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faint responseschwache Resonanz {f}
faint response schwaches Echo {n}
faint signal schwaches Signal {n}
faint smellschwacher Geruch {m}
faint smile leichtes Lächeln {n}
faint smileschwaches Lächeln {n}
faint smile leises Lächeln {n}
faint smilefahles Lächeln {n} [geh.]
faint soundschwaches Geräusch {n}
faint suspicionvager Verdacht {m}
faint suspicion leiser Verdacht {m}
faint voiceschwache Stimme {f}
faint young Sun paradox Paradoxon {n} der schwachen jungen Sonne
faint-banded sea snake / seasnake [Hydrophis belcheri](Schwach) Gebänderte Seeschlange {f}
faintermatter [schwächer]
faintheartFeigling {m}
fainthearted mutlos
faint-hearted feige
faint-hearted mutlos
fainthearted kleinmütig [geh.]
faint-heartedmattherzig [veraltet]
fainthearted [cowardly]feigherzig [veraltend]
faintheartedly mutlos
faintheartedness Mutlosigkeit {f}
faintheartedness Kleinmütigkeit {f}
faintheartedness Kleinmut {m}
faintheartednessZagheit {f} [geh.]
faintheartedness Feigherzigkeit {f} [veraltend]
fainting ermattend
fainting Ohnmacht {f}
faintingKreislaufkollaps {m} [ugs.]
fainting fitOhnmachtsanfall {m}
fainting game Ohnmachtsspiel {n}
fainting spellsOhnmachtsanfälle {pl}
faintly schwach [riechen, scheinen]
faintlykaum [sichtbar, hörbar]
faintlyentfernt [sich ähneln]
faintly [feebly]zaghaft [versuchen, lächeln]
faintly [indistinctly] undeutlich [markieren, hören]
faintly [slightly]leise [hoffen, verdächtigen]
faintly [slightly] wenig [interessieren]
faintly [slightly]leicht [enttäuschen, herablassend]
faintly stripe-necked snake [Liopeltis calamaria]Kleine Nackenstreifennatter {f}
faintness Mattigkeit {f}
faintness Schwäche {f}
faintness [of colour] Mattheit {f}
faintness [of old photograph]Verblasstheit {f}
faint-striped blind snake [Anilios broomi] Gestreifte Blindschlange {f}
fainty [Am.] [Southern U.S.] [close to fainting]einer Ohnmacht nahe [postpos.]
fainty [archaic] [weak, feeble, languid] schwach [matt, müde]
fair angemessen
fairJahrmarkt {m}
fairMesse {f}
fair redlich
fairKirchtag {m} [bayer.] [österr.]
fairdingsda leicht
fairbillig [veraltet] [gerecht]
fairliebreizend [veraltend] [geh.]
fairDult {f} [bayer.] [österr.]
fair [archaic]hübsch
fair [just] anständig
fair [of skin] hell
fair [work, sum]mehr als ordentlich [ugs.]
fair [Am.] [competitive exhibition of livestock, agricultural products, etc.] (landwirtschaftliche) Leistungsschau {f}
fair [annual] Kerb {f} [regional: Kirchweih]
fair [archaic] [beautiful] schön
fair [attr.] [trade fair] [e.g. attendance, catalogue, day, exhibit, hall] Messe- [z. B. Besuch, Katalog, Tag, Exponat, Halle]
fair [dialect] in höchstem Maße
fair [for public entertainment]Volksfest {n}
fair [for public entertainment]Kilbi {f} [bes. schweiz.] [westösterr.] [Kirmes]
fair [for public entertainment] Chilbi {f} [schweiz.] [Kirmes]
fair [just] gerecht
fair [just] fair
fair [lovely]hold [dichter.] [veraltend]
fair [lovely]holdselig [poet.] [veraltend]
fair [of hair]blond
fair [price, suggestion etc.]reell
fair [quantity] ziemlich [attr.] [ugs.] [beträchtlich]
fair [sunny] sonnig
fair [weather: fine and dry] heiter
fair amount ausreichende Menge {f}
fair and beautifulwunderschön
fair and square [idiom]anständig und ehrlich
fair and square [idiom]offen und ehrlich
fair appraisalangemessener Wert {m}
fair attendance Messebesuch {m}
« fadefaecFahrfailfailfainfairFAIRfairfairfair »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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