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English-German Dictionary

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forestWaldung {f} [Forst, Wald]
forest [attr.] [e.g. animal, area, belt, consumption, damage]Wald- [z. B. Tier, Gebiet, Gürtel, Verbrauch, Schäden]
forest [attr.] [e.g. biology, district, manager, pest]Forst- [z. B. Biologie, Revier, Wirt, Schädling]
forest administrationForstverwaltung {f}
forest African dormouse [Graphiurus murinus]Afrikanischer Waldbilch {m}
forest agaric [Agaricus silvicola, syn.: A. abruptibulbus, A. essettei, A. sylvicola] Dünnfleischiger Anis-Egerling / Anisegerling {m}
forest aisle Schneise {f}
forest aisleWaldschneise {f}
forest aislesWaldschneisen {pl}
forest and wood management Forst- und Holzwirtschaft {f} <FHW>
forest animal Waldtier {n}
forest animalsWaldtiere {pl}
forest area Waldfläche {f}
forest areaWaldstück {n}
forest area Waldgebiet {n}
forest arion [Arion silvaticus, also A. sylvaticus, syn.: Carinarion silvaticus, C. sylvaticus] Wald-Wegschnecke / Waldwegschnecke {f}
forest association Waldgesellschaft {f}
forest association Waldassoziation {f}
forest backdrop Waldkulisse {f}
forest batis [Batis mixta] Kurzschwanzbatis {m}
forest beltWaldgürtel {m}
forest biocoenosisWaldbiozönose {f}
forest biologyForstbiologie {f}
forest biomassWaldbiomasse {f}
forest biome Waldbiom {n}
forest biotopeWaldbiotop {n}
forest biotope mappingWaldbiotopkartierung {f}
forest birdWaldvogel {m}
forest bird speciesWaldvogelart {f}
forest birdsWaldvögel {pl}
forest bittern [Zonerodius heliosylus] Bindenreiher {m}
forest bluegrass [Poa chaixii]Berg-Rispengras / Bergrispengras {n}
forest bluegrass [Poa chaixii]Wald-Rispengras / Waldrispengras {n}
forest border Waldrand {m}
forest boundary Waldgrenze {f}
forest brook Waldbach {m}
forest bug [Pentatoma rufipes]Rotbeinige Baumwanze {f}
forest buzzard [Buteo trizonatus, syn.: Buteo oerophilus trizonatus, Buteo tachardus trizonatus] Kapbussard {m}
forest campaignerWaldschützer {m}
forest campaigner [female] Waldschützerin {f}
forest canary [Crithagra scotops, syn.: Serinus scotops, Dendrospiza scotops] Waldgirlitz {m}
forest canary [Crithagra scotops, syn.: Serinus scotops, Dendrospiza scotops]Schwarzkinngirlitz {m}
forest canopy Blätterdach {n}
forest cart roadWaldweg {m}
forest castleWaldschloss {n}
forest caterpillar hunter [Calosoma sycophanta] Großer Puppenräuber {m} [Laufkäfer]
forest caterpillar hunter [Calosoma sycophanta] Grüner Puppenräuber {m} [Laufkäfer]
forest cemeteryWaldfriedhof {m}
forest centipede eater [Aparallactus modestus] Wald-Tausendfüßer-Fresser {m}
forest chestnut-winged starling [Onychognathus fulgidus] Kastanienflügelstar {m} [selten auch: Kastanienflügel-Star]
forest clear cutting Abholzen {n}
forest clearanceAbholzung {f}
forest cobra [Naja melanoleuca]Schwarzweiße Hutschlange {f}
forest cobra [Naja melanoleuca] Schwarzweiße Kobra {f}
forest cobra [Naja melanoleuca] Weißlippenkobra {f}
forest cobra [Naja melanoleuca]Waldkobra {f}
forest cobweb weaver [Phylloneta impressa, syn.: Theridion impressum]Braunweiße Kugelspinne {f}
forest cobweb weaver [Phylloneta impressa, syn.: Theridion impressum]Braune Kugelspinne {f}
forest cockchafer [Melolontha hippocastani] Waldmaikäfer {m}
forest combatWaldkampf {m}
forest community Waldgesellschaft {f}
forest composition [tree species] Waldzusammensetzung {f}
forest conservationWalderhaltung {f}
forest conservation Waldschutz {m}
forest conservation organisation [Br.] Waldschutzorganisation {f}
forest conservation organization Waldschutzorganisation {f}
forest consumptionWaldverbrauch {m}
Forest Conversation Waldesgespräch [R. Schumann, Liederkreis, Op. 39]
forest cottontail [Sylvilagus brasiliensis] Tapeti {n}
forest cottontail [Sylvilagus brasiliensis] Brasilien-Waldkaninchen {n}
forest cover Waldbedeckung {f}
forest coverWalddecke {f}
forest cover Waldbewuchs {m}
forest cover Baumwuchs {m}
forest cover [living and dead matter on the forest floor] Waldbodendecke {f}
forest coverage Waldbedeckung {f}
forest cuckoo bumblebee [Bombus sylvestris, syn.: Bombus (Psithyrus) sylvestris, Psithyrus sylvestris]Wald-Kuckuckshummel / Waldkuckuckshummel {f}
forest damageForstschaden {m}
forest damageWaldschädigung {f}
forest damage Waldschaden {m}
forest damage {sg}Forstschäden {pl}
forest damage {sg}Waldschäden {pl}
Forest Dark [Nicole Krauss] Waldes Dunkel
forest declineBaumsterben {n}
forest decline Waldsterben {n}
forest demonSchrat {m}
forest demonSchratt {m}
forest density Walddichte {f}
forest destruction Waldverwüstung {f}
forest developmentWaldentwicklung {f}
forest diebackWaldsterben {n}
forest diebackBaumsterben {n}
forest district Forstrevier {n}
forest districtForstbezirk {m}
forest districts Forstreviere {pl}
forest dormice [genus Dryomys] Baumschläfer {pl}
forest dormouse [Dryomys nitedula]Baumschläfer {m}
forest duikers [genus Cephalophus]Waldducker {pl}
forest duikers [genus Cephalophus]Schopfducker {pl}
forest dung beetle [Geotrupes stercorosus, syn.: G. sylvaticus] Waldmistkäfer {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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