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frightful [coll.] verheerend
frightfully [coll.]verheerend [ugs.]
frightfully clever fürchterlich schlau [ugs.]
frightfully expensive schrecklich teuer
frightfully expensivefurchtbar teuer [ugs.]
frightfulnessSchrecklichkeit {f}
frightfulnessFurchtbarkeit {f}
frigidgefühlskalt [frigide]
frigidkalt [auch emotional, sexuell]
frigid kühl
frigid [sexually unresponsive] frigide
frigid [sexually unresponsive]frigid
frigid lymnaea [Lymnaea atkaensis, syn.: L. randolphi]Lymnaea atkaensis {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
frigid silence eisiges Schweigen {n}
frigid zone kalte Zone {f}
frigid zone Polarzone {f}
frigid zone Kaltzone {f} [kalte Zone]
frigidariumFrigidarium {n}
frigidityFrigidität {f}
frigidity Gefühlskälte {f}
frigidly frigid
frigidnessFrostigkeit {f}
frigistorKühlelement {n}
frigorific [causing or producing cold]kühlend
frijoles [beans, esp. "refried"] Frijoles {pl}
frikandel [a Dutch and Belgian snack of minced-meat hot dog] Frikandel {f}
frikkadel [S.Afr.] Frikadelle {f}
frillRüsche {f}
frill Papillote {f} [Papiermanschette für Knochen, bes. Geflügelbeine]
frill apron Rüschenschürze {f}
frill blouseRüschenbluse {f}
frill bra Rüschen-BH {m}
frill dress Rüschenkleid {n}
frill panties {pl} [one pair] [short underpants] Rüschenslip {m} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
frill pants {pl} [one pair] [Br.] [underpants] Rüschenhose {f} [Unterhose]
frill skirt Rüschenrock {m}
frill trousers {pl} [one pair]Rüschenhose {f}
frillback (pigeon)Lockentaube {f}
frilled gekräuselt
frilled anemone [Metridium senile]Seenelke {f}
frilled apronRüschenschürze {f}
frilled blouse Rüschenbluse {f}
frilled bra Rüschen-BH {m}
frilled briefs {pl} [one pair]Rüschenslip {m}
frilled coquette [Lophornis magnificus]Prachtelfe {f}
frilled curtain Rüschenvorhang {m}
frilled dragon [Chlamydosaurus kingii] Kragenechse {f}
frilled dress Rüschenkleid {n}
frilled fan [Euphorbia lactea] [mottled spurge] Veredelte Wolfsmilch {f}
frilled flycatcher [Arses telescopthalmus]Krausenmonarch {m}
frilled house gecko [Hemidactylus platyurus, syn.: Hemidactylus marginatus, H. nepalensis, Stellio platyurus, Gecko platycaudus] Thailändischer Hausgecko {m}
frilled house gecko [Hemidactylus platyurus, syn.: Hemidactylus marginatus, H. nepalensis, Stellio platyurus, Gecko platycaudus]Saumschwanz-Hausgecko {m}
frilled house gecko [Hemidactylus platyurus, syn.: Hemidactylus marginatus, H. nepalensis, Stellio platyurus, Gecko platycaudus]Gewöhnlicher Haftzeher {m}
frilled lizard [Chlamydosaurus kingii] Kragenechse {f}
frilled monarch [Arses telescophthalmus, syn.: A. telescophthalmus]Krausenmonarch {m}
frilled panties {pl} [one pair] [short underpants]Rüschenhöschen {n} [bes. Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
frilled panties {pl} [one pair] [short underpants]Rüschenslip {m} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
frilled pants {pl} [one pair] [Br.] [underpants]Rüschenhose {f} [Unterhose]
frilled panty Rüschenhöschen {n}
frilled restharrow [Ononis crispa] Krause Hauhechel {f}
frilled shark [Chlamydoselachus anguineus] Krausenhai {m}
frilled shark [Chlamydoselachus anguineus] Kragenhai {m}
frilled shark [Chlamydoselachus anguineus]Schlangenhai {m}
frilled shirt Rüschenhemd {n}
frilled skirt Rüschenrock {m}
frilled thongRüschentanga {m}
frilled thongRüschen-Tanga {m}
frilled trousers {pl} [one pair] Rüschenhose {f}
frillfin turkeyfish [Pterois mombasae] Afrikanischer Feuerfisch {m}
frillies {pl} [coll.]Reizwäsche {f} [mit Spitzen und Rüschen]
frilliest [most superfluously ornamental] aufgeputzteste
frill-necked lizard [Chlamydosaurus kingii] Kragenechse {f}
frill-necked monarch [Arses lorealis, syn.: A. candidior] Australkrausenmonarch {m}
frills kräuselt
frills Rüschen {pl}
frills {pl} [something superfluous]Schnickschnack {m} [ugs.] [Überflüssiges]
frills and furbelows {pl}Firlefanz {m} [überflüssiges Zeug]
frilly aufgeputzt
frilly mit Rüschen besetzt
frilly blouse Rüschenbluse {f}
frilly braRüschen-BH {m}
frilly briefs {pl} [one pair]Rüschenslip {m}
frilly panties {pl} [one pair] [short underpants] Rüschenhöschen {n} [bes. Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
frilly panties {pl} [one pair] [short underpants] Rüschenslip {m} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
frilly pants {pl} [Br.] [underpants]Rüschchenhose {f} [Unterhose]
frilly pants {pl} [one pair] [Br.] [underpants] Rüschenhose {f} [Unterhose]
frilly panty Rüschenhöschen {n}
frilly thongRüschentanga {m}
frilly thong Rüschen-Tanga {m}
frilly-mouthed jellyfish [Rhizostoma pulmo] Lungenqualle {f}
Frimaire [3rd month of the French Republican calendar] Reifmonat {m} [3. Monat des Kalenders der Französischen Revolution]
fringeEinfassung {f}
fringeFranse {f}
fringe Ponyfrisur {f}
« fricfricfriefriefriefrigfrinfrinfrisfrocfroi »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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