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English-German Dictionary

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Filatov's / Filatov disease [Mononucleosis infectiosa]infektiöse Mononukleose {f}
filbert Haselnuss {f}
filbert [Corylus maxima] Lambertshasel {f}
filbert [nut of the filbert tree Corylus maxima] Lambertsnuss {f}
filbert aphid [Myzocallis coryli, syn.: Agrioaphis coryli, Aphis coryli, Nippocallis coryli] Haselblattlaus {f}
filbert aphid [Myzocallis coryli, syn.: Agrioaphis coryli, Aphis coryli, Nippocallis coryli] Haselnusszierlaus {f}
filbert brushKatzenzungenpinsel {m}
filbert bud mite [Phytoptus avellanae, syn.: P. coryligallarum, P. pseudogallarum, Aculus comatus, Eriophyes avellanae, E. coryligallarum, Phytocoptella avellanae]Haselnussgallmilbe {f}
filbert bud mite [Phytoptus avellanae, syn.: P. coryligallarum, P. pseudogallarum, Aculus comatus, Eriophyes avellanae, E. coryligallarum, Phytocoptella avellanae] Haselnussknospengallmilbe {f}
filberts Haselnüsse {pl}
filched [coll.] geklaut [ugs.]
filcher Dieb {m}
filchersDiebe {pl}
filching klauend
Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf [also: Ronne-Filchner Ice Shelf]Filchner-Ronne-Schelfeis {n}
Filder Plain Filderebene {f}
file Aktenmappe {f}
file Aktenordner {m}
file Briefordner {m}
file Feile {f}
fileFile {n} [auch {m}]
file Kartei {f}
file Ordner {m} [Aktenordner]
file Akte {f}
fileDatei {f}
file Aktenkladde {f} [veraltet]
file Handakte {f}
fileVorgang {m} [Akte]
file [chess] Linie {f} [Schach]
file [dossier]Dossier {n} [veraltet: {m}]
file [folder, portfolio]Mappe {f} [Ordner]
file [for documents]Hefter {m} [Ordner]
file [line of people or objects] Reihe {f}
file 13 [Am.] [hum.] [wastebasket] Ablage P {f} [hum.] [Papierkorb]
file accessDateizugriff {m}
file access deniedDateizugriff verweigert
file allocation tableDateibelegungstabelle {f}
file allocation table <FAT> Dateizuordnungstabelle {f}
file and print server Datei- und Druckerserver {m}
file and print sharing Datei- und Druckerfreigabe {f}
file architecture Dateiorganisation {f}
file architecture Dateiaufbau {m}
file architecture Datenorganisation {f}
file area Dateibereich {m}
file attachment Dateianhang {m}
file attributeDateiattribut {n}
file backup Dateisicherung {f}
file boxAblagebox {f}
file cabinetAktenschrank {m}
file cabinet locationAblageort {m}
file cardKarteikarte {f}
file cards Karteikarten {pl}
file changeDateiwechsel {m}
file changeover Dateiwechsel {m}
file characteristicsDateikenngrößen {pl}
file clams [family Limidae] Feilenmuscheln {pl}
file clerkRegistrator {m} [veraltet]
file clerk [Am.] Angestellter {m} [Büroangestellter]
file clerk [Am.] Registraturangestellter {m}
file clerk [female] Registraturangestellte {f}
file clerk [female] [Am.]Büroangestellte {f}
file clipAktenklammer {f}
file commandDateibefehl {m}
file comparison Dateivergleich {m}
file compressionDateikomprimierung {f}
file compressionDateiverdichtung {f}
file compression programDateikomprimierungsprogramm {n}
file compressorDateikomprimierungsprogramm {n}
file controlDateisteuerung {f}
file control block <FCB>Dateisteuerblock {m}
file conversionDateikonvertierung {f}
file copyAktenausfertigung {f}
file corruption Dateikorrumpierung {f}
file cover Aktendeckel {m} [Vorderseite eines Ordners]
file cutter [also: file-cutter] Feilenhauer {m}
file deletionDateilöschung {f}
file description Dateibeschreibung {f}
file destruction Aktenvernichtung {f}
file destruction Skartierung {f} [österr.] [Aktenvernichtung]
file directoryDateienverzeichnis {n}
file editor Dateiaufbereiter {m}
file error Dateifehler {m}
file extensionDateiendung {f}
file extension Dateierweiterung {f}
file extension associationDateierweiterungszuordnung {f}
file folder Ordner {m} [Aktenordner]
file for plastics Kunststofffeile {f} [Feile für Kunsstoffe]
file for plasticsBakelitfeile {f}
file formatDateiformat {n}
file fragmentation Dateifragmentierung {f}
file generation Dateierstellung {f}
file handleFeilenheft {n}
file handle Datei-Handle {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
file header Dateivorsatz {m}
file header Dateikopf {m}
file identification Dateibezeichnung {f}
file identifierDateikennung {f}
file index Dateiindex {m}
file jacket Aktenhülle {f}
file label Dateikennsatz {m}
« figmfighfigrfigufigwFilafilefilefilifillfill »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers