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« backPage 330 for words starting with F in the English-German dictionarynext page »
folk historyVolksgeschichte {f}
folk instrument Volksinstrument {n}
folk legend Volkssage {f}
folk literature Volksliteratur {f}
folk literatureVolksdichtung {f}
folk literatureVolkspoesie {f}
folk mass Gemeindesingmesse {f}
folk medicineVolksmedizin {f}
folk medicineVolksheilkunde {f}
folk memory mündliche Überlieferung {f}
folk musicFolkmusik {f} [bes. angelsächsische und skandinavische]
folk music Folk-Musik {f} [bes. angelsächsische und skandinavische]
folk music Folkloremusik {f}
folk music [esp. contemporary or revival, English language one]Folk {m}
folk music [played by a small lineup] [esp. in Austria and Southern Germany]Stubenmusik {f} [österr.] [südd.] [Volksmusik in kleiner Besetzung]
folk music [traditional] Volksmusik {f}
folk music event Volksmusikveranstaltung {f}
folk music fan Volksmusikfan {m}
folk musicianVolksmusiker {m}
folk musicians [traditional music]Volksmusikanten {pl}
folk myth Volksmythos {m}
folk play Volksstück {n}
folk plays Volksstücke {pl}
folk poetVolksdichter {m}
folk poetryVolksdichtung {f}
folk poetry Volkspoesie {f}
folk psychology Volkspsychologie {f}
folk psychology Alltagspsychologie {f}
folk psychology [esp. Wilhelm Wundt] Völkerpsychologie {f} [bes. Wilhelm Wundt]
folk religionVolksglaube {m} [selten auch: Volksglauben]
folk religion Volksreligion {f}
folk remedy Volksheilmittel {n}
folk remedy Volksmittel {n} [österr.] [selten] [Hausmittel]
folk saying Bauernregel {f}
folk singerFolksänger {m}
folk singer [female] Folksängerin {f}
folk singer [female] [traditional folk music] Volkssängerin {f}
folk singer [traditional folk music] Volkssänger {m}
folk song Volkslied {n}
folk songFolksong {m}
folk song [traditional] Volksgesang {m}
folk song collectionVolksliedsammlung {f}
folk song researcher Volksliedforscher {m}
folk song theme Volksliedthema {n} [bes. musikalisches Thema]
folk songs Volkslieder {pl}
folk story Volkserzählung {f}
folk superstition Volksaberglaube {m}
folk tale Volkssage {f}
folk tale Volksmärchen {n}
folk talesVolkssagen {pl}
folk tales volkstümliche Erzählungen {pl}
folk theater [Am.] Volkstheater {n}
folk tune Volksweise {f}
folk wisdom Volksweisheit {f}
Folkboat Folkeboot {n}
folkdomVolkstum {n}
Folkestone Folkestone {n}
Folketing [Danish parliament]Folketing {n} [dänisches Parlament]
folk-etymological volksetymologisch
folkie [coll.] [also: folky]Folkie {m} [selten] [Folksänger oder -musiker oder -fan]
folklife studies {pl}Volkskunde {f}
folk-like [traditional] volkstümlich
folklike songvolkstümliches Lied {n}
folklore Volkstum {n}
folkloreFolklore {f}
folklore studies {pl}Volkskunde {f}
folkloric folkloristisch
folkloric volkstümlich
folkloric blouse Folklorebluse {f}
folkloric dressFolklorekleid {n}
folkloric shirt Folklorehemd {n}
folkloric skirt Folklorerock {m}
folklorismFolklorismus {m}
folklorist Folklorist {m}
folkloristVolkskundler {m}
folklorist [female]Volkskundlerin {f}
folkloristic volkskundlich
folkloristic folkloristisch
folks [Am.] [coll.]Eltern {pl}
folks [coll.]Leutlein {pl} [veraltend]
folks [coll.] [people]Leute {pl}
folks [coll.] [people] Leutchen {pl} [ugs.] [Leute]
folksier geselliger
folksiest geselligste
folksinessGeselligkeit {f}
folksong Volkslied {n}
folksy volkstümlich
folksy [Am.]herzlich
folksy [furniture]rustikal
folksy traditionalism [in a pej. sense] Volkstümelei {f} [pej.]
[folksy popular music genre, esp. in German speaking countries] volkstümliche Musik {f} [kommerzialisierte, sogenannte Volksmusik]
folktale Volkserzählung {f}
folktaleVolksmärchen {n}
folktalesvolkstümliche Erzählungen {pl}
folkway [Am.] Brauch {m} [Volksbrauch, Familienbrauch]
folkways [Am.] Traditionen {pl}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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