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English-German Dictionary

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forty-four-year-old <44-year-old> Vierundvierzigjähriger {m} <44-Jähriger>
forty-hour week Vierzigstundenwoche {f}
fortyish [coll.]um die vierzig [nachgestellt] [ugs.]
fortyish [coll.] um vierzig herum
forty-nine neunundvierzig
forty-niner [Goldgräber, der im Zuge des Goldrausches von 1849 nach Kalifornien ging]
forty-nine-year-old [attr.] <49-year-old>neunundvierzigjährig <49-jährig>
forty-nine-year-old [female] <49-year-old> Neunundvierzigjährige {f} <49-Jährige>
forty-nine-year-old <49-year-old> Neunundvierzigjähriger {m} <49-Jähriger>
forty-one einundvierzig
forty-one-year-old [attr.] <41-year-old> einundvierzigjährig <41-jährig>
forty-one-year-old [female] <41-year-old> Einundvierzigjährige {f} <41-Jährige>
forty-one-year-old <41-year-old> Einundvierzigjähriger {m} <41-Jähriger>
forty-ounce [Am.] [coll.] [amerikanische 1,18-Liter-Flasche]
forty-seven-year-old [attr.] <47-year-old>siebenundvierzigjährig <47-jährig>
forty-seven-year-old [female] <47-year-old> Siebenundvierzigjährige {f} <47-Jährige>
forty-seven-year-old <47-year-old> Siebenundvierzigjähriger {m} <47-Jähriger>
forty-six-year-old [attr.] <46-year-old>sechsundvierzigjährig <46-jährig>
forty-six-year-old [female] <46-year-old> Sechsundvierzigjährige {f} <46-Jährige>
forty-six-year-old <46-year-old> Sechsundvierzigjähriger {m} <46-Jähriger>
FortysomethingDr. Slippery
forty-somethings [coll.] Menschen {pl} in ihren Vierzigern [ugs.]
forty-spotted pardalote [Pardalotus quadragintus] Tasmanpanthervogel {m}
forty-three-year-old [attr.] <43-year-old> dreiundvierzigjährig <43-jährig>
forty-three-year-old [female] <43-year-old> Dreiundvierzigjährige {f} <43-Jährige>
forty-three-year-old <43-year-old>Dreiundvierzigjähriger {m} <43-Jähriger>
forty-two zweiundvierzig
forty-two-year-old [attr.] <42-year-old>zweiundvierzigjährig <42-jährig>
forty-two-year-old [female] <42-year-old> Zweiundvierzigjährige {f} <42-Jährige>
forty-two-year-old <42-year-old>Zweiundvierzigjähriger {m} <42-Jähriger>
forty-year-old [attr.] <40-year-old> vierzigjährig <40-jährig>
forty-year-old [female] <40-year-old> Vierzigjährige {f} <40-Jährige>
forty-year-old <40-year-old> Vierzigjähriger {m} <40-Jähriger>
forty-year-olds Vierzigjährige {pl}
forum öffentliche Diskussion {f}
forumGericht {n}
forumGerichtsstand {m}
forum [also fig.] Tribunal {n} [auch fig.]
forum [also hist.]Forum {n} [auch hist.]
Forum Cheque [Br.] [a form of hard currency in the GDR] Forumscheck {m}
forum contribution Forumsbeitrag {m}
forum discussion Forum {n} [über Politik]
forum for discussionDiskussionsforum {n}
forum for translators Übersetzerforum {n}
forum members Forumsmitglieder {pl}
Forum of Augustus Augustusforum {n}
Forum of CaesarCaesarforum {n}
Forum of CaesarCäsarforum {n}
Forum of CaesarCaesar-Forum {n}
Forum of Caesar Cäsar-Forum {n}
Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams <FIRST>[Zusammenschluss von Netz-Sicherheitsorganisationen]
forum participant Forenteilnehmer {m}
forum participant Forenbenutzer {m}
forum post Forumsbeitrag {m}
forum posting Forumsbeitrag {m}
forum shopping [(manipulierte) Wahl des für den Kläger günstigen Gerichtsstandes]
forum userForenbenutzer {m}
forumerForenbenutzer {m} [Forum, Newsgroup]
forumer Forumler {m} [ugs.]
forumiteForumler {m} [ugs.]
forumite Forenteilnehmer {m}
forumite [coll.] Forenbesucher {m} [Internet]
forumsForen {pl}
forward fortschrittlich
forward nach vorn
forwardStürmer {m}
forward weiter
forward voraus
forwardvorderer / vordere / vorderes
forward vor
forward nach vorne [ugs. für: nach vorn]
forward fürderhin [veraltet für: von jetzt an, künftig]
forward Forward {m} [bes. schweiz.]
forward [brazen]dreist
forward [cheeky]kess
forward [pert] naseweis
forward [precocious]frühreif
forward [cheeky, impertinent] vorlaut
forward [female]Stürmerin {f}
forward [pushy]zudringlich [aufdringlich]
Forward [USA] [Wisconsin state motto]Vorwärts [Motto des US-Staates Wisconsin]
forward [WRONG for: foreword] [Vorwort]
forward <fwd, fwrd, fw> vorwärts <vw>
forward accountTerminkonto {n}
forward air controller <FAC>Fliegerleitoffizier {m}
Forward Air Controller <FAC>Fliegerverbindungsoffizier {m} <Flivo> [dt. Wehrmacht]
forward and rearward movementVorwärts- und Rückwärtsbewegung {f}
forward arbitrageTerminarbitrage {f}
forward area Kampfgebiet {n}
forward area vorderer Frontabschnitt {m}
forward areaKampfraum {m}
forward bend Rumpfbeuge {f}
forward bias Durchlassspannung {f}
forward bias Vorwärtsspannung {f}
forward biased safe operating area <FBSOA>sicherer Vorwärts-Arbeitsbereich {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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