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English-German Dictionary

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(flexible) steel ruleStahlmessband {n}
flexibleness Flexibilitäten {pl}
flexibly elastisch
flexiday Gleittag {m}
flexile flexibel
flexile biegsam
fleximetalFlexaton {n}
flexing beugend
flexingWalkung {f}
flexing action during walking Abrollbewegung {f} beim Gehen
flexing areaWalkzone {f}
flexing resistance Walkwiderstand {m}
flexionBeugung {f}
flexionKrümmung {f}
flexion [also: flection]Flexion {f}
flexion, abduction and external rotation test <FABER test> [also: (Patrick's) FABER test] Patrick-Test {m} [auch: Patrick-Faber-Test] [Vierertest]
flexion angle [of a joint etc.] Flexionswinkel {m} [eines Gelenks etc.]
flexion deformity Flexionsdeformität {f}
flexion exercises [e.g. for the spinal column]Beugeübungen {pl} [z. B. für die Wirbelsäule]
flexion gap Flexionsspalt {m}
flexion painBeugeschmerz {m}
flexion reflexFlexionsreflex {m}
flexion wave biegsame Welle {f}
flexional flektiert
flexionsBeugungen {pl}
flexirigid starrflexibel
flexirubin [C43H54O4]Flexirubin {n}
flexitarianHalb-Vegetarier {m}
flexitarianTeilzeitvegetarier {m} [Flexitarier]
flexitarian Fastvegetarier {m} [auch: Fast-Vegetarier]
flexitarian flexitarisch
flexitarian [portmanteau of "flexible" and "vegetarian"]Flexitarier {m} [flexible Vegetarier]
flexitimegleitende Arbeitszeit {f} <GLAZ> <GlAz>
flexitimeGleitzeit {f}
flexitime flexible Arbeitszeit {f}
flexo [coll.] [flexography] Flexographie {f}
flexo plateFlexoplatte {f}
flexo printing Flexodruck {m}
flexographerFlexograf {m}
flexographic ink Flexodruckfarbe {f}
flexographic printingFlexodruck {m}
flexographic printing plate Flexodruck-Druckplatte {f}
flexographic printing press Flexodruckmaschine {f}
flexographyFlexodruck {m}
flexography Flexographie {f}
flexoprintingAnilindruck {m}
flexorBeugemuskel {m}
flexor Beuger {m} [Beugemuskel]
flexor [Musculus flexor]beugender Muskel {m}
flexor carpi ulnaris (muscle) [Musculus flexor carpi ulnaris] <FCU>Musculus flexor carpi ulnaris {m} [„ellenseitiger Handbeuger“]
flexor digitorum longus (muscle) [Musculus flexor digitorum longus] [long toe flexor]Musculus flexor digitorum longus {m}
flexor digitorum medialis (muscle) [Musculus flexor digitorum medialis]Musculus flexor digitorum medialis {m}
flexor digitorum profundus muscle <FDP> [Musculus flexor digitorum profundus] Musculus flexor digitorum profundus {m}
flexor pollicis brevis (muscle) <FPB, FPB muscle> [Musculus flexor pollicis brevis] kurzer Daumenbeuger {m}
flexor pollicis longus (muscle) <FPL, FPL muscle> [Musculus flexor pollicis longus] langer Daumenbeuger {m}
flexor retinaculum (of the hand) Retinaculum flexorum {n}
flexor tendon Flexorsehne {f}
flexors Beugemuskeln {pl}
flexowriter Lochstreifen-Schreibautomat {m}
flexplateFlexplate {f}
flex-rigid PCBStarrflex-Leiterplatte {f}
flexsor [WRONG for: flexor] [Flexor, Beuger]
flextime [Am.] gleitende Arbeitszeit {f} <GLAZ> <GlAz>
flextime [Am.]Gleitzeit {f}
flextime wage record [Am.]Arbeitszeitkonto {n}
flexuose gekrümmt
flexuose geschlängelt
flexuose cleftclam [Thyasira flexuosa] Gewöhnliche Faltenmuschel {f}
flexuose cleftclam [Thyasira flexuosa] Gewellte Sichelmuschel {f}
flexuosity Biegung {f} [Biegbarkeit]
flexuous bittercress [Cardamine flexuosa, syn.: C. debilis, C. hirsuta ssp. flexuosa, C. sylvatica]Wald-Schaumkraut / Waldschaumkraut {n}
flexuous bog-moss [Sphagnum flexuosum]Gekrümmtes Torfmoos {n}
flexuous bog-moss [Sphagnum flexuosum]Gebogenes Torfmoos {n}
flexuous peatmoss [Sphagnum flexuosum]Gekrümmtes Torfmoos {n}
flexuous peatmoss [Sphagnum flexuosum]Gebogenes Torfmoos {n}
flexural eczema [atopic dermatitis]atopisches Ekzem {n}
flexural force Biegekraft {f}
flexural load Biegebeanspruchung {f}
flexural modeBiegeschwingungsform {f}
flexural modulus Biegemodul {m}
flexural rigidity Biegesteifigkeit {f}
flexural strength Biegefestigkeit {f}
flexural stress Biegespannung {f}
flexural stress at given strain Lastbiegespannung {f}
flexural tension Biegezug {m}
flexural testBiegeversuch {m}
flexure Biegen {n}
flexure Flexur {f}
flexureBiegung {f}
flexure bearingFestkörpergelenk {n}
flibbertigibbet Irrwisch {m} [Irrlicht]
flibbertigibbet [Br. regional or archaic] [gossipy person] Schwatzbase {f} [ugs.] [veraltend] [pej.]
flibbertigibbet [flighty, light-headed male person](Bruder) Leichtfuß {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
flibbertigibbet [flighty, light-headed male person] Luftikus {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
flibbertigibbety [Br. regional or archaic] [gossipy]schwatzhaft
flibbertigibbety [person] hohlköpfig [ugs.] [Person]
« fleafleefleeflesflexflexflibfligfligfligflin »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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