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few and far betweenganz vereinzelt
few and far betweendünn gesät [fig.]
few and far between vereinzelt
few and far between rar gesät [fig.]
few and far between nicht sehr zahlreich
few and far between punktuell [vereinzelt]
few and far betweenrar
few and far between [postpos.]selten
few changes wenig Änderungen {pl}
few men wenige Männer {pl}
few men [human beings, people] wenige Menschen {pl}
few peoplewenige Leute {pl}
few peoplewenige Menschen {pl}
Few police were in evidence outside the courtroom. Außerhalb des Gerichtssaals war nur ein geringes Polizeiaufgebot zu erkennen.
fewer [counting things]weniger
fewer and fewer immer weniger
fewer than average unterdurchschnittlich wenige
fewest of allam wenigsten
few-flower Jacob's ladder [Polemonium pauciflorum]Gelbe Jakobsleiter {f}
fewflower sedge [Carex pauciflora] Wenigblütige Segge {f}
fewflower sedge [Carex pauciflora]Armblütige Segge {f}
fewflower spikerush [Eleocharis quinqueflora] Armblütige Sumpfbinse {f}
fewflower spikerush [Eleocharis quinqueflora] Wenigblütige Sumpfsimse {f}
few-flowered cotoneaster [Cotoneaster nitens]Glänzende Zwergmispel {f}
few-flowered cotoneaster [Cotoneaster nitens] Glänzende Strauchmispel {f}
few-flowered fumitory [Fumaria vaillantii] Blasser Erdrauch {m}
few-flowered fumitory [Fumaria vaillantii] Buschiger Erdrauch {m}
few-flowered fumitory [Fumaria vaillantii]Feinblättriger Erdrauch {m}
few-flowered garlic [Allium paradoxum]Wunder-Lauch / Wunderlauch {m}
few-flowered garlic [Allium paradoxum]Seltsamer Lauch {m}
few-flowered leek [Allium paradoxum] Seltsamer Lauch {m}
few-flowered leek [Allium paradoxum] Wunder-Lauch / Wunderlauch {m}
few-flowered sedge [Carex pauciflora] Wenigblütige Segge {f}
few-flowered sedge [Carex pauciflora]Armblütige Segge {f}
fewleaf / few-leaf hawkweed [Hieracium murorum] Wald-Habichtskraut / Waldhabichtskraut {n}
fewleaf / few-leaf hawkweed [Hieracium murorum]Mauer-Habichtskraut / Mauerhabichtskraut {n}
few-leaved hawkweed [Hieracium murorum]Mauer-Habichtskraut {n} [auch: Mauerhabichtskraut]
few-leaved hawkweed [Hieracium murorum] Wald-Habichtskraut / Waldhabichtskraut {n}
fewnessWenigkeit {f}
fewness [paucity] Mangel {m}
few-seeded bog sedge [Carex microglochin]Kleine Grannen-Segge {f}
few-seeded bog sedge [Carex microglochin] Kleingrannige Segge {f}
few-seeded bog sedge [Carex microglochin] Borsten-Segge {f}
few-spine marble-fruit prickly pear [Opuntia engelmannii var. engelmannii, syn.: O. aciculata, O. engelmannii, O. flexospina, O. lindheimeri, O. linguiformis, O. tardispina]Engelmanns Feigenkaktus {m}
fewtrils [regional]Schnickschnack {m} [ugs.]
fexofenadine [C32H39NO4] Fexofenadin {n}
fey [clairvoyant]hellseherisch
fey [fairylike] magisch [feenhaft]
fey [Br.] todgeweiht
fey [fairylike] [esp. Br.] [sl.] tuntig [ugs.] [pej.]
fey [whimsical] exzentrisch
feyironFeeneisen {n}
feyness Exzentrizität {f}
feynessSchrulligkeit {f}
Feynman diagramFeynman-Diagramm {n}
Feynman graphFeynman-Graph {m}
feysteelFeenstahl {m}
fez Fes {m}
fez Fez {m} [Fes]
Fez [Moroccan city] Fès {n} [Stadt in Marokko]
Fezzan Fessan {m} [auch Fezzan]
FFP mask FFP-Maske {f}
FG instrumentFG-Instrument {n}
FGD gypsum Rauchgasgips {m}
FGD reheat systemRauchgasaufheizung {f}
f-hole [esp. with violin-family instruments]F-Loch {n} [bes. bei Instrumenten der Violinfamilie]
FI / RCD test FI / RCD-Prüfung {f}
FI / RCD testFI / RCD-Prüftest {m}
fiacre Fiaker {m} [österr.]
Fianarantsoa big-headed snake [Compsophis zeny] Fianarantsoa-Großkopfnatter {f}
Fianarantsoa snake [Compsophis laphystius]Fianarantsoa-Natter {f}
Fianarantsoa snake [Compsophis laphystius] Ranomafana-Großkopfnatter {f}
fiancé Verlobter {m}
fiancee Verlobte {f}
fiancée Braut {f} [veraltet] [Verlobte]
fiancée Verlobte {f}
fiancee visa [Am.] Verlobungsvisum {n}
fianchetto [chess]Fianchetto {n} [Schach]
fianchettoed [chess]fianchettiert [Schach]
fianelite [Mn2 [V(V,As)O7]·2H2O]Fianelit {m}
fiasco Fiasko {n}
fiasco Trauerspiel {n}
fiasco Misserfolg {m}
fiasco Debakel {n}
Fiasco [Imre Kertész] Fiasko
Fiasco [Stanisław Lem] Fiasko
fiasco [straw-covered bottle for wine, esp. for Chianti] Fiasco {m} [mit Stroh umflochtene Flasche für Chianti]
fiat Einverständnis {n}
fiat Ermächtigung {f}
fiatZustimmung {f}
fiat Anordnung {f} [Befehl, Erlass]
fiat Befehl {m}
fiatErlass {m}
fiatFiat {n} [veraltet]
fiat [authorization]Erlaubnis {f} [formell]
fiat [authorization] Genehmigung {f} [formell]
fiat [authorization]Billigung {f}
fiat in bankruptcy Konkurseröffnungsbeschluss {m}
fiat moneyGiralgeld {n}
fiat moneyPapiergeld {n} ohne Deckung
« fervfestfetafetifeudfewafiatfibefibrfibrfick »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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