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familiarity principleFamiliaritätsprinzip {n}
familiarity (with other languages) Kenntnis {f} (anderer Sprachen)
familiarity with sth.Vorwissen {n} über etw. [Akk.]
familiarity with the basics of a subject Vorkenntnis {f}
familiarity (with) Vertrautheit {f} (mit)
familiarizationGewöhnung {f}
familiarizationSchulung {f}
familiarizationEinweisung {f}
familiarizationEingewöhnung {f}
familiarizationFamiliarisierung {f}
familiarization flightEinweisungsflug {m}
familiarization tour <FAM tour> Schnuppertour {f}
familiarization trip Informationsreise {f}
familiarizations Gewöhnungen {pl}
familiarized vertraut gemacht
familiarizing gewöhnend
familiarizing sich vertraut machend
familiarly vertraut
familiarness Vertrautheit {f}
familicide [act] Familizid {m}
familicide [murder] Familienmord {m}
familiesFamilien {pl}
families in conflict Scheidungsfamilien {pl}
families of divorce Scheidungsfamilien {pl}
familist [obs.]Familienoberhaupt {n}
familistic familiär [die Familie betreffend]
FamilistsFamilisten {pl}
FamilyEine amerikanische Familie
familyFamilie {f}
familyMischpoche {f} [ugs.] [auch pej.] [aus dem Jidd.]
familyMischpoke {f} [ugs.] [auch pej.] [aus dem Jidd.]
familyMuschpoke {f} [ugs.] [auch pej.] [aus dem Jidd.]
familyBüschel {n}
family Family {f} [ugs.]
family {sg} of thallose liverworts [family Aneuraceae, syn. Riccardiaceae]Aneuraceen {pl}
family [attr.]familiär
family [attr.] Familien-
family [attr.] [e.g. altar, doctor, friend, order, pet] Haus- [z. B. Altar, Arzt, Freund, Orden, Tier]
Family [House season 3] Auf der Kippe
family [kindred, kinsfolk] Sippe {f} [oft hum. od. pej.] [Familie, Verwandtschaft]
family [lineage]Geschlecht {n} [Familie, Sippe]
family [treated as sg. or pl.]Familie {f} <Fam.>
family activities Familienaktivitäten {pl}
family affair Familienangelegenheit {f}
family affair Familiensache {f}
Family Affair Lieber Onkel Bill
family affairs Familienangelegenheiten {pl}
family afternoonFamiliennachmittag {m}
family album Familienalbum {n}
family allowanceFamilienzuschlag {m}
family allowancedingsdaFamilienzuschlag {m}
family allowanceFamilienzuschuss {m}
family allowanceFamilienbeihilfe {f}
family allowanceFamilienzulage {f}
family allowanceKindergeld {n}
family allowance [military supplemental pay]Familienunterhalt {m}
family altar Herrgottswinkel {m}
family altar Hausaltar {m}
family anamnesisFamilienanamnese {f}
family archive Familienarchiv {n}
Family are ... [Br.]Familie ist ...
family argumentFamilienstreit {m}
family arms {pl}Familienwappen {n}
family assets {pl} Familienvermögen {n}
family associationFamilienverband {m}
family atmosphere Familienatmosphäre {f}
family background häusliches Milieu {n}
family background Familienverhältnisse {pl}
family background Familienhintergrund {m}
family balancing [euphem. for sex selection] [also: social sexing] Geschlechtsauswahl {f} [IVF] [präimplantativ]
family benefit Familienzuschuss {m}
family biography Familienbiografie {f}
family bondFamilienband {n} [geh.] [selten für: Familienbande]
family bonds Familienbande {pl} [geh.]
family branch Familienzweig {m}
family brewery Familienbrauerei {f}
family budget Familienbudget {n}
family budgetHaushaltskasse {f}
family (burial) plot Familienbegräbnis {n} [Familiengrabstätte]
family businessFamilienbetrieb {m}
family business Familienunternehmen {n}
Family Business [Sidney Lumet]Family Business [auch: Ehrbare Ganoven]
family carFamilienauto {n}
family carFamilienkutsche {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [Familienauto]
family careFamilienpflege {f}
family caregiver leave Familienpflegezeit {f} [Deutschland] [Freistellung zur Pflege Angehöriger]
family category Familienkategorie {f}
family celebration Familienfeier {f}
family celebrationFamilienfest {n}
family centre [Br.] Familienzentrum {n}
family chapel Familienkapelle {f}
family chronicle Familienchronik {f}
family Ciconiidae [storks] Familie {f} Ciconiidae [Störche]
family circleFamilienleben {n}
family circleFamilienkreis {m}
family circumstances Familienverhältnisse {pl}
family clanFamilienclan {m}
family climate Familienklima {n}
family coat of armsFamilienwappen {n}
« falsfalsfalsfalsFamefamiFamifamifamifamifami »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers