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filterless filterlos
filter-membrane processes Membranfiltration {f}
filtersFilter {pl}
filter-tip (cigarette) Filterzigarette {f}
filter-ventilation unitFilterventilationsanlage {f}
filth Sauerei {f}
filthSchmutz {m}
filthDreck {m}
filth Abscheulichkeit {f}
filth Unflat {m} [geh.] [veraltend]
filthSiff {m} [ugs.] [Schmutz]
filth [fig.] Unrat {m}
filth [obscene and offensive language]unflätige Sprache {f}
filth [obscenity] [pej.] Schund {m} [pej.]
filth and trash Schmutz und Schund
filth flies [family Carnidae]Gefiederfliegen {pl}
filth flies [family Milichiidae] Nistfliegen {pl}
filthiest schmutzigste
filthily schmutzig
filthiness Schmutzigkeit {f}
filthiness Schmutz {m}
filthinessUnsauberkeit {f}
filthiness Unflätigkeit {f}
filthinessBeschmutzung {f} [Schmutzigkeit]
filthinessUnreinheit {f}
filthiness [of thoughts, desires or behaviors] Ungehörigkeit {f}
filthy schmuddelig [ugs.] [pej.]
filthy unsauber
filthy dreckig [ugs.]
filthy schmutzig
filthy verdreckt [ugs.]
filthy schmutzstarrend
filthy schlampig [ugs.] [pej.]
filthy versaut [ugs.]
filthy [language]unflätig [geh.]
filthy [disgustingly dirty] versifft [ugs.] [salopp] [verschmutzt, verdreckt]
filthy [hair or clothing of a person] usselig [ugs.] [regional] [Haare oder Kleidung einer Person]
filthy [joke, language]zotig
filthy [obscene] obszön
filthy bugger [sl.] Dreckspatz {m} [ugs.]
filthy bugger [sl.]Dreckbär {m} [ugs.]
filthy dirty [coll.]völlig verdreckt [ugs.]
filthy handsschmutzige Hände {pl}
filthy jerk [esp. Am.] [sl.] [pej.] Dreckskerl {m} [derb] [pej.]
filthy jobDrecksarbeit {f}
filthy job schmutzige Arbeit {f}
filthy lucre schnöder Mammon {m}
filthy mouth [also fig.] dreckiges Maul {n} [ugs.] [auch fig.]
filthy paws [also fig.]Dreckpfoten {pl} [ugs.]
filthy pig [coll.] Dreckfink {m} [ugs.]
filthy pig [coll.] Dreckschwein {n} [ugs.]
filthy rich [coll.] stinkreich [ugs.]
filthy rich [coll.] furchtbar reich [ugs.]
filthy rich [coll.] [exceedingly rich, very rich]unverschämt reich [ugs.] [überaus reich, sehr reich]
filthy swine [pej.] [sl.]Drecksau {f} [pej.] [derb]
filthy thing Dreckding {n} [ugs.]
filthy thing to do Ferkelei {f} [Handlung] [ugs.]
filthy tongue [coll.] Dreckschleuder {f} [ugs.] [Schandmaul]
filthy TVSchmutz-TV {n} [Medien-Jargon]
filthy weather [Br.] [coll.] Schmuddelwetter {n} [ugs.]
filtrateFiltrat {n}
filtrate reabsorption Filtratrückresorption {f}
filtrate residueFiltratrückstand {m}
filtrated gefiltert
filtrated filtriert
filtrating filtrierend
filtration Filtrierung {f}
filtration Aufreinigung {f}
filtration [EUR 17538] Filterung {f} [EUR 17538]
filtration apparatus Filtrierapparat {m}
filtration deviceFilterapparat {m}
filtration effect Filterwirkung {f}
filtration fraction Filtrationsfraktion {f}
filtration industryFilterindustrie {f}
filtration plant Filteranlage {f}
filtration plantFiltrieranlage {f}
filtration plant Filtrationsanlage {f}
filtration pressureFiltrationsdruck {m}
filtration rate Filtergeschwindigkeit {f}
filtration rate Filtrierrate {f}
filtration rate <FR> Filtrationsrate {f} <FR>
filtration residueFilterrückstand {m}
filtration system Filteranlage {f}
filtration system Filtrationssystem {n}
filtration technology Abscheidungstechnologie {f}
filtration unitFiltrationsgerät {n}
filtrations Filtrierungen {pl}
filz gallFilzgalle {f}
fimbria Fimbrie {f}
fimbriae {pl}Fimbrien {pl}
fimbriae of (the) uterine tube [Fimbriae tubae uterinae] Fimbrien {pl} des Eileiters
fimbriae of (the) uterine tube [Fimbriae tubae uterinae] Eileiterfransen {pl}
fimbrial funnel Fimbrientrichter {m} [Eileiter]
fimbrial funnelFransentrichter {m} [Eileiter]
fimbriate gefranst
fimbriate mit Fimbrien besetzt
fimbriatedmit Fimbrien besetzt
fimbriated gefranst
« filmfilmfilmfilmfiltfiltfimbfinafinafinaFina »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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