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English-German Dictionary

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flibustierFlibustier {m} [Seeräuber]
flic [coll.] [French policeman] Flic {m} [ugs.] [französischer Polizist]
Flic ® buttonFlic-Taste {f} [Flic ®]
flic-flacFlickflack {m} [Turnen]
flick Schnipser {m}
flick [coll.]Film {m}
flick [coll.]Streifen {m} [ugs.]
flick [esp. football / soccer, (ice) hockey] Schlenzer {m} [bes. Fußball, (Eis-)Hockey]
flick [smack] Klaps {m} [ugs.]
flick knife [Br.] Schnappmesser {n}
flick knife [esp. Br.] Springmesser {n}
flick of hairSträhne {f} [Haarsträhne]
flick of the wristHandgriff {m} [Bewegung] [auch fig.]
flick roll [Br.] gerissene Rolle {f}
flick weed [Cardamine hirsuta]Behaartes Schaumkraut {n}
flick weed [Cardamine hirsuta] Ruderal-Schaumkraut {n}
flick weed [Cardamine hirsuta]Gartenschaumkraut {n}
flick weed [Cardamine hirsuta]Viermänniges Schaumkraut {n}
flick weed [Cardamine hirsuta]Vielstängel-Schaumkraut {n}
flicker Flackern {n}
flicker Flimmern {n}
flicker [sl.] [motion picture]Film {m}
flicker [sl.] [movie] Streifen {m} [ugs.] [Film]
flicker book Daumenkino {n}
flicker effectFlackereffekt {m}
flicker factor Flickerfaktor {m}
flicker fusion frequency <FFF> Flimmerverschmelzungsfrequenz {f} <FVF>
flicker fusion rate <FFR>Flimmerverschmelzungsfrequenz {f} <FVF>
flicker fusion rate <FFR> Flimmerfusionsfrequenz {f} <FFF>
flicker fusion threshold <FFT>Flimmerfusionsfrequenz {f} <FFF>
flicker noise Funkelrauschen {n}
flicker of fear Angstschimmer {m}
flicker of hope Hoffnungsschimmer {m}
flicker stimuli flimmernde Lichtreize {pl}
flicker voltage range [IEC 60050] flickerverursachende Spannungsschwankung {f} [IEC 60050]
flickerfree flimmerfrei
flicker-free [lamp]flackerfrei [Lampe]
flickerfree [light]flickerfrei [Licht]
flicker-free operation [lamp] flimmerfreier Betrieb {m} [Lampe]
flickering Flimmern {n}
flickeringGeflimmer {n}
flickeringGeflacker {n}
flickering Flackern {n}
flickering [licking of flames]Gezüngel {n} [fig.] [von Flammen]
flickering before the eyesAugenflimmern {n}
flickering lightFlackerschein {m}
flickering lightFlackerlicht {n}
flickeringly funkend
flickermeterFlicker-Messgerät {n}
flickers [family Picidae, genus Colaptes]Krummschnabelspechte {pl}
flickers [family Picidae, genus Colaptes]Goldspechte {pl}
flickertail [prairie gopher] Prärieziesel {m} {n} [österr. meist {n}]
flickertail [Urocitellus richardsonii, syn.: Spermophilus richardsonii]Richardson-Ziesel {m} [österr. meist {n}]
Flickertail State [nickname] [State of North Dakota] [Spitzname für North Dakota, USA; wörtlich: Prärieziesel-Staat]
flickertails [also capitalized] [nickname for North Dakotans] Prärieziesel {pl} [selten] [Spitzname für Menschen aus North Dakota (USA)]
flicking schnellend
flicking [with one's finger]wegschnellend [mit dem Finger]
flicking of the tongue [e.g. by a snake]Gezüngel {n} [z. B. von einer Schlange]
flick-on [association football]Kopfballverlängerung {f}
flicks [coll.] [movies]Filme {pl}
flids [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [dated] [children born with thalidomide damage] Contergankinder {pl} [ugs.] [contergangeschädigte Kinder]
flier Handzettel {m}
flier Reklamezettel {m}
flier [air traveler / traveller] Flugreisender {m}
flier [handbill, single-page leaflet] Steckbrief {m} [ugs.] [fig.] [Flyer, kurze Information über eine Sache]
flier [pilot]Flieger {m} [Pilot]
flier [spv.] [flyer] [air passenger]Flugpassagier {m}
flier [spv.] [handbill] Flugblatt {n} [Handzettel]
flier (fish) [Centrarchus macropterus] Pfauenaugensonnenbarsch {m}
fliers Flugblätter {pl}
fliesFliegen {pl}
flies {pl} Hängeboden {m}
flies {pl}Schnürboden {m}
flies {pl} Obermaschinerie {f}
flies {pl} [Br.] [of pants, trousers]Hosenstall {m} [ugs.] [Hosenschlitz]
flies {pl} [Br.] [of pants, trousers] Hosenschlitz {m}
flies {pl} [Br.] [of pants, trousers] Hosenlatz {m}
flies {pl} [Br.] [of pants, trousers]Hosenladen {m} [ugs.] [Hosenschlitz]
flies [more than one]Hosenschlitze {pl}
flight Flug {m}
flight Flugreise {f}
flight Schwarm {m} [Flugformation]
flight Formation {f}
flightSchwarm {m}
flight Staffel {f} [Luftwaffe: Einheit]
flight Werbephase {f} [Zeitraum, in dem Werbung getrieben wird]
flight [attr.] [e.g. data, cancellation, attendant, controller] Flug- [z. B. Daten, Ausfall, Begleiter, Lotse]
flight [birds] Schar {f}
flight [dart, arrow]Steuerfeder {f}
flight [escape] Flucht {f}
flight [of pigeons]Schar {f} [Tauben]
flight [of stairs]Treppenlauf {m} [Bauteil]
-flight [staircase] -läufig [Treppenhaus]
Flight 714 [Hergé] Flug 714 nach Sydney
flight acceptance test Abnahmetest {m}
« fleefleeflesflexflexflibfligfligfligflinflip »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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