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English-German Dictionary

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fiber optic communication [Am.] Glasfaserkommunikation {f}
fiber optic gyro <FOG> [Am.] faseroptischer Kreisel {m}
fiber optic gyroscope <FOG> [Am.] Faserkreisel {m}
fiber optic transmission [Am.] Lichtleiterübertragung {f}
fiber optics [Am.]Glasfaser {f}
fiber optics [Am.]Glasfasertechnik {f}
fiber optics [Am.]Lichtleitertechnik {f}
fiber optics [Am.]Lichtleiter {m} <LL>
fiber optics [Am.] Faseroptik {f}
fiber optics [treated as sg. or pl.] [Am.] Fiberoptik {f}
fiber optics [treated as sg.] [Am.] Lichtwellenleitertechnik {f}
fiber optics system [Am.] Lichtleitersystem {n}
fiber orientation [Am.] Faserverlauf {m}
fiber orientation [Am.] Faserorientierung {f}
fiber plant [Am.]Faserpflanze {f}
fiber population [Am.] Faserpopulation {f}
fiber product [Am.]Faserprodukt {n}
fiber production [Am.] Faserherstellung {f}
fiber production [Am.] Faserproduktion {f}
fiber rope [Am.] Faserseil {n}
fiber syncytium [Am.] Fasersynzytium {n}
fiber syncytium [Am.] Fasersyncytium {n}
fiber technology [Am.] Fasertechnologie {f}
fiber toxicity [Am.]Fasertoxizität {f}
fiber tract [Am.] Faserstrang {m} [im Gehirn]
fiber tract [Am.] Fasertrakt {m}
fiberboard [Am.] Faserplatte {f}
fiberboard [Am.] Hartfaserplatte {f}
fiber-cement pipe [Am.]Faserzementrohr {n}
fiberfillFüllwatte {f}
fiberglass [Am.] Fiberglas {n}
fiberglass [Am.]Glasfaser {f}
fiberglass [Am.]Glasfaserstoff {m}
fiberglass [Am.] [e.g. ship building] Glaswolle {f}
fiberglass gasket [Am.] [e.g. for sealing around oven windows] Textilglasdichtung {f}
fiberglass hose [Am.] Glasseidenschlauch {m}
fiberglass tissue [Am.]Glasseidenmatte {f}
fiberglass wallcovering [Am.]Glasfasertapete {f}
fiberglass wallpaper [Am.] Glasfasertapete {f}
fiberglass wallpaper [Am.]Glasgewebetapete {f}
fiberglass wallpaper [Am.] Glasdekogewebe {n}
fiberglass-reinforced [Am.]glasfaserverstärkt
fiber-optic [Am.]faseroptisch
fiber-optic [Am.] fiberoptisch
fiberoptic bronchoscopyfiberoptische Bronchoskopie {f}
fiberoptic bronchoscopy faseroptische Bronchoskopie {f}
fiber-optic cable <FOC> [Am.]Lichtwellenleiter {m} <LWL>
fiber-optic communication [Am.]Glasfaserkommunikation {f}
fiber-optic grass [Am.] [Isolepis cernua, syn.: Scirpus cernuus] Niedere Moorbinse {f}
fiberoptic grass [Isolepis cernua, syn.: Scirpus cernuus] Niedere Moorbinse {f}
fiber-optic sensor [Am.] <FOS>faseroptischer Sensor {m} <FOS>
fiber-reinforced [Am.] faserverstärkt
fiber-reinforced cement <FRC> [Am.]faserverstärkter Zement {m}
fiber-reinforced plastic [Am.]Faserverbundwerkstoff {m}
fiber-rich [Am.] ballaststoffreich
fibers [Am.] Fasern {pl}
fiberscope [Am.]Fibroskop {n}
fiberscope [Am.]Faserendoskop {n}
fiberscope [Am.]Fiberskop {n}
fibertip pen [Am.] [spv.] Faserschreiber {m}
Fibonacci heap [data structure]Fibonacci-Heap {m} [Datenstruktur]
Fibonacci numberFibonacci-Zahl {f}
Fibonacci numbers Fibonacci-Zahlen {pl}
Fibonacci polynomial Fibonacci-Polynom {n}
Fibonacci sequenceFibonacci-Folge {f}
fibrated cement <FC> Faserzement {m} <FZ>
fibrated cement pipe Faserzementrohr {n}
fibrated concreteFaserbeton {m}
fibration Faserung {f}
fibre [Br.]Faser {f}
fibre [Br.]Fiber {f}
fibre blanket [Br.]Keramikfasermatte {f}
fibre blend [Br.] Fasermischung {f}
fibre blends [Br.] Mischfasern {pl}
fibre bundle [Br.] Faserbündel {n}
fibre cell [Br.]Faserzelle {f}
fibre cement <FC> [Br.] Faserzement {m} <FZ>
fibre cement board [Br.]Faserzementplatte {f}
fibre cement pipe [Br.]Faserzementrohr {n}
fibre codes [Br.] Glasfasersorten {pl}
fibre composition [Br.] Faserzusammensetzung {f}
fibre content [Br.] Fasergehalt {m}
fibre craft [Br.] [using natural or synthetic fiber]textiles Gestalten {n} [Handarbeit mit natürlichen oder synthetischen Fasern]
fibre decortication plant / facility [Br.] Faseraufschlussanlage {f}
fibre density [Br.]Faserdichte {f}
fibre density [Br.] Fadendichte {f}
fibre diameter [Br.] Faserdurchmesser {m}
fibre digestibility [Br.]Faserverdaulichkeit {f}
fibre direction [Br.] Faserlängsrichtung {f}
fibre disc [Br.] Fiberscheibe {f}
fibre endoscope [Br.] Fiberendoskop {n}
fibre ends face [Br.]Faserendflächen {pl}
fibre gasket [Br.] Fiberdichtung {f}
fibre industry [Br.]Faserindustrie {f}
fibre interference effect [Br.]Faserinterferenzstörung {f} [in Glasfaseroptikkabeln]
fibre laser [Br.]Faserlaser {m}
fibre length [Br.] Faserlänge {f}
fibre migration [Br.]Fasermigration {f}
fibre migration [Br.] Faserwanderung {f}
fibre mixture [Br.]Fasermischung {f}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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