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« backPage 182 for words starting with F in the English-German dictionarynext page »
finance market Geldmarkt {m}
Finance MinisterFinanzminister {m}
finance office Vermögensamt {n}
finance office [esp. in non-English-speaking countries] Finanzbüro {n} [Ort und Abteilung in einem Unternehmen]
finance officer Finanzoffizier {m}
finance packageFinanzpaket {n}
finance packagesFinanzprogrammpakete {pl}
finance paper Solawechsel {m} der Finanzinstitute
finance plan Finanzplan {m}
finance program [Am.] Finanzplan {m}
finance projects Anlageobjekte {pl}
finance provider Kreditgeber {m}
finance reform Finanzreform {f}
finance reform billFinanzreformgesetz {n}
finance requirements {pl} Finanzbedarf {m}
finance risk manager <FRM> Finanzrisikomanager {m} <FRM>
finance risk manager <FRM> [female] Finanzrisikomanagerin {f} <FRM>
finance scheme [Br.] Finanzierungsprogramm {n}
finance softwareFinanz-Software {f}
finance specialistsFinanzexperten {pl}
finance strategy of the bank Finanzstrategie {f} der Bank
finance syndicate Finanzkonsortium {n}
finance system Finanzsystem {n}
finance team Finanzteam {n}
finance through borrowing Fremdfinanzierung {f}
finance volume Finanzvolumen {n}
financed byfinanziert durch
financed by advertisingwerbefinanziert
financed by donations spendenfinanziert
financed by soft money [postpos.] mit indirekten Zuwendungen finanziert
financed in advance vorfinanziert
financed program [Am.]finanziertes Programm {n}
financed with outside capital fremdfinanziert
finance-driven finanzgetrieben
finance-oriented finanzorientiert
financerFinanzier {m}
financesFinanzen {pl}
financesEinkünfte {pl}
finances Geldmittel {pl}
finances and accounting Finanz- und Rechnungswesen {n}
finances of the empire Reichsfinanzen {pl}
financial finanztechnisch
financial bilanziell
financial wirtschaftlich [finanziell]
financial [e.g. backer, institution, investment, penalty] Geld- [z. B. Geber, Institut, Anlage, Strafe]
financial accountFinanzkonto {n}
financial accountant Finanzbuchhalter {m}
financial accountingFinanzbuchführung {f}
financial accounting Finanzbuchhaltung {f}
Financial Accounting Standards Board <FASB>Financial Accounting Standards Board {m} {n} [US-amerikanischer Rechnungslegungsstandardsetzer]
financial accounting-related pagatorisch
financial adjustment finanzieller Ausgleich {m}
financial adjustment Finanzausgleich {m}
financial administrationFinanzverwaltung {f}
financial advantage finanzieller Vorteil {m}
financial adviceFinanzberatung {f}
financial advicefinanzieller Rat {m}
financial adviser Finanzberater {m}
financial adviser Anlageberater {m}
financial adviser [female]Finanzberaterin {f}
financial adviser [female] Anlageberaterin {f}
financial advisorVermögensberater {m}
financial advisorFinanzberater {m}
financial advisor [debt consolidation] Schuldenregulierer {m}
financial advisor [female] Finanzberaterin {f}
financial advisor [female]Vermögensberaterin {f}
financial affairsBankgeschäfte {pl}
financial affairsfinanzielle Angelegenheiten {pl}
financial agreementFinanzabkommen {n}
financial aidFinanzhilfe {f}
financial aid finanzielle Hilfe {f}
financial aidfinanzielle Unterstützung {f}
financial aidFinanzierungshilfe {f}
financial aid finanzielle Hilfeleistung {f}
financial aid for Greece (die) Griechenlandhilfe {f} [ugs.] [bes. Journalistenjargon]
financial alchemyFinanzakrobatik {f}
financial analysis Finanzanalyse {f}
financial analyst Bilanzanalytiker {m}
financial analyst Finanzanalyst {m}
financial analystsFinanzanalysten {pl}
financial and budgetary provisions Finanz- und Haushaltsbestimmungen {pl}
financial and technical aid finanzielle und technische Hilfe {f}
financial architectureFinanzarchitektur {f}
financial aristocracy Geldadel {m}
financial armFinanzarm {m}
financial arrangements finanzielle Vereinbarungen {pl}
financial assessment finanzielle Bewertung {f}
financial assetsfinanzielle Aktiva {pl}
financial assets Kapitalanlagen {pl}
financial assetsFinanzaktiva {pl}
financial assets Finanzanlagen {pl}
financial assets {pl}Finanzvermögen {n}
financial assistance Finanzhilfe {f}
financial assistance finanzielle Hilfe {f}
financial assistance finanzielle Unterstützung {f}
« finafinafinaFinafinafinafinafinafinafinafina »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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