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fair reportMessebericht {m}
fair seeming [archaic] [rare]Schöntuerei {f} [veraltend]
fair share gerechter Anteil {m}
fair sharinggerechte Verteilung {f}
fair skin helle Haut {f}
fair skin cancer heller Hautkrebs {m}
fair speaking [archaic]Schönrederei {f}
fair stand Messestand {m}
fair store Messelager {n}
fair to middling [coll.] (eher) mittelprächtig [ugs.] [hum.]
fair to middling [coll.] so lala [ugs.] [einigermaßen]
fair trade fairer Handel {m}
fair tradelauterer Wettbewerb {m}
fair tradeFair Trade {m}
fair trade coffeefair gehandelter Kaffee {m}
fair trade items {pl} fair gehandelte Ware {f}
fair trade lawGesetz {n} gegen unlauteren Wettbewerb <UWG>
fair trade movement Fairhandelsbewegung {f}
fair trade shop Weltladen {m}
fair trade shop Eine-Welt-Laden {m}
fair treatment anständige Behandlung {f}
fair trial faires Verfahren {n}
fair use [act of use (not an established legal term in German-speaking countries)] faire Verwendung {f}
fair use [legal doctrine] Fair Use {f} [Rechtsdoktrin]
fair value Zeitwert {m}
fair value beizulegender Zeitwert {m}
fair value measurement Marktbewertung {f}
fair visitor [visitor to a fair]Messegast {m}
fair wear and tear übliche Abnutzung {f}
fair weatherschönes Wetter {n}
fair weatherSchönwetter {n}
fair weatherSchönwetter-
fair weather clouds [non-spec.]Schönwetterwolken {pl}
fair week Messewoche {f}
fair wind günstiger Wind {m}
fair wind Fahrtwind {m}
Fair winds and following seas! (and long may your big jib draw!) Immer eine Handbreit Wasser unterm Kiel! [unter dem Kiel]
fair words freundliche Worte {pl}
fairbankite [PbTeO3] Fairbankit {m}
Fairchild PeakFairchild Peak {m}
fairchildite [K2Ca(CO3)2] Fairchildit {m}
fair-complexioned von heller Gesichtsfarbe
fair-complexioned mit hellem Teint [nachgestellt]
faire [archaic]fair
fairer [more just] gerechter
fairer distribution of burdensgerechtere Verteilung {f} der Lasten
fairess [obs.] Fee {f}
fairest [archaic] schönste
fairest [most just]gerechteste
fairfaced brickworkSichtmauerwerk {n}
fairfaced concrete Sichtbeton {m}
fair-faced concrete Sichtbeton {m}
fair-faced masonry Sichtmauerwerk {n}
fairfieldite [Ca2(Mn,Fe)(PO4)2·2H2O] Fairfieldit {m}
fairgoer Messebesucher {m}
fairgoer [funfair] Jahrmarktbesucher {m}
fairgroundFestplatz {m}
fairground Jahrmarktsplatz {m}
fairground Messegelände {n}
fairground Kirchweihgelände {n}
fairground Rummelplatz {m}
fairground Festwiese {f}
fairground grass [Sclerochloa dura] Gewöhnliches Hartgras {n}
fairground hall Messehalle {f}
fairground mapGeländeplan {m} [Messe, Ausstellung]
fairground organ Jahrmarktsorgel {f}
fairground organ Kirmesorgel {f}
fairground organKarussellorgel {f}
fairground people [Br.] Schausteller {pl}
fairground rideFahrgeschäft {n}
fairground rides fliegende Bauten {pl}
fairground stall Jahrmarktsbude {f}
fairgrounds {pl} Messegelände {n}
fair-haired blond
fair-haired man / boy Blondkopf {m} [Mann / Junge]
fair-haired man / boy Blondschopf {m} [Mann / Junge]
fair-haired woman / girlBlondschopf {m} [Frau / Mädchen]
fair-haired woman / girlBlondkopf {m} [Frau / Mädchen]
fairiesElfen {pl}
fairies Feen {pl}
fairies Zauberinnen {pl}
fairies' thimbles {pl} [treated as sg.] [Campanula cochlearifolia, syn.: C. cochleariifolia, C. pusilla] Kleine Glockenblume {f}
fairies' thimbles {pl} [treated as sg.] [Campanula cochlearifolia, syn.: C. pusilla]Niedrige Glockenblume {f}
fairies' thimbles {pl} [treated as sg.] [Campanula cochlearifolia, syn.: C. pusilla]Zwerg-Glockenblume / Zwergglockenblume {f}
fairing Verkleidung {f}
fairing [archaic] [small present] Mitbringsel {n} [ugs.] [bes. von einem Markt, Kirchtag]
fairing [Br.]Bugschürze {f}
fairlead Klüse {f}
fairlead shackleFairleadschäkel / Fairlead-Schäkel {m}
fairlec [obs.] [beauty] Schönheit {f}
fairlyordentlich [ugs.] [annehmbar, ganz gut]
fairlyrecht [ziemlich]
fairly einigermaßen
fairly and squarelyoffen und ehrlich
fairly cheap ziemlich billig
fairly close ziemlich nah
« faiefailfailfainfairfairfairfairfairfaitfake »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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