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« backPage 172 for words starting with F in the English-German dictionarynext page »
film viewboxFilmbetrachtungsgerät {n}
film viewer Schaukasten {m}
film viewingFilmbetrachtung {f}
film viewing panel Schauwand {f}
film washing hoseFilmschnellwascher {m} [Fototechnik]
film waste {sg} Filmabfälle {pl}
film waste {sg} [esp. of agricultural films]Folienabfälle {pl} [bes. Agrarfolien]
film watching Filmegucken {n} [ugs.]
film weldingFolienverschweißung {f}
film welding machine Folienschweißgerät {n}
film wind Filmaufzug {m}
film winding mechanism Filmtransportmechanismus {m}
film windowFilmfenster {n}
film wiper Filmabstreifer {m}
film with a top-class casthochkarätig besetzter Film {m}
film with normal sensitivity normalempfindlicher Film {m}
Film Without a Title Film ohne Titel [Rudolf Jugert]
[film based on a novel] Literaturverfilmung {f} [Film, der auf einem Roman basiert]
(film) can Filmdose {f} [für Filmspulen]
(film) changing bagFilmwechselsack {m}
(film) footage counter Filmlängenmesser {m}
(film) processor [EUR 17538] Entwicklungsmaschine {f} [EUR 17538]
(film) production schedule Drehplan {m}
(film) projectorProjektionsapparat {m}
(film) release date [Br.]Filmstart {m}
(film) rewind crank Filmrückspulkurbel {f}
(film) sensitivity Empfindlichkeit {f} (eines Films)
(film) shoot {sg} [filming session] Dreharbeiten {pl}
(film) sprocket Filmtransportrolle {f}
(film) stock Filmmaterial {n}
(film) tinting Tonung {f}
film-coated tablet Filmtablette {f}
film-drying cabinet Filmtrockenschrank {m}
filmed gefilmt
filmed verfilmt
filmed / shot at the actual locationsan den Originalschauplätzen gedreht
filmed / shot on location [postpos.] an Originalschauplätzen gedreht
filmed covertlyheimlich gefilmt
filmer [female] Filmerin {f} [ugs.]
filmfanKinonarr {m}
film-filter-combination Film-Filter-Kombination {f}
film-forming substanceFilmbildner {m}
film-forming yeast Kahmhefe {f}
film-free [radiography] filmlos [radiographische Verfahren]
film-goer Kinobesucher {m}
filmgoer [Br.]Kinogänger {m}
filmgoer [Br.] [female] Kinogängerin {f}
film-going public Kinopublikum {n}
filmic filmisch
filmier duftiger
filmiest duftigste
filmily duftig
filming Verfilmung {f}
filming Verfilmen {n}
filming Filmen {n}
filmingFilmerei {f} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
filming {sg} Dreharbeiten {pl}
filming {sg} Filmarbeiten {pl}
filming [making into film] verfilmend
filming location Originalschauplatz {m}
filming location Drehort {m}
filming spot Filmlocation {f}
filming spotDrehort {m}
filmization Filmadaption {f}
filmization Verfilmung {f} [Buch, Theaterstück]
film-laminated folienkaschiert
film-laminating machine Folienkaschiermaschine {f}
film-laminating machineFolienlaminiermaschine {f}
filmless [radiography]filmlos [radiographische Verfahren]
filmlet kurzer Filmstreifen {m}
filmletKurzfilm {m}
film-like filmisch [Form, Dramaturgie]
filmmaker Filmemacher {m}
filmmakerFilmer {m} [ugs.] [Filmemacher]
filmmaker Filmschaffender {m}
filmmaker [female] Filmemacherin {f}
filmmaker [female] Filmerin {f} [ugs.] [Filmemacherin]
filmmakersFilmemacher {pl}
filmmakersFilmschaffende {pl}
filmmakersFilmleute {pl} [Filmfachleute] [ugs.]
filmmakingFilmemachen {n}
film-makingFilmgestaltung {f} [Studienfach]
film-making [also: film making] Filmemachen {n}
filmogen Film bildender Stoff {m}
filmogen Film bildender Bestandteil {m}
filmogen Filmbildner {m}
filmogenic protein filmbildendes Protein {n}
filmographyFilmografie {f}
filmographyFilmographie {f}
films Filme {pl}
filmsdünne Schichten {pl}
films based on video gamesVideospielverfilmungen {pl}
film-screen combination Film-Folien-Kombination {f} <FFK> [Röntgen]
film-screen contact [EUR 17538] Film-Folien-Anpressung {f} [EUR 17538]
film-screen system <FSS> Film-Folien-System {n} <FFS>
filmsetting Filmsatz {m} [Druckverfahren]
« fillfilmfilmfilmfilmfilmfilmfiltfiltfimbfina »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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