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financial interlockingKapitalverflechtung {f}
financial intermediary Finanzvermittler {m}
financial intermediaryKapitalvermittler {m}
financial intermediary Kreditvermittler {m}
financial intermediaryFinanzintermediär {m}
financial investment Kapitalanlage {f}
financial investment Geldanlage {f}
financial investmentsGeldanlagen {pl}
financial investments Finanzanlagen {pl}
financial investor Finanzinvestor {m}
financial investors Finanzinvestoren {pl}
financial involvement finanzielles Engagement {n}
financial irregularities finanzielle Unregelmäßigkeiten {pl}
financial jugglerFinanzjongleur {m} [ugs.]
financial knowledge Finanzwissen {n}
financial lawFinanzrecht {n}
financial lease Finanzierungs-Leasing {n}
financial leasing Finanzierungsleasing {n}
financial leverage finanzielle Hebelwirkung {f}
financial liabilities finanzielle Verbindlichkeiten {pl}
financial literacy Finanzwissen {n} [finanzielle Allgemeinbildung]
financial literature Finanzliteratur {f}
financial lossfinanzieller Verlust {m}
financial lossAusfall {m}
financial loss Vermögensschaden {m}
financial losses finanzielle Verluste {pl}
financial lossesVermögensschäden {pl}
financial magnateFinanzmagnat {m}
financial magnate [female] Finanzmagnatin {f}
financial management Finanzverwaltung {f}
financial management Finanzwirtschaft {f}
financial management Finanzbuchhaltung {f}
financial managementVerwaltung {f} der Ausgaben
financial management Verwaltung {f} der Finanzen
financial managementFinanzmanagement {n}
financial management [corporate finance] betriebliche Finanzwirtschaft {f}
financial management [of public funds]Finanzgebaren {n}
financial management companyVermögensverwaltung {f} [Dienstleistungsunternehmen]
financial manager Finanzdirektor {m}
financial marginFinanzierungsspielraum {m}
financial marketFinanzmarkt {m}
financial marketGeldmarkt {m}
financial market authority <FMA> Finanzmarktaufsicht {f} <FMA>
financial market capitalism Finanzmarktkapitalismus {m} [auch: Finanzmarkt-Kapitalismus]
financial market crisis Finanzmarktkrise {f}
financial market expert Finanzmarktexperte {m}
financial market reform Finanzmarktreform {f}
Financial Market Stabilisation Act Finanzmarktstabilisierungsgesetz {n} <FMStG>
Financial Market Stabilization AgencyFinanzmarktstabilisierungsanstalt {f}
Financial Market Stabilization Fund Finanzmarktstabilisierungsfonds {m} <SoFFin>
Financial Market SupervisionFinanzmarktaufsicht {f} [österr.] <FMA>
financial market (transaction) tax Finanzmarktsteuer {f}
financial markets Finanzmärkte {pl}
financial markets turbulencesTurbulenzen {pl} an den Finanzmärkten
financial markets turbulencesBörsenturbulenzen {pl}
financial markets turmoil Börsenturbulenzen {pl}
financial mathematicsFinanzmathematik {f}
financial matter Geldangelegenheit {f}
financial matters Geldangelegenheiten {pl}
financial matters Finanzsachen {pl} [Geldangelegenheiten]
financial means Gelder {pl}
financial means Geldmittel {pl}
financial means Finanzmittel {pl}
financial means Finanzierungsmittel {pl}
financial measures finanzielle Maßnahmen {pl}
financial measuresFinanzmaßnahmen {pl}
financial metropolis Finanzmetropole {f}
financial misconductwidriges Finanzgebaren {n} [selten]
financial misconductfinanzielles Fehlverhalten {n}
financial mismanagementfinanzielle Misswirtschaft {f}
financial model Finanzmodell {n}
financial modelling [esp. Br.] Finanzplanung {f}
financial mogulFinanzmogul {m}
financial muscle finanzielle Stärke {f}
financial needs {pl}Finanzbedarf {m}
financial network [of credit cooperatives in Germany] Finanzverbund {m}
financial newsFinanznachrichten {pl}
financial news {sg}Wirtschaftsnachrichten {pl}
financial news service Finanznachrichtendienst {m}
financial newspaper Börsenblatt {n}
financial newspaper Wirtschaftszeitung {f}
financial newspapers Börsenblätter {pl}
financial objective finanzielles Ziel {n}
financial objectiveFinanzziel {n}
financial objectives finanzielle Ziele {pl}
financial obligationfinanzielle Verpflichtung {f}
financial obligationZahlungsverpflichtung {f}
financial obligations finanzielle Verpflichtungen {pl}
financial office [esp. in non-English-speaking countries] Finanzbüro {n} [Ort und Abteilung in einem Unternehmen]
financial operation Finanztransaktion {f}
financial operation finanzielle Transaktion {f}
financial operations Finanzgeschäfte {pl}
financial opportunities finanzielle Möglichkeiten {pl}
financial orientationfinanzielle Orientierung {f}
financial outlay finanzieller Aufwand {m}
financial package Finanzierungspaket {n}
financial package Finanzpaket {n}
financial pages {pl} Finanzteil {m} der Zeitung
financial panic Finanzpanik {f}
financial paperBörsenzeitung {f}
« finafinafinafinafinafinafinafinafinafinafind »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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