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freezing cold eisig kalt
freezing cold eiskalt
freezing coldhundekalt [ugs.]
freezing coldeisige Kälte {f}
freezing cold Eiseskälte {f}
freezing coldschweinekalt [ugs.]
freezing cold saukalt [ugs.]
freezing cold eisigkalt [alt]
freezing daysFrosttage {pl}
freezing deviceGefriergerät {n}
freezing fog gefrierender Nebel {m}
freezing injunction [Br.] [EU] dinglicher Arrest {m}
freezing level <FZLVL, FL> Nullgradgrenze {f}
freezing limitGefriergrenze {f}
freezing lineNullgradgrenze {f}
freezing machineGefriermaschine {f}
freezing markGefrierpunkt {m}
freezing mixture Kältemischung {f}
freezing mixtures Kältemischungen {pl}
freezing of corpsesEinfrieren {n} von Toten
freezing of fundsEinfrieren {n} von Geldern
freezing on anfrierend
freezing orderSicherstellungsentscheidung {f}
freezing plantGefrieranlage {f}
freezing plantsGefrieranlagen {pl}
freezing point Erstarrungspunkt {m}
freezing point Gefrierpunkt {m}
freezing point depression Gefrierpunktserniedrigung {f}
freezing point of copper Kupfererstarrungspunkt {m}
freezing point of zincZinkerstarrungspunkt {m}
freezing pointsGefrierpunkte {pl}
freezing processGefriervorgang {m}
freezing process Gefrierprozess {m}
freezing propertiesGefriereigenschaften {pl}
freezing rainGraupel {f}
freezing rain gefrierender Regen {m}
freezing rain Eisregen {m}
freezing temperatureGefrierpunkt {m}
freezing temperatureseisige Temperaturen {pl}
freezing temperaturesGefrierpunkt {m}
freezing temperatures Minusgrade {pl}
freezing to deatherfrierend
freezing up zufrierend
freezing weatherFrostwetter {n}
freezing works [Aus.] [NZ]Schlachthof {m}
freezing works [Aus.] [NZ]Schlachthaus {n}
Fregoli delusionFregoli-Wahn {m} [Wahnvorstellung]
fregula [also: fregola] Fregula {f} [auch: Fregola]
freibergite [(Ag,Cu)6(Cu,Ag)4(Fe,Zn)2Sb4S12-13]Freibergit {m}
Freiberg's infraction Freiberg-Köhler-Syndrom {n}
Freiburg (im Breisgau) Freiburg {n} (im Breisgau)
Freiburg (im Üechtland) <Freiburg i. Ü., Freiburg i. Üe.> [also Fribourg] [capital of the Swiss canton of Fribourg]Freiburg {n} im Üechtland <Freiburg i. Ü., Freiburg i. Üe.>
Freiburg Minster Freiburger Münster {n}
Freiburg monosyllable word test Freiburger Einsilbertest {m}
Freiburg Personality Inventory <FPI> Freiburger Persönlichkeitsinventar {n} <FPI>
Freiburg School Freiburger Schule {f}
Freie Ämter Freie Ämter {pl} [Schweiz]
freieslebenite [AgPbSbS3] Freieslebenit {m}
freight Fracht {f}
freight Frachten {pl}
freight Frachtgut {n}
freight Frachtgeld {n}
freight {sg}Güter {pl}
freight account Frachtkonto {n}
freight aircraft Frachtflugzeug {n}
freight and insurance paid tofrachtfrei versichert bis
freight bicycleLastenfahrrad {n}
freight bicycle Transportrad {n} [Lastenrad]
freight bicycle Lastenrad {n}
freight bill [bill of lading] Frachtbrief {m}
freight broker Frachtmakler {m}
freight broker [female]Frachtmaklerin {f}
freight canalFrachtkanal {m}
freight capacityFrachtraum {m}
freight car [Am.]Güterwagen {m}
freight car [Am.] Güterwaggon {m}
freight car scales [Am.] Gleiswaage {f}
freight carrier [logistics] Frachtführer {m} [Unternehmen, das Gütertransporte ausführt]
freight cartel Frachtkartell {n}
freight charge Frachtkosten {pl}
freight chargesFrachtkosten {pl}
freight charges Frachtgebühren {pl}
freight charges Beförderungskosten {pl}
freight claim Frachtforderung {f}
freight collectFracht vom Empfänger einzuziehen
freight collect unfrei
freight collect [Am.]Empfänger bezahlt die Fracht
freight conferenceFrachtabsprache {f}
freight conference Frachtkonferenz {f}
freight containerFrachtcontainer {m}
freight contract Frachtvertrag {m}
freight costs Frachtkosten {pl}
freight costs Transportkosten {pl}
freight depot [Am.] Güterbahnhof {m}<Gbf> [schweiz.: <Gb>]
freight depot building [Am.] Güterbahnhofsgebäude {n}
freight distribution hub Güterverteilzentrum {n}
freight document Frachtdokument {n}
freight documents Frachtpapiere {pl}
freight earnings Einkünfte {pl} aus Frachtdiensten
freight elevator [Am.]Lastenaufzug {m}
« freefreefreefreefreefreefreifreiFrenFrenFren »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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