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four-color problem [Am.] Vier-Farben-Problem {n}
four-color theorem [Am.]Vier-Farben-Satz {m}
four-colored bush shrike [Chlorophoneus quadricolor] [Am.] Vierfarbenwürger {m}
four-colored flowerpecker [Am.] [Dicaeum quadricolor]Vierfarben-Mistelfresser {m}
four-colored flowerpecker [Am.] [Dicaeum quadricolor] Cebu-Blütenpicker {m}
four-colour [Br.] vierfarbig
four-colour conjecture [Br.] Vier-Farben-Vermutung {f}
four-colour print [Br.] Vierfarbendruck {m} [Druckerzeugnis]
four-colour printing [Br.] Vierfarbendruck {m} [Verfahren]
four-colour problem [Br.] Vier-Farben-Problem {n}
four-colour theorem [Br.] Vier-Farben-Satz {m}
four-coloured bush shrike [Chlorophoneus quadricolor] [Br.]Vierfarbenwürger {m}
four-coloured bushshrike [Br.] [Telophorus viridis, syn.: Telophorus quadricolor]Perrin-Würger {m}
four-coloured bushshrike [Br.] [Telophorus viridis, syn.: Telophorus quadricolor] Perrein-Würger {m}
four-coloured cuckoo bee [Br.] [Bombus sylvestris, syn.: Psithyrus sylvestris] Wald-Kuckuckshummel / Waldkuckuckshummel {f}
four-coloured flowerpecker [Br.] [Dicaeum quadricolor] Vierfarben-Mistelfresser {m}
four-coloured flowerpecker [Br.] [Dicaeum quadricolor] Cebu-Blütenpicker {m}
four-conductor cable <4-conductor cable>Vierleiterkabel {n}
four-consonant codaaus vier Konsonanten bestehende Silbenkoda {f}
four-core [attr.] <4-core>vieradrig <4-adrig>
four-core cable <4-core cable>Vierleiterkabel {n}
four-core cable <4-core cable> vieradriges Kabel {n} <4-adriges Kabel>
four-course meal Vier-Gänge-Menü {n}
four-course meal Viergängemenü {n}
four-course meal Viergangmenü {n}
four-cusped toothvierhöckriger Zahn {m}
four-cycle [attr.] [esp. Am.]Viertakt-
four-cycle engineViertaktmotor {m}
four-cycle engine [Am.]Viertakter {m} [Viertaktmotor]
four-cycle enginesViertaktmotoren {pl}
four-cylinder [attr.]vierzylindrig
four-cylinder engineVierzylindermotor {m}
four-cylinder engineVierzylinder {m} [ugs.] [kurz für: Vierzylindermotor]
four-cylinder in-line engine Vierzylinder-Reihenmotor {m}
four-day [attr.]viertägig <4-tägig>
four-day feverviertägiges Fieber {n}
four-day weekViertagewoche {f}
four-decade [attr.] [e.g. experience]vierzigjährig [z. B. Erfahrung]
four-deck car park [Br.] viergeschossiges Parkhaus {n}
four-deck car park [Br.] vierstöckiges Parkhaus {n}
four-deck car park [Br.] Parkhaus {n} mit vier Ebenen
four-digit [attr.] vierstellig
four-digit display <4-digit display> vierstellige Anzeige {f} <4-stellige Anzeige>
four-dimensional vierdimensional
four-dimensional hypercubeTesserakt {m}
four-dimensional hypercube vierdimensionaler Hyperwürfel {m}
four-dimensional space-time vierdimensionale Raumzeit {f}
four-dimensionalismVierdimensionalismus {m}
four-dimpled springtail-stalker [Notiophilus quadripunctatus]Vierpunkt-Laubläufer {m} [Laufkäferart]
four-document hypothesis [Synoptic problem] Vierquellentheorie {f} [synoptische Frage]
four-doorViertürer {m}
four-door [attr.]viertürig
four-door car viertüriges Auto {n}
four-door hatchback Kombilimousine {f} [viertürig]
four-door model Viertürer {m} [viertüriges Auto]
four-dotted footman [Cybosia mesomella] [moth]Elfenbein-Flechtenbärchen {n} [Nachtfalterspezies]
four-dotted footman [Cybosia mesomella] [moth]Kleine Würfelmotte {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
four-dotted footman [Cybosia mesomella] [moth]Elfenbein-Flechtenbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
four-drawer dresser [Am.] <4-drawer dresser> Kommode {f} mit vier Schubladen
four-engine [attr.] [jet plane] vierstrahlig [Düsenflugzeug]
four-engined viermotorig
foureye butterfly [Chaetodon capistratus] Pfauenaugen-Falterfisch {m}
foureye butterfly [Chaetodon capistratus] Vieraugen-Falterfisch {m}
foureye butterflyfish [Chaetodon capistratus] Vieraugen-Falterfisch {m}
foureye butterflyfish [Chaetodon capistratus] Pfauenaugen-Falterfisch {m}
four-eye principle Vier-Augen-Prinzip {n}
four-eyed butterflyfish [Chaetodon capistratus]Vieraugen-Falterfisch {m}
four-eyed butterflyfish [Chaetodon capistratus]Pfauenaugen-Falterfisch {m}
four-eyed fishes [genus Anableps] Vieraugenfische {pl}
four-eyes [coll.] [pej.] Brillenschlange {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
four-eyes [pej.] [a person wearing glasses]Vierauge {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [hum.] [Brillenträger]
four-eyes principle Vier-Augen-Prinzip {n}
four-figure [attr.] vierstellig
four-figure fine vierstellige Geldstrafe {f}
four-figure fineGeldstrafe {f} in vierstelliger Höhe
four-finger line [simian crease, simian fold] Vierfingerfurche {f}
four-floor [attr.] vierstöckig
four-floor [attr.] viergeschossig
four-flute (end) mill Vierschneider {m}
four-fold vierfach
fourfold vierfach
fourfold Geviert {n} [Heidegger]
fourfold root of sufficient reason vierfache Wurzel {f} des zureichenden Grundes [Schopenhauer]
fourfold table Vierfeldertafel {f} [zweidimensionale Kontingenztafel]
four-foot pitch Vierfußton {m}
four-footed vierfüßig
four-footed vierbeinig
four-footed vierhebig
four-footed butterflies [family Nymphalidae] Edelfalter {pl}
four-footed butterflies [family Nymphalidae] Nymphaliden {pl}
four-footed earthstar [Geastrum quadrifidum]Kleiner Nesterdstern {m}
four-footed earthstar [Geastrum quadrifidum]Kleiner Nest-Erdstern {m}
four-four timeViervierteltakt {m}
four-generation householdVier-Generationen-Haushalt {m}
fourgon Fourgon {m} [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet] [Packwagen]
four-handed vierhändig
four-headedvierköpfig [Ungeheuer]
four-headed [e.g. muscle] vierköpfig [z. B. Muskel]
four-hole mounting <4-hole mounting> Vierlochbefestigung {f} <4-Lochbefestigung>
« founfounfounfounfourfourfourFourfourfourfour »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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