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figment Hirngespinst {n}
figment Gebilde {n} [Phantasie]
figmentFabelei {f} [oft pej.] [erfundene Geschichte]
figment of the imagination Fantasievorstellung {f}
figment of the imagination Phantasiegebilde {n}
figment of the imaginationAusgeburt {f} der Phantasie / Fantasie
figment of the imagination pure Einbildung {f}
figment of the imagination Fantasiegebilde {n}
figmentary illusorisch
figmentsErfindungen {pl}
fig-mulberry [Ficus sycomorus]Maulbeer-Feige {f} [auch: Maulbeerfeige]
fig-mulberry [Ficus sycomorus]Esels-Feige {f} [auch: Eselsfeige]
fig-mulberry [Ficus sycomorus]Sykomore {f}
fig-mulberry [Ficus sycomorus] Adamsfeige {f} [Maulbeer-Feige]
figroot buttercup [Ficaria verna, syn.: F. ranunculoides, Chelidonium minus, Ranunculus ficaria] Feigwurz {f} [Scharbockskraut]
figroot buttercup [Ficaria verna, syn.: F. ranunculoides, Chelidonium minus, Ranunculus ficaria] Scharbockskraut {n}
figroot buttercup [Ficaria verna, syn.: F. ranunculoides, Chelidonium minus, Ranunculus ficaria] Frühlings-Scharbockskraut / Frühlingsscharbockskraut {n}
figs Feigen {pl}
figs [fig trees] Feigenbäume {pl}
fig-tree skeletonizer moth [Choreutis nemorana]Feigenblattmotte {f}
fig-tree skeletonizer moth [Choreutis nemorana]Feigen-Spreizflügelfalter {m}
figura etymologicaetymologische Figur {f}
figura etymologica Figura etymologica {f}
figural figural
figural installationFigureninstallation {f}
figural materialfigurales Material {n}
figural music Figuralmusik {f}
figural narrative situationpersonale Erzählsituation {f}
figurant Figurant {m}
figurante ["extra" or "bit player"] [female]Figurantin {f} [veraltet] [Statistin]
figurate number figurierte Zahl {f}
figuration Gestaltung {f}
figuration Figuration {f}
figuration sociologyFigurationssoziologie {f} [N. Elias]
figurational sociology Figurationssoziologie {f}
figurative zeichenhaft
figurative uneigentlich [übertragen]
figurative [meaning]übertragen [Bedeutung]
figurative <fig.>figurativ <fig.>
figurative <fig.> figürlich <fig.>
figurative <fig.> bildlich
figurative constantfigurative Konstante {f} [Literale]
figurative languagebildhafte Sprache {f}
figurative mark [Br.] Bildmarke {f}
figurative painting gegenständliche Malerei {f}
figurative representationfigurative Darstellung {f}
figurative sculptureFiguralplastik {f}
figurative sensebildlicher Sinn {m}
[figurative place for all that is considered dirty and taboo] Schmuddelecke {f}
figuratively <fig.>in übertragenem Sinne <i. ü. S.> [seltener für: im übertragenen Sinne]
figuratively <fig.> im übertragenen Sinn <i. ü. S.>
figuratively <fig.> figurativ <fig.>
figuratively <fig.> figürlich <fig.>
figuratively <fig.>bildlich
figuratively <fig.>übertragen [Bedeutung]
figuratively <fig.> im übertragenen Sinne <i. ü. S.>
figuratively speakingmetaphorisch gesprochen
figuratively speaking bildlich gesprochen
figurativenessFigürlichkeit {f}
figure Zahl {f}
figure Phrase {f}
figureWert {m}
figure Gebilde {n}
figure Betrag {m}
figure Maxerl {n} [österr.] [ugs.] [Figur]
figure [build]Statur {f}
figure [character]Person {f}
figure [diagram] Diagramm {n} [in Publikation]
figure [form, shape] Form {f} [Gestalt]
figure [human form, appearance]Erscheinung {f} [Gestalt]
figure [personality, character in a novel etc.] Gestalt {f} [Person, Persönlichkeit, Figur in einem Roman etc.]
figure [personality] Persönlichkeit {f}
figure [picture, illustration]Bild {n} [Abbildung, Illustration]
figure [repetitive pattern]Muster {n} [aus der Kombination von einzelnen Motiven bestehende (regelmäßige), sich wiederholende, flächige Verzierung, Zeichnung]
figure [representation] Darstellung {f} [bildlich]
figure [statue] Statue {f}
figure [stylistic] Stilfigur {f}
figure [written symbol] Zeichen {n} [grafische Einheit, Symbol]
figure <fig.>Figur {f} <Fig.>
figure <fig.>Ziffer {f} <Zi.>
figure <fig.> [illustration, representation]Abbildung {f} <Abb.>
figure based on experienceErfahrungswert {m}
figure drawing Figurenzeichnung {f}
figure eight knot [Am.] Achtknoten {m}
figure eight knot [Am.]Achterknoten {m}
figure eight winding Achterwicklung {f}
figure in art Künstlerpersönlichkeit {f}
figure lighting Aktionslicht {n}
figure lightingGestaltsausleuchtung {f}
figure of a girl Mädchenfigur {f}
figure of a saintHeiligenfigur {f}
figure of a womanFrauenfigur {f}
figure of a woman Frauengestalt {f}
figure of an angel Engelsfigur {f}
figure of argumentation Argumentationsfigur {f}
figure of eight [Br.] Acht {f}
« fienfierfiftfigbfighfigmfigufigufilafilefile »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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