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fledglingflügger Vogel {m}
fledgling Küken {n}
fledgling frischgebacken [fig.]
fledglingerwachsen werdend
fledglingJungvogel {m}
fledgling jung
fledgling [attr.] [inexperienced]unerfahren
fledgling [fig.] [immature or inexperienced person] Grünschnabel {m} [oft pej.]
fledgling artistNachwuchskünstler {m}
fledgling artist [female]Nachwuchskünstlerin {f}
fledgling lawyer frischgebackener Rechtsanwalt {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
fledgling teacherJunglehrer {m}
fledgling writer Jungautor {m}
fledglings Küken {pl}
fledglings Jungvögel {pl}
fledgy [rare] [feathered]gefiedert
fleeceFlausch {m}
fleeceFlaus {m} [veraltet] [Rsv. von Flausch]
fleece Fleece {n}
fleece [fabric] Faserpelz {m}
fleece [hide] Vlies {n} [geh.]
fleece [tanned skin of sheep] Schafpelz {m}
fleece [the yield of wool shorn from a sheep at one time]Wolle {f} [Schaffell, Vlies]
fleece blanket Fleecedecke {f}
fleece coating Vliesbeschichtung {f}
fleece flower [Bistorta affinis, syn.: Persicaria affinis, Polygonum affine]Teppich-Wiesenknöterich {m}
fleece flower root [Radix polygoni multiflori] (Vielblütige) Knöterichwurzel {f}
fleece jacket Fleecejacke {f}
fleece side Haarseite {f} [von Fell]
fleece trousers {pl} [one pair] Fleecehose {f} [auch: Fleece-Hose]
fleece wool Vlieswolle {f}
fleeceable gutgläubig
fleeceable [coll.]leichtgläubig
fleeced [coll.]ausgenommen [finanziell]
fleeceflower [Fallopia japonica, syn.: Reynoutria japonica, Polygonum cuspidatum]Japanischer Schirmknöterich {m}
fleeceflower [Fallopia japonica, syn.: Reynoutria japonica, Polygonum cuspidatum] Kamtschatka-Knöterich {m}
fleeceflower [Fallopia japonica, syn.: Reynoutria japonica, Polygonum cuspidatum]Japanischer Flügelknöterich {m}
fleeceflower [Fallopia japonica, syn.: Reynoutria japonica, Polygonum cuspidatum]Spieß-Knöterich {m}
fleeceflower [Fallopia japonica, syn.: Reynoutria japonica, Polygonum cuspidatum]Zugespitzter Knöterich {m}
fleeceflower [Fallopia japonica, syn.: Reynoutria japonica, Polygonum cuspidatum] Japanischer Staudenknöterich {m}
fleecier weicher
fleeciest weichste
fleecily wollig
fleecinessWeichheit {f}
fleecy weich
fleecy buttercup [Ranunculus lanuginosus] Wolliger Hahnenfuß {m}
fleecy cloud Schäfchenwolke {f}
fleecy clouds Lämmerwolken {pl}
fleecy clouds Schäfchenwolken {pl}
fleecy clouds Lämmerwölkchen {pl}
fleecy fibrecap [Br.] [Inocybe flocculosa] Flockiger Risspilz {m}
fleecy fibrecap [Br.] [Inocybe flocculosa]Olivblättriger Risspilz {m}
fleecy milk-cap [Lactarius vellereus] Samtiger Milchling {m}
fleecy milk-cap [Lactarius vellereus] Mildmilchender Wollschwamm {m}
fleecy milk-cap [Lactifluus vellereus, syn.: Lactarius vellereus]Erdschieber {m}
fleecy milk-cap [Lactifluus vellereus, syn.: Lactarius vellereus] Wolliger Milchling {m}
fleecy rock tripe lichen [Umbilicaria vellea] Große Nabelflechte {f}
fleeingFlucht {f}
fleeing the country [postpos.] [pred.]landesflüchtig [veraltet]
fleeing the country [postpos.] [pred.] landflüchtig [veraltet]
[fleeing or having fled from the GDR] republikflüchtig [DDR]
fleer Spott {m}
fleet schnell
fleet flink
fleet Geschwader {n}
fleet [Navy, company car, airline]Flotte {f}
Fleet Admiral [Am.]Flottenadmiral {m}
Fleet Admiral [Am.]Großadmiral {m}
Fleet Air Arm [Br.] [Aus.] <FAA> Marineluftwaffe {f}
fleet carrierFlottenflugzeugträger {m}
fleet command Flottenkommando {n}
fleet control Flottensteuerung {f}
fleet customerFlottenkunde {m}
fleet deployment Flotteneinsatz {m}
fleet deployment Flottenaufmarsch {m}
fleet diploma Flottendiplom {n}
fleet doctor [navy]Flottillenarzt {m}
fleet fuel-economy [Am.] Flottenverbrauch {m}
fleet headquarters {sg}Flottenhauptquartier {n}
fleet inductionEinflottung {f}
fleet managementFlottenmanagement {n}
fleet managementFlottensteuerung {f}
fleet management Fuhrparkmanagement {n}
fleet management Fuhrparksteuerung {f}
fleet managerFuhrparkleiter {m}
fleet managersFuhrparkleiter {pl}
fleet medical officer <FMO>Flottillenarzt {m}
fleet modernisation [Br.]Flottenmodernisierung {f}
fleet modernization Flottenmodernisierung {f}
fleet number Betriebsnummer {f}
fleet of aircraft Flugzeugpark {m}
fleet of cars Wagenpark {m}
fleet of carsFuhrpark {m}
fleet of cars Kraftfahrzeugflotte {f}
fleet (of cars)Fahrzeugpark {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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