {m}
fennel bulb Fenchelknolle {f}
fennel flower [Nigella sativa] Echter Schwarzkümmel {m}
fennel fronds {pl}Fenchelgrün {n}
fennel gratin Fenchelgratin {n} [auch, bes. schweiz. {m}]
fennel infusion Fencheltee {m}
fennel oil Fenchelöl {n}
fennel pollenFenchelpollen {m}
fennel pondweed [Potamogeton pectinatus, syn. Stuckenia pectinata] Kamm-Laichkraut {n}
fennel salad Fenchelsalat {m}
fennel seedFenchelsamen {m}
fennel soupFenchelsuppe {f}
fennel tea Fencheltee {m}
fennel-leaved pondweed [Potamogeton pectinatus, syn.: P. pectinata, Coleogeton pectinatus, Stuckenia pectinata] Kamm-Laichkraut / Kammlaichkraut {n}
fennicism Fennizismus {m}
FennisticsFennistik {f}
Fennoscandia Fennoskandinavien {n}
FennoscandiaFennoskandien {n}
FennoscandiaFennoskandia {f}
Fennoscandian fennoskandisch
Fennoscandian PeninsulaFennoskandinavien {n}
Fenno-ScandinaviaFennoskandinavien {n}
fenoterol [C17H21NO4] Fenoterol {n}
fenpiclonil [C11H6Cl2N2]Fenpiclonil {n}
fenpyroximate [C24H27N3O4] Fenpyroximat {n}
fen-rue [Thalictrum flavum, syn.: T. flavum subsp. flavum]Gelbe Wiesenraute {f}
fens Moore {pl}
fens Sumpfgebiete {pl}
fens Sumpfländer {pl}
fen-sedge [genus Cladium] Schneide {f} [Sauergras]
fentanyl [also: fentanil] [C22H28N2O] Fentanyl {n} [auch: Fentanil]
fentanyl citrate Fentanylcitrat {n}
fentanyl derivative Fentanylderivat {n}
fentanyl derivatives Fentanylderivate {pl}
fentanyl pain patches Fentanyl-Schmerzpflaster {pl}
fentanyl patches Fentanyl-Pflaster {pl}
fentanyl skin patch Fentanyl-Hautpflaster {n}
fenticonazole Fenticonazol {n}
Fenton reaction Fenton-Reaktion {f}
Fenton's wood white [Leptidea morsei] [butterfly] Östlicher Tintenfleck-Weißling {m}
Fenton's wood white [Leptidea morsei] [butterfly] Östlicher Senf-Weißling {m}
fenugreek [Trigonella foenum-graecum] Bockshornklee {m}
fenugreek [Trigonella foenum-graecum] Fenugreek {m} [Bockshornklee]
fenugreek [Trigonella foenum-graecum] Ziegenhorn {n} [Bockshornklee]
fenugreek [Trigonella foenum-graecum] Siebenzeiten {m} [veraltet] [Bockshornklee]
fenugreek [Trigonella foenum-graecum]Bockshorn {n} [Bockshornklee]
fenugreek [Trigonella foenum-graecum]Philosophenklee {m}
fenugreek [Trigonella foenum-graecum] Stundenkraut {n} [Bockshornklee]
fenugreek [Trigonella foenum-graecum] Feine Grete {f} [regional] [Bockshornklee]
fenugreek [Trigonella foenum-graecum] Schöne Margreth {f} [regional] [Bockshornklee]
fenugreek [Trigonella foenum-graecum] Filigrazie {f} [regional] [Bockshornklee]
fenugreek [Trigonella foenum-graecum] Gelblicher Schabziegerklee {m} [regional] [Bockshornklee]
« femafemafemefemofenvfendfenufermfermferoferr »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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