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frontoclypeusFrontoclypeus {m}
front-of-houseVorderhaus {n} [Publikumsbereich]
front-of-house assistant Assistent {m} der Vorderhausleitung
front-of-house management Vorderhausleitung {f}
front-of-stage <FOS>[direkt vor der Bühne]
frontogenesisFrontogenese {f}
frontolateral frontolateral
frontolaterally frontolateral
frontolysis Frontolyse {f}
frontomaxillary frontomaxillär
front-operated lathe Frontdrehmaschine {f}
frontosphenoidal frontosphenoidal
frontosphenoidal process [Processus frontosphenoidalis] Stirnkeilbeinfortsatz {m}
frontotemporal frontotemporal
frontotemporal dementia <FTD> frontotemporale Demenz {f} <FTD>
frontotemporal dementia <FTD> Frontotemporaldemenz {f} <FTD>
frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 <FTDP-17> frontotemporale Demenz {f} und Parkinsonismus des Chromosoms 17 <FTDP-17>
frontotemporal lobar degeneration <FTLD, FLD>Frontotemporallappen-Degeneration {f} <FTLD>
frontotemporal lobar degeneration <FTLD>frontotemporale Lobärdegeneration {f} <FTLD>
frontotemporal lobar degeneration with FUS pathology <FTLD-FUS> Frontotemporallappen-Degeneration {f} mit FUS <FTLD-FUS>
front-page [attr.] (auf) der ersten Seite [nachgestellt]
front-page article Titelstory {f}
front-page headline Frontschlagzeile {f} [schweiz.]
front-page splash [coll.] Schlagzeile {f}
front-page story Titelstory {f}
front-page story Aufmacher {m}
front-panel mounting Aufwandmontage {f}
front-runner Spitzenkandidat {m}
frontrunner Spitzenreiter {m}
front-runner Favorit {m}
frontrunner Favorit {m}
frontrunner Spitzenkandidat {m}
front-runner [female]Spitzenkandidatin {f}
frontrunner [female] Spitzenreiterin {f}
frontrunner [female] Favoritin {f}
frontrunner [female] Spitzenkandidatin {f}
frontrunners Spitzenreiter {pl}
frontrunning Frontrunning {n} [Insidergeschäft]
front-running Front-Running {n}
front-running [Am.] [in front of the field of competitors e.g.] vorn liegend [in einem Feld von Bewerbern z. B.]
frontsFronten {pl}
frontsVorderseiten {pl}
fronts Stirnseiten {pl}
front-seat passenger Beifahrer {m}
front-seat passenger [female] Beifahrerin {f} [im Kfz]
front-seat passenger airbagBeifahrer-Airbag {m}
front-seat passenger airbagBeifahrerairbag {m}
frontshovel Ladeschaufel {f}
frontside of a / the posterPlakatvorderseite {f}
front-side printing Schöndruck {m}
front-to-back ratioRückdämpfung {f}
front-wall installation Vorwandinstallation {f}
frontwards vorwärts
front-wheel brakeVorderradbremse {f}
front-wheel drive <FWD>Frontantrieb {m}
frontwoman Frontfrau {f}
frood [sl.] [nonsense word, alien slang] [guy, dude] [Typ, Kerl]
froodite [PdBi2] Froodit {m}
frore [archaic] [frozen]gefroren
frory [archaic] [poet.] frostig [frostüberzogen, froststeif]
frosh [Am.] [coll.]Student {m} im ersten Studienjahr
frosh [Am.] [coll.]Ersti {m} [ugs.] [Erstsemester]
frost Frost {m}
frost actionFrosteinwirkung {f}
frost and de-icing salt resistance [also: frost / de-icing salt resistance] Frost-Tausalz-Widerstand {m}
frost attackFrostangriff {m}
Frost Belt [also: frostbelt, Frostbelt; Snow Belt / U.S.] Snow Belt {m} [Frostgürtel, USA]
frost bite Frostbeule {f}
frost crackFrostriss {m}
frost crackingTief-Frost-Schwund {m}
frost crackingFrostriss {m}
frost creepFrostkriechen {n}
frost damage Frostschaden {m}
frost damage {sg}Frostschäden {pl}
frost damage insuranceVersicherung {f} gegen Frostschäden
frost dayFrosttag {m}
frost disintegrationFrostverwitterung {f}
frost drought Frosttrocknis {f}
frost flowerEisblume {f}
frost formation Reifbildung {f}
frost germinator [dated] [cold germinator] Frostkeimer {m} [veraltet] [Kaltkeimer]
frost grape [Vitis riparia] Ufer-Rebe {f}
frost heaveFrosthub {m}
frost holeFrostloch {n}
frost insurance Frostversicherung {f}
frost lichen [Physconia distorta] Fruchtende Physconie {f} [Flechtenart]
frost lichen [Physconia distorta]Bereifte Schwielenflechte {f}
frost line Frosttiefe {f}
frost line Frostgrenze {f}
frost monitor Frostwächter
frost nip leichte Erfrierung {f}
frost pattern Eisblume {f}
frost period Frostperiode {f}
frost pillars {pl}Säuleneis {n}
frost pocketKältesee {m}
frost pointFrostpunkt {m}
frost protectionFrostschutz {m}
frost protection agentFrostschutzmittel {n}
frost protection systemFrostschutzanlage {f}
« fromfronfronfronfronfronfrosfrosFrozfrugfrui »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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