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formatting formatierend
formattingFormatierung {f}
formatting costs Formatierungskosten {pl}
formatting errorFormatierungsfehler {m}
formatting program Formatierer {m} [Formatierungsprogramm]
formatting programFormatierungsprogramm {n}
formatting symbolFormatierungssymbol {n}
formatwisevon der Form her
formazan Formazan {n}
formazine Formazin {n}
form-critical formkritisch
formed ausgestaltet
formed gebildet [geformt]
formed geformt
formed [shaped]ausgebildet [hervorgebracht, geformt]
formed / unformed stoolgeformter / ungeformter Stuhl {m}
formed by an amalgamation gebildet durch eine Zusammenlegung
formed in 1992 1992 gegründet
formed in-place foam gasket technology <FIPFG technology> FIPFG-Technologie {f} [FIPFG = formed-in-place foam gasket]
formed meat Klebefleisch {n} [Bezeichnung besonders in den Medien für Formfleisch]
Formentera Formentera {n}
former vorig
former [attr.] früher [attr.] [ehemalig, einstig]
former [attr.] vorherig [attr.]
former [attr.] vormalig [attr.]
former [attr.] einstig [attr.]
former [attr.] gewesen [attr.] [bes. österr.] [ehemalig]
former [attr.]einstmalig [attr.] [selten]
former [attr.] [e.g. chancellor] Alt- [z. B. Altkanzler]
former [attr.] [e.g. chancellor]Ex- [z. B. Ex-Kanzler]
former [attr.] [first mentioned] erstgenannt
former [attr.] [up to now] bisherig
former [attr.] <fmr>ehemalig [attr.] <ehem.>
former [Br.] [suffix]-klässler {m}
former [insulated coil] Abbiegebock {m} [Spulenfertigung]
former adversaryfrüherer Gegner {m}
former advisor [female] Ex-Beraterin {f}
former British colony vormals britische Kolonie {f}
former British possessions vormalig britische Gebiete {pl}
former British protectorate ehemaliges britisches Protektorat {n}
former British protectoratefrüheres britisches Protektorat {n}
former British trust territory vormals britisches Territorium {n}
former chancellorAltkanzler {m}
former Chancellor alt Bundeskanzler {m} [schweiz.]
former chancellor Ex-Kanzler {m}
former chancellor [female]Altkanzlerin {f}
former Chancellor [in Germany and Austria] Altbundeskanzler {m}
former clubehemaliger Verein {m}
former co-worker ehemaliger Mitarbeiter {m} [Ex-Mitarbeiter]
former East Germanyehemalige DDR {f}
former employee ehemaliger Mitarbeiter {m}
former employee Ex-Mitarbeiter {m}
former employee [female] ehemalige Mitarbeiterin {f}
former Federal Councillor [Br.] Alt-Bundesrat {m} [Schweiz] [ehemaliges Mitglied des Bundesrates]
former Federal PresidentAltbundespräsident {m}
former friend ehemaliger Freund {m}
former GDR ehemalige DDR {f}
former glory alte Pracht {f}
former gloryeinstiger Glanz {m} [fig.] [früherer Ruhm]
former headmastervormaliger Schulleiter {m}
former headteacherehemaliger Schulleiter {m}
former industrial siteAltstandort {m}
former king Ex-König {m} [auch: Exkönig]
former landfill Altablagerung {f}
former landfillAltdeponie {f}
former mayor Altbürgermeister {m}
former memberfrüheres Mitglied {n}
former member ehemaliges Mitglied {n}
former membervormaliges Mitglied {n}
former mining area früheres Abbaugebiet {n}
former mother-in-law Ex-Schwiegermutter {f}
former ownerVorbesitzer {m}
former partnerausgeschiedener Gesellschafter {m}
former player Ex-Spieler {m}
former presidentAltpräsident {m}
former president Ex-Präsident {m}
former president [corporate title] ehemaliger Präsident {m}
former prime ministerEx-Premierminister {m} <Ex-Premier>
Former Prophets [Josh-Kings] Vordere Propheten {pl} [auch: vordere Propheten]
Former Prophets [Josh-Kings]Frühere Propheten {pl}
former quotations frühere Angebote {pl}
former Siemens boss Ex-Siemens-Chef {m}
former smokerExraucher {m} [auch: Ex-Raucher]
former smoker [female] Exraucherin {f} [auch: Ex-Raucherin]
former Soviet republics frühere Sowjetrepubliken {pl}
former tumor bed [Am.] ehemaliges Tumorgebiet {n} [Tumorbett]
former West German Chancellorehemaliger deutscher Bundeskanzler {m} [vor der Wiedervereinigung]
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia <FYROM> ehemalige jugoslawische Republik {f} Mazedonien [auch: Ehemalige Jugoslawische Republik Mazedonien] <EJRM>
former Yugoslavia Ex-Jugoslawien {n}
former Yugoslaviaehemaliges Jugoslawien {n}
[former Austrian yarn measure; one Wiedel is 240 threads]Wiedel {n} [auch Wiel; in Wien: Windel] [ehemaliges österreichisches Garnmaß]
[former East German dance, GDR's answer to rock 'n' roll]Lipsi {m}
[former participant of the German student movement / 68er-Bewegung] Altachtundsechziger {m} <Alt-68er> [ehemaliger Achtundsechziger]
formerly ehedem [geh.]
formerly ehemals <ehem.>
formerlyvormals <vorm.>
formerlyfrüher [ehemals, einst]
formerlyfrüher mal
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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