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four-part vierstimmig
four-part harmony Choralsatz {m}
four-part male chorusvierstimmiger Männerchor {m}
four-part textureVierstimmigkeit {f}
four-parterVierteiler {m}
four-party coalition Vierparteienkoalition {f} [auch: Vierparteien-Koalition]
four-party coalitionViererkoalition {f}
four-party system Vierparteiensystem {n}
fourpenny all-off [Br.] [sl.] [short haircut][kurzer Haarschnitt]
four-person [attr.]vierköpfig [Team, Gremium, Familie, Haushalt etc.]
four-person chair [chairlift] Vierersessel {m} [Sessellift]
four-person householdVier-Personen-Haushalt {m}
four-person householdVierpersonenhaushalt {m}
four-person table Vierertisch {m}
four-person teamvierköpfiges Team {n}
four-phase [attr.] Vierphasen-
four-phase [attr.] vierphasig
four-phase systemVierphasensystem {n}
four-piece rim vierteilige Felge {f}
four-place [attr.] [e.g. decimal number] vierstellig [z. B. Dezimalzahl]
four-point bending testVierpunktbiegeversuch {m}
four-point bridleAbseilspinne {f} [Verwendung mit Korbtrage]
four-point circle [also: four-points circle]Vier-Punkte-Kreis {m}
fourpole Vierpol {m}
four-pole [attr.]Vierpol-
four-poster bed Himmelbett {n}
four-postered bed [rare] [four-poster bed] Himmelbett {n}
four-pounder [hammer] Vierpfünder {m} [Hammer]
four-power agreement Viermächteabkommen {n}
four-power conference Viermächtekonferenz {f}
four-quadrant biopsy <4QB>Vier-Quadranten-Biopsie {f} <4QB>
four-quark resonance Vier-Quark-Resonanz {f}
fourragere [shoulder braid]Affenschaukel {f} [ugs.] [Fourragère]
four-ring binder Vierringordner {m}
four-room apartment Vierzimmerwohnung {f}
four-roomed apartmentVierzimmerwohnung {f}
four-root tooth Zahn {m} mit vier Wurzeln
four-rooted vierwurzlig [Rsv.]
four-rooted toothZahn {m} mit vier Wurzeln
fours [the digits / figures]Vieren {pl} [die Ziffern]
four's complement [also: fours complement] Viererkomplement {n} <4er-Komplement>
foursaddle grouper [Epinephelus spilotoceps] Vierfleck-Wabenbarsch {m}
fourscore [eighty] achtzig
four-season duvet 4-Jahreszeiten-Bettdecke {f}
four-seat sofaViersitzersofa {n}
four-seater [attr.] [car, sofa, etc.] viersitzig [Auto, Sofa etc.]
four-second rule [futsal]Vier-Sekunden-Regel {f} [Futsal]
four-seed vetch [Am.] [Vicia tetrasperma] Viersamige Wicke {f}
four-semester [attr.] viersemestrig
four-sided vierseitig [viereckig, vierkantig]
four-sided vierkantig
four-sided courtyard Vierseithof {m}
four-sided figure <4-sided figure> Viereck {n}
four-sides modelVier-Seiten-Modell {n}
foursomeViererspiel {n}
foursome Vierer {m} [Golf]
foursome [four people] Quartett {n}
foursome [sl.] (flotter) Vierer {m} [ugs.] [Gruppensex]
foursomesViererspiele {pl}
four-source hypothesis [Synoptic problem] Vierquellentheorie {f} [synoptische Frage]
fourspine stickleback [Apeltes quadracus] Vierstachliger Stichling {m}
fourspine stickleback [Apeltes quadracus] Amerikanischer Stichling {m}
four-spined sculpin [Myxocephalus quadricornis, Syn. Cottus hexacornis, C. latifrons, Oncocottus hexacornis, O. quadricornis, Onocottus hexacornis, Triglops quadricornis, Triglopsis quadricornis]Vierhörniger Seeskorpion {m}
four-spined stickleback [Apeltes quadracus] Amerikanischer Stichling {m}
four-spined stickleback [Apeltes quadracus] Vierstachliger Stichling {m}
four-spot bush cricket [Phaneroptera nana] Vierpunktige Sichelschrecke {f}
four-spot butterfly [Chaetodon quadrimaculatus] Vierflecken-Falterfisch {m}
fourspot butterflyfish [Chaetodon quadrimaculatus] Vierfleck-Falterfisch {m}
four-spot ladybird [Harmonia quadripunctata, syn.: Coccinella quadripunctata, Harmonia marginepunctata] Vierpunkt-Marienkäfer {m}
four-spot ladybird [Harmonia quadripunctata, syn.: Coccinella quadripunctata, Harmonia marginepunctata] Kopf-Vierpunkt-Marienkäfer {m}
four-spot lift [Antispila pfeifferella, syn.: A. metallella] [moth] Hartriegel-Erzglanzfalter {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
four-spot megrim [Lepidorhombus boscii] Gefleckter Flügelbutt {m}
four-spot orb-weaver [Araneus quadratus] Vierfleckkreuzspinne {f} [auch: Vierfleck-Kreuzspinne]
four-spotted bean weevil [Callosobruchus maculatus, C. quadrimaculatus, Bruchus maculatus, B. quadrimaculatus]Vierfleckiger Kundekäfer {m}
four-spotted bean weevil [Callosobruchus maculatus, C. quadrimaculatus, Bruchus maculatus, B. quadrimaculatus] Vierfleckiger Bohnenkäfer {m}
four-spotted blister beetle [Mylabris quadripunctata] Vierpunktiger Ölkäfer {m}
four-spotted butterflyfish [Chaetodon quadrimaculatus]Vierfleck-Falterfisch {m}
four-spotted carrion beetle [Dendroxena quadrimaculata, syn.: D. 4-maculata] Vierpunktraupenjäger {m} [Käfer]
four-spotted carrion beetle [Dendroxena quadrimaculata, syn.: D. 4-maculata] Vierpunktiger Aaskäfer {m}
four-spotted carrion beetle [Dendroxena quadrimaculata, syn.: D. 4-maculata] Vierpunktiger Raupenjäger {m}
four-spotted carrion beetle [Dendroxena quadrimaculata, syn.: D. 4-maculata] Gefleckter Aaskäfer {m}
four-spotted carrion beetle [Dendroxena quadrimaculata, syn.: D. 4-maculata] Vierpunkt-Aaskäfer / Vierpunktaaskäfer {m}
four-spotted chaser [Libellula quadrimaculata] Vierfleck {m} [Libellenart]
four-spotted chaser larva [Libellula quadrimaculata]Vierfleck-Larve {f} [Libellenlarve]
four-spotted cowry / cowrie [Eclogavena quadrimaculata, syn.: Cypraea nimbosa, C. quadrimaculata] Vierfleck-Kauri / Vierfleckkauri {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
four-spotted footman [Lithosia quadra] [moth]Großer Flechtenbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
four-spotted footman [Lithosia quadra] [moth] Vierpunkt-Flechtenbärchen {n} [Nachtfalterspezies]
four-spotted footman [Lithosia quadra] [moth] Stahlmotte {f}
four-spotted footman [Lithosia quadra] [moth] Würfelmotte {f} [Vierpunkt-Flechtenbärchen]
four-spotted fungus beetle [Mycetophagus quadriguttatus] Vierfleckiger Baumschwammkäfer {m}
four-spotted goby [Deltentosteus quadrimaculatus] Vierfleck-Grundel {f}
four-spotted goby [Deltentosteus quadrimaculatus] Vierflecken-Grundel {f}
four-spotted ground beetle [Bembidion quadrimaculatum] Vierfleck-Ahlenläufer {m}
four-spotted ground beetle [Bembidion quadrimaculatum]Schöner Ahlenläufer {m}
four-spotted leaf beetle [Clytra quadripunctata] Vierpunktiger Ameisen-Sackkäfer {m}
four-spotted leaf beetle [Clytra quadripunctata] Vierpunkt-Ameisenblattkäfer {m}
four-spotted (moth) [Tyta luctuosa, syn.: Acontia luctuosa, Noctua luctuosa] Windeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
four-spotted (moth) [Tyta luctuosa, syn.: Acontia luctuosa, Noctua luctuosa] Trauereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
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