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« backPage 309 for words starting with F in the English-German dictionarynext page »
fluorkenopyrochlore Fluorkenopyrochlor {m}
fluor-liddicoatite [Ca(Li,Al)3Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3F4] Fluor-Liddicoatit {m}
fluornatromikrolite [(Na,Ca,Bi)2(Ta,Nb)2O6F]Fluornatromikrolith {m}
fluornatropyrochlore [(Na,REE,Ca)2Nb2(O,OH)6F] Fluornatropyrochlor {m}
fluornatroromeite [(Na,Ca)2Sb2(O,OH)6F] [fluornatroroméite] Fluornatroroméit {m}
fluoro [coll.] [fluoroscopy, fluoroscopic]Durchleuchtungs-
fluoro mode DL-Modus {m} [Fluoroskopie]
fluoroacetamide [C2H4FNO] Fluoracetamid {n}
fluoroacetate Fluoracetat {n}
fluoroacetic acid [C2H3FO2] Fluoressigsäure {f}
fluoro-aluminoleakeite [NaNa2(Mg2Al2Li)Si8O22F2]Fluoro-Aluminoleakeit {m}
fluoro-alumino-magnesiotaramite [Na(CaNa)(Mg3Al2)(Si6Al2)O22F2] Fluoro-Alumino-Magnesiotaramit {m}
fluoroantimonic acid Fluor-Antimonsäure {f}
fluoroboric acid Fluorborsäure {f}
fluorocannilloite [(Ca,Na)Ca2(Mg,Fe)4Al [(F,OH)2|Al2Si5O22]] Fluorocannilloit {m}
fluorocarbonFluorkohlenstoff {m}
fluorocarbon <FKM>Fluorkautschuk {m} <FKM, FPM>
fluorochinoloneFluorchinolon {n}
fluorochlorinated hydrocarbon <CFC> Fluorchlorkohlenwasserstoff {m} <FCKW>
fluorochrome Fluorochrom {n}
fluorocitrate Fluorcitrat {n}
fluorocronite [PbF2]Fluorocronit {m}
fluorodeoxyglucose <FDG> [radiopharmaceutical] Fluorodeoxyglucose {f} <FDG>
fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography <fluorodeoxyglucose PET, FDG-PET> Fluordeoxyglukose-Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie {f} <Fluordeoxyglukose-PET, FDG-PET>
fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography <fluorodeoxyglucose PET, FDG-PET>Fluordeoxyglukose-Positronen-Emissions-Tomografie {f} <Fluordeoxyglukose-PET, FDG-PET>
fluoro-edenite [NaCa2(Mg,Fe)5 [F|Al0.5Si3.5O11]2]Fluoro-Edenit {m}
fluoroform [CHF3] Fluoroform {n}
fluorographic fluorographisch
fluorographic imageSchirmbildaufnahme {f}
fluorographically fluorographisch
fluorography Fluorographie {f}
fluoro-kaliumrichterite [(K,Na)NaCaMg5Si8O22F2]Fluoro-Kaliumrichterit {m}
fluorokinoshitalite [BaMg3Al2Si2O10F2] Fluorokinoshitalith {m}
fluoroleakeite [NaNa2(Mg2Fe2Li)Si8O22F2]Fluoroleakeit {m}
fluoro-magnesio-arfvedsonite [(Na,K)Na2(Mg,Fe)4Fe [(F,OH)|Si4O11]2] Fluoro-Magnesio-Arfvedsonit {m}
fluoro-magnesiohastingsite [(Na,K)Ca2(Mg,Fe,Ti)5(Si,Al)8O22F2] Fluoro-Magnesiohastingsit {m}
fluorometer Fluorometer {n}
fluoropargasite [NaCa2(Mg3FeAl)5(Si6Al2)8O22F2]Fluoropargasit {m}
fluorophlogopite [KMg3(AlSi3)O10F2]Fluorophlogopit {m}
fluorophore Fluorophor {n}
fluoropolymerFluorpolymer {n}
fluoropolymers Fluorpolymere {pl}
fluoropotassichastingsite / fluoro-potassichastingsite [KCa2(Fe2Mg2Fe)(Si6Al2)O22F2]Fluoro-Kaliumhastingsit {m}
fluoro-potassic-magnesio-arfvedsonite [KNa2(Mg,Fe)5 [(F,OH)|Si4O11]2] Fluoro-Kalium-Magnesio-Arfvedsonit {m}
fluoro-potassic-pargasite [KCa2(Mg4Al)Si6Al2O22F2] Fluoro-Kaliumpargasit {m} [auch: Fluoro-Kalium-Pargasit]
fluoroquinolone Fluoroquinolon {n}
fluoroquinolone Fluorquinolon {n}
fluororichterite [(Na,K)(Ca,Na)2(Mg,Fe3+,Fe2+)5 [(F,OH,O)|(Si,Al)Si3O11]2] Fluororichterit {m}
fluoroscope Fluoreszenzschirm {m}
fluoroscope Röntgenbildschirm {m}
fluoroscopeFluoroskop {n}
fluoroscopic fluoroskopisch
fluoroscopic examination Durchleuchten {n} [fluoroskopische Untersuchung]
fluoroscopic imageDurchleuchtungsbild {n}
fluoroscopic kVDurchleuchtungs-kV {n}
fluoroscopic planeDurchleuchtungsebene {f}
fluoroscopic positionDurchleuchtungsposition {f}
fluoroscopic screen Leuchtschirm {m}
fluoroscopic screen Durchleuchtungsschirm {m}
fluoroscopic screen Fluoreszenzschirm {m}
fluoroscopic system Durchleuchtungssystem {n}
fluoroscopic system Fluoroskopiesystem {n}
fluoroscopic tableDurchleuchtungstisch {m}
fluoroscopic X-ray unit Röntgendurchleuchtungsgerät {n}
fluoroscopical fluoroskopisch
fluoroscopicsLeuchtschirme {pl}
fluoroscopy Fluoroskopie {f}
fluoroscopy Durchleuchtung {f}
fluoroscopy [mode]Durchleuchtungsbetrieb {m}
fluoroscopy characteristic curve Durchleuchtungskennlinie {f}
fluoroscopy mode Durchleuchtungsmodus {m}
fluoroscopy parameterDurchleuchtungsparameter {m}
fluoroscopy programDurchleuchtungsprogramm {n}
fluoroscopy systemDurchleuchtungssystem {n}
fluoroscopy tableDurchleuchtungstisch {m}
fluorosilicate Fluat {n}
fluorosilicone <FVMQ>Fluorsilikon {n} <FVMQ>
fluorosilicone rubber <FVMQ>Fluorsiliconkautschuk {m} <FVMQ> [auch: Fluorsilicon-Kautschuk]
fluorosilicone rubber <FVMQ>Fluorsilikonkautschuk {m} <FVMQ> [auch: Fluorsilikon-Kautschuk]
fluorosis Fluorvergiftung {f}
fluorosis Fluorose {f}
fluoro-sodic-ferropedrizite [NaLi2 (Fe2Al2Li)(Si6Al2)O22F2]Fluoro-Natrium-Ferropedrizit {m}
fluoro-sodicpedrizite [NaLi2(Mg2Al2Li)Si8O22F2] Fluoro-Natriumpedrizit {m}
fluorotetraferriphlogopite [KMg3FeSi3O10F2] Fluorotetraferriphlogopit {m}
fluorousfluoriert [fluorhaltig]
fluorowardite [NaAl3(PO4)2F2(OH)2(H2O)2] Fluorowardit {m}
fluor-schorl [NaFe3Al6Si6O18(BO3)3(OH)3F] Fluor-Schörl {m}
fluorspar [CaF2] Fluorit {m}
fluorspar [CaF2] Fluorkalzium {n}
fluorspar [CaF2] Flussspat {m}
fluorspar [CaF2]Flußspat {m} [alt] [Flussspat]
fluorstrontiopyrochlore [(Sr0.75Vc0.25)2Nb2(O0.75(OH)0.5)6F] Fluorstrontiopyrochlor {m}
fluorstrophite [(Sr,Ca)5(PO4)3(OH,F)] Fluorstrophit {m}
fluorthalenite-(Y) [Y3 [F|Si3O10]] [fluorthalénite-(Y)] Fluorthalénit-(Y) {m}
fluor-tsilaisite [NaMn3Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3F] Fluor-Tsilaisit {m}
fluorvesuvianite [Ca19(Al,Mg,Fe)13(SiO4)10(Si2O7)4O(F,OH)9]Fluorvesuvianit {m}
fluoxetine [C17H18F3NO] Fluoxetin {n}
flupenthixol [spv.] [C23H25F3N2OS] Flupenthixol {n} [Rsv.]
« fludfluffluiflumfluofluoflupflusflutfluvflya »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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