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« backPage 388 for words starting with F in the English-German dictionarynext page »
form [resting place or nest of a hare]Sasse {f} [Hasenlager]
form [shape] Ausformung {f} [Form]
form accuracyFormgenauigkeit {f}
form alignmentAusrichten {n} des Formulars
form and content Gehalt {m} und Gestalt {f} [geh.]
form and contentForm {f} und Inhalt
form boards Schalung {f}
form card Formkarte {f}
form checkboxFormularfeld {n} [zum Ankreuzen]
form constructionFormbildung {f}
form control Formularsteuerung {f}
form criticism Formgeschichte {f}
form criticism Gattungsforschung {f}
form criticismGattungsgeschichte {f} [Formgeschichte]
form criticism Formkritik {f}
form curveFormkurve {f}
form cylinderFormzylinder {m}
form deviation Formabweichung {f}
form drive Formtrieb {m}
Form emergency corridor in case of traffic jam! Bei Stau Rettungsgasse bilden!
form error Formabweichung {f}
form error Formfehler {m}
form factor Formfaktor {m}
form feed Formularvorschub {m}
form feed Seitenvorschub {m}
form feed <FF> Blattvorschub {m}
form feed control Vorschubsteuerung {f}
form feed control characterDruckvorschubsteuerzeichen {n}
form feeding <ff>Formularvorschub {m}
form fluctuationFormschwankung {f}
Form follows function. <FFF> Form folgt Funktion. <FFF>
form generatorFormulargenerator {m}
form genusFormgattung {f}
form guide Formularführung {f}
form language Formensprache {f}
form layout Gestaltung {f} eines Vordrucks
form letter Serienbrief {m}
form letterStandardbrief {m}
form letter Formbrief {m}
form libraryFormularbibliothek {f}
form line [topography] Formlinie {f} [Topographie]
form machine-relieved cutter formhinterdrehter Fräser {m}
form mate Schulkamerad {m}
Form measurement - Determination of the straightness deviation of the linear guideFormprüfung - Bestimmung der Geradführungsabweichungen [VDI-Richtlinie]
form mistress [Br.] Klasslehrerin {f} [österr., südd.]
form mistress [Br.]Klaßlehrerin {f} [österr., südd.] [alt]
form mistress [Br.] Klassenlehrerin {f}
form ofArt {f} von
form of a document Aufmachung {f} eines Dokuments
form of a document Form {f} eines Dokuments
form of a servant Knechtsgestalt {f} [veraltet od. literarisch]
form of actionAktionsform {f}
form of address Form {f} der Anrede
form of address (korrekte) Anrede {f}
form of addressTitulatur {f}
form of advice Form {f} der Benachrichtigung
form of appearanceErscheinungsform {f}
form of applicationAntragsformular {n}
form of application Bewerbungsart {f}
form of authority Vollmachtsvordruck {m}
form of behavior [Am.]Verhaltensform {f}
form of behavior [Am.] Verhaltensweise {f}
form of birth control Verhütungsmittel {n}
form of burial Bestattungsform {f}
form of business organizationUnternehmensform {f}
form of communication Kommunikationsform {f}
form of companyUnternehmensform {f}
form of constitutionVerfassungsform {f}
form of contract Vertragsform {f}
form of contractVertragstyp {m}
form of control Kontrollform {f}
form of discrimination Art {f} von Diskriminierung
form of employment Beschäftigungsart {f}
form of employmentBeschäftigungsform {f}
form of employment Erwerbsform {f} [Beschäftigungsform]
form of energy Energieform {f}
form of enterpriseUnternehmensform {f}
form of entertainment Art {f} von Unterhaltung
form of existence Existenzform {f}
form of existence Seinsform {f}
form of expression Ausdrucksform {f}
form of expressionDarstellungsform {f}
form of expression Ausdrucksgestalt {f}
form of faith Glaubensform {f}
form of financing Finanzierungsform {f}
form of financing Typ {m} der Finanzierung
form of funding Finanzierungsform {f}
form of governing Herrschaftsform {f}
form of governmentStaatsform {f}
form of government Regierungsform {f}
form of governmentHerrschaftsform {f}
form of governmentRegierungsweise {f}
form of greeting Grußform {f}
form of housing Wohnform {f}
form of income tax return Formular {n} zur Einkommensteuererklärung
form of intelligence Intelligenzform {f}
form of intercourseVerkehrsform {f}
form of intervention Art {f} von Intervention
form of interventionInterventionsform {f}
form of knowledge Wissensform {f}
« foreforfforgforgforkformformformformformform »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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