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ferronnière [also: ferroniere]Ferronière {f}
ferronordite-(Ce) [Na3(Sr,Ca)(Fe,Mn)(Ce,La) [Si6O17]]Ferronordit-(Ce) {m}
ferronordite-(La) [Na3Sr(La,Ce)Fe [Si6O17]]Ferronordit-(La) {m}
ferronyböite [NaNa2(Fe)3Al2(Si7Al)O22(OH)2] Ferronyböit {m}
ferro-obertiite [NaNa2(Fe3FeTi)Si8O22O2] Ferro-Obertiit {m}
ferropargasite [NaCa2(Fe,Mg)4Al(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2] Ferropargasit {m}
ferropedrizite [Li3(LiFe2FeAl)Si8O22(OH)2] Ferropedrizit {m}
ferroportin Ferroportin {n}
ferropyrosmalite [(Fe,Mn)8Si6O15(Cl,OH)10] [dated] [Pyrosmalite-(Fe)] Ferropyrosmalith {m} [veraltet] [Pyrosmalith-(Fe), Ferropyrosmalit]
ferro-resonance Ferroresonanz {f}
ferrorhodsite [(Fe,Cu)(Rh,Ir,Pt)2S4]Ferrorhodsit {m}
ferrorichterite [Na2Ca(Fe,Mg)5Si8O22(OH)2]Ferrorichterit {m}
ferrorosemaryite [Na(Fe2+)(Fe3+)Al(PO4)3]Ferrorosemaryit {m}
ferrosaponite [Ca0.3(Fe,Mg,Fe)3 [(OH)2|(Si,Al)Si3O10]·4H2O]Ferrosaponit {m}
ferroselite [FeSe2]Ferroselit {m}
ferrosilicon [FeSi] Ferrosilizium {n} [FeSi]
ferrosilicon [FeSi] Ferrosilicium {n} [FeSi]
ferrosilicon alloy Eisen-Silizium-Legierung {f}
ferrosilicon chromeFerrosilicochrom {n}
ferrosilite [(Fe,Mg)2Si2O6] Ferrosilit {m} [ein Orthopyroxen]
ferroskutterudite [FeAs3] Ferroskutterudit {m}
ferrostrunzite [FeFe2(PO4)2(OH)2·6H2O] Ferrostrunzit {m}
ferrotaaffeite-2N'2S [Be(Fe,Mg,Zn)3Al8O16] Ferrotaaffeit-2N'2S {m}
ferrotaaffeite-6N [(Fe,Zn,Mg)2Al6BeO12]Ferrotaaffeit-6N {m}
ferro-tartrate (of potassium) [Tartarus ferratus] Eisenweinstein {m}
ferrotitanowodginite [(Fe,Mn)(Ti,Sn,Ta,Fe)(Ta,Nb)2O8] Ferrotitanowodginit {m}
ferrotochilinite [6FeS·5Fe(OH)2]Ferrotochilinit {m}
ferrotschermakite [Ca2MgFe3Al [OH|AlSi3O11]2] Ferrotschermakit {m}
ferrotungsten [FeW]Eisenwolfram {n}
ferrotychite [Na6Fe2(SO4)(CO3)4] Ferrotychit {m}
ferrotypeFerrotypie {f}
ferrous alloyEisenlegierung {f}
ferrous alloyFerrolegierung {f}
ferrous alloys Ferrolegierungen {pl}
ferrous and non-ferrous castingEisen- und Nichteisenmetallguss {m}
ferrous fumarateEisenfumarat {n}
ferrous gluconate [E-579]Eisengluconat {n}
ferrous gluconate [to stabilize the colour of treated olives darkened by oxidation] Schwärzungsmittel {n} [nur für Oliven; Eisengluconat]
ferrous ionEisenion {n}
ferrous lactate [E-585]Eisen-II-Lactat {n}
ferrous material Eisenwerkstoff {m}
ferrous metallurgyEisenmetallurgie {f}
ferrous metallurgyEisenhüttenkunde {f}
ferrous oxide [FeO]Eisenmonoxid {n}
ferrous oxide [FeO]Eisen(II)-oxid {n}
ferrous picrate <FePic> [Ferrum picrinicum] Eisenpikrat {n}
ferrous sulfate [Am.] Eisensulfat {n}
ferrous sulfate [FeSO4] [Am.]Ferrosulfat {n}
ferrous sulfate [FeSO4] [Am.] Eisen-(II)-sulfat {n}
ferrous sulphate [Br.] Eisensulfat {n}
ferrous sulphate [Br.] Eisen-(II)-sulfat {n}
ferrous sulphate [FeSO4] [Br.] Ferrosulfat {n}
ferrous waste and scrap {sg} Abfälle {pl} und Schrott aus Eisen (und Stahl)
ferrovalleriite [(Fe,Cu)2S2·1.5Fe(OH)2] Ferrovalleriit {m}
ferrowinchite [NaCa(Fe,Mg)4AlSi8O22(OH)2] Ferrowinchit {m}
ferrowodginite [(Fe,Mn)(Sn,Ti,Fe,Ta)(Ta,Nb)2O8]Ferrowodginit {m}
ferrowyllieite [(Na,Ca,Mn)(Fe,Mn)(Fe,Fe,Mg)Al(PO4)3] Ferrowyllieit {m}
ferruccite [NaBF4] Ferruccit {m}
ferruginous [containing iron oxides]eisenhaltig
ferruginous [reddish brown, rust-coloured]rostfarben
ferruginous antbird [Drymophila ferruginea] Weißbrauen-Ameisenfänger {m}
ferruginous antbird [Drymophila ferruginea] Rostbauch-Ameisenfänger {m}
ferruginous buzzard [Buteo regalis, syn.: Archibuteo ferrugineus]Königsbussard {m}
ferruginous crust Eisenkruste {f}
ferruginous crust [also: ferruginous duricrust] Eisenpanzer {m} [Eisenkruste]
ferruginous duck [Aythya nyroca] Moorente {f}
ferruginous duricrust eisenhaltige Hartkruste {f}
ferruginous flycatcher [Muscicapa ferruginea]Rostschnäpper {m}
ferruginous hawk [Buteo regalis] Königsbussard {m}
ferruginous jungle babbler [Trichastoma bicolor]Weißwangen-Maustimalie {f}
ferruginous lark [Calendulauda burra, syn.: Ammomanes burra, A. burrus, Certhilauda burra, C. harei, Mirafra burra] Kalaharilerche {f}
ferruginous lark [Calendulauda burra, syn.: Ammomanes burra, A. burrus, Certhilauda burra, C. harei, Mirafra burra] Oranjelerche {f}
ferruginous limestone Eisenkalkstein {m}
ferruginous partridge [Caloperdix oculea, syn.: C. oculeus]Rostgelbes Waldrebhuhn {n}
ferruginous partridge [Caloperdix oculea]Augenwachtel {f}
ferruginous pochard [Aythya nyroca]Moorente {f}
ferruginous pygmy owl [Glaucidium brasilianum]Strichelkauz {m}
ferruginous pygmy owl [Glaucidium brasilianum] Brasilianischer Sperlingskauz {m}
ferruginous pygmy-owl [Glaucidium brasilianum] Brasil-Sperlingskauz {m}
ferruginous quartz [SiO2]Eisenkiesel {m}
ferruginous rough-leg / roughleg [Buteo regalis, syn.: Archibuteo ferrugineus] Königsbussard {m}
ferruginous roughleg buzzard [Buteo regalis, syn.: Archibuteo ferrugineus] Königsbussard {m}
ferruginous rough-leg hawk [Buteo regalis, syn.: Archibuteo ferrugineus] Königsbussard {m}
ferruginous sand-lark [Calendulauda burra, syn.: Ammomanes burra, A. burrus, Certhilauda burra, C. harei, Mirafra burra]Oranjelerche {f}
ferruginous sand-lark [Calendulauda burra, syn.: Ammomanes burra, A. burrus, Certhilauda burra, C. harei, Mirafra burra] Kalaharilerche {f}
ferruginous white-eye [Aythya nyroca] Moorente {f}
ferruginous wood-partridge / wood partridge [Caloperdix oculea, syn.: C. oculeus]Augenwachtel {f}
ferruginous wood-partridge / wood partridge [Caloperdix oculea, syn.: C. oculeus]Rostgelbes Waldrebhuhn {n}
ferruginous-backed antbird [Myrmeciza ferruginea] Rostrücken-Ameisenvogel {m}
ferruginous-backed antbird [Myrmeciza ferruginea] Weißband-Ameisenvogel {m}
ferruleRingbeschlag {m}
ferruleAderendhülse {f}
ferrule Presshülse {f}
ferrule Zwinge {f}
ferrule Ringfassung {f} [bei einem Aufbaustift]
ferruleRetentionsmanschette {f} [bei einem Aufbaustift]
ferruleQuetschhülse {f}
ferrule [termination for steel wire ropes]Pressklemme {f} [Endverbindung für Drahtseile aus Stahldraht]
ferruled gezüchtigt
« fenuFermfermfernferrferrferrfertfervfestfeta »
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