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fire-setting [in mines] [also: firesetting] Feuersetzen {n}
fireship Brander {m}
firesideKaminecke {f}
fireside [attr.] [e.g. armchair, chair, chat] Kamin- [z. B. Zubehör, Sessel, Gespräch]
fireside [the home, family life]Heim {n} [Zuhause]
fireside accessories {pl} Kaminzubehör {n}
fireside armchairKaminsessel {m}
fireside bench Ofenbank {f}
fireside chairKaminsessel {m}
fireside chat Plauderei {f} am Kamin
fireside chat Kamingespräch {n}
fireside manner [informal and friendly demeanour]freundliches und lockeres Auftreten {n}
(fireside) companion setKaminbesteck {n}
firesite funnel [Faerberia carbonaria] (Gemeiner) Kohlenleistling {m}
firesleeve Feuerschutzschlauch {m}
firestarter [Am.] [arsonist]Brandstifter {m}
firestarter [coll.] [arsonist] Zündler {m} [bes. österr.]
Firestarter [Mark L. Lester]Stephen King's Der Feuerteufel
Firestarter [Stephen King]Feuerkind
firestick plant [Euphorbia tirucalli, syn.: E. rhipsaloides, E. viminalis] Latex-Wolfsmilch {f}
firestick plant [Euphorbia tirucalli]Bleistiftstrauch {m}
firestick plant [Euphorbia tirucalli]Milchbusch {m}
firestick plant [Euphorbia tirucalli] Gummihecke {f}
firestop Brandschutzvorrichtung {f}
firestorm Feuersbrunst {f}
firestormFeuersturm {m}
firestorm [fig.] Aufschrei {m} [fig.]
fire-tailed flowerpecker [Dicaeum igniferum] Rotkehl-Mistelfresser {m}
fire-tailed minla [Minla ignotincta] Rotschwanzsiva {f}
fire-tailed myzornis [Myzornis pyrrhoura] Feuerschwänzchen {n}
fire-tailed sunbird [Aethopyga ignicauda] Feuerschwanz-Nektarvogel {m}
fireteamFeuerteam {n}
firethorn [genus Pyracantha] Feuerdorn {m}
firethorn leaf miner [Phyllonorycter leucographella] [moth]Feuerdornminiermotte {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
firethorn leaf miner [Phyllonorycter leucographella] [moth] Feuerdornmotte {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
firethorn leafminer [Phyllonorycter leucographella]Feuerdorn-Miniermotte / Feuerdornminiermotte {f}
firethroat [Calliope pectardens, syn.: Luscinia pectardens] Davidnachtigall {f}
firethroat [Calliope pectardens, syn.: Luscinia pectardens]Feuerkehlnachtigall {f}
fire-throated metaltail [Metallura eupogon] Rotkehl-Glanzschwänzchen {n}
fire-throated metaltail [Metallura eupogon]Feuerkehl-Glanzschwänzchen {n}
fire-throated robin [Luscinia pectardens, syn.: Calliope pectardens, Erithacus pectardens] Davidnachtigall {f} [auch: David-Nachtigall]
fire-tinned feuerverzinnt
firetools {pl}Kamingeschirr {n}
firetrap Feuerfalle {f}
firetraps feuergefährdete Gebäude {pl}
fire-tube boilerGroßwasserraumkessel {m}
fire-tube boiler [also: fire tube boiler]Feuerrohrkessel {m}
fire-tufted barbet [Psilopogon pyrolophus] Rotbüschel-Bartvogel {m}
fire-user Feuernutzer {m}
firewall Brandmauer {f}
firewallBrandwand {f}
firewall Feuerwand {f}
firewallFirewall {f} [auch: {m}]
firewall Schutzwall {m}
firewall Feuerschutzmauer {f}
firewall Brandspant {m}
firewallSpritzwand {f}
Firewall [Henning Mankell]Die Brandmauer
Firewall [Richard Loncraine] Firewall
firewall exception Firewall-Ausnahme {f}
firewall panel Brandschottfeld {n}
fire-warning systemFeuerwarnanlage {f}
firewatch Brandwache {f} [Überwachung der Brandstelle]
firewatch teamBrandwache {f} [Personen]
fire-water [coll.] [hum.] [hard liquor] Branntwein {m} [veraltend] [noch fachsprachlich]
firewater [coll.] [hum.] [whiskey etc.] Feuerwasser {n} [ugs.] [Branntwein, Schnaps]
fire-water [coll.] [whiskey etc.]Feuerwasser {n} [ugs.] [Branntwein, Schnaps]
firewaters Branntweine {pl}
fireweed [Bassia scoparia, syn.: Kochia scoparia] Sommerzypresse {f}
fireweed [Bassia scoparia, syn.: Kochia scoparia]Feuerbusch {m}
fireweed [Epilobium angustifolium, syn.: E. spicatum, Chamerion angustifolium, C. angustifolium subsp. angustifolium, C. spicatum] Trümmerblume {f}
fireweed [Epilobium angustifolium]Wald-Weidenröschen {n}
fireweed [Epilobium angustifolium] Waldweidenröschen {n}
fireweed [Epilobium angustifolium] [esp. Br.]Schmalblättriges Weidenröschen {n}
fireweed [Epilobium] Weidenröschen {n}
fireweed [Erechtites hieracifolia]Amerikanisches Scheingreiskraut {n}
fireweed [Lactuca canadensis, syn.: L. sagittifolia] [Canada lettuce] Kanadischer Lattich {m}
fireweed [Plantago media] [hoary plantain]Mittlerer Wegerich {m}
firewheel [Gaillardia pulchella] Kurzlebige Kokardenblume {f}
Firewing [Kenneth Oppel]Feuerflügel
fire-winged parakeet [Brotogeris pyrrhoptera] Feuerflügelsittich {m}
firewoman Feuerwehrfrau {f}
firewomanFeuerwehrlerin {f}
firewood Brennholz {n}
firewood Kleinholz {n}
firewoodScheitholz {n}
firewood Feuerholz {n}
firewood Schürholz {n}
firewood Kaminholz {n}
firewood banksia [Banksia menziesii] Feuerholz-Banksie {f}
firewood collection permit Holzleseschein {m}
firewood collection permit Holzsammelschein {m}
firewood gatherer [Anumbius annumbi] Anumbi {m}
firewood gatherer [Anumbius annumbi]Weißkehl-Bündelnister {m}
firewood (log) rack Kaminholzregal {n}
firewood long-horn / longhorn beetle [Spondylis buprestoides]Waldbock {m} [auch: Waldbockkäfer]
firewood processor Schneidspalter {m}
firewood shed Brennholzschuppen {m}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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