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fruit sauce Obstsauce {f}
fruit sauce Fruchtsauce {f}
fruit sauce Fruchttunke {f} [veraltend]
fruit schnaps Obstler {m} [österr.] [südd.]
fruit sellerObstverkäufer {m}
fruit seller [female]Früchteverkäuferin {f}
fruit set Fruchtansatz {m}
fruit settingFruchtansatz {m}
fruit shipFruchtschiff {n}
fruit shopObstladen {m}
fruit sirup [spv.] Fruchtsirup {m}
fruit skewer Früchtespieß {m}
fruit skewer Obstspieß {m}
fruit skinFruchtschale {f} [Haut]
fruit skin Obstschale {f} [Fruchthülle]
fruit soupObstsuppe {f}
fruit species {pl}Obstarten {pl}
fruit spread Fruchtaufstrich {m}
fruit spread Früchteaufstrich {m} [selten] [Fruchtaufstrich]
fruit squeezer Fruchtpresse {f}
fruit stalk Fruchtstiel {m}
fruit stall Obststand {m}
fruit standObststand {m}
fruit still lifeStillleben {n} mit Früchten
fruit still life Obststillleben {n}
fruit still lifeFrüchtestillleben {n}
fruit stollen (cake)Früchtestollen {m}
fruit sugar Fruchtzucker {m}
fruit sugar Fruktose {f}
fruit sugarFructose {f} [fachspr.]
fruit surfaceFruchtoberfläche {f}
fruit sweetness Fruchtsüße {f}
fruit syrupFruchtsirup {m}
fruit syrupObstsirup {m}
fruit tart Obstkuchen {m}
fruit tart Obsttorte {f}
fruit teaFrüchtetee {m}
fruit (tea) blend Früchteteemischung {f}
fruit time Fruchtzeit {f}
fruit tissueFruchtgewebe {n}
fruit tortricid moth [Acleris variegana] Heidelbeerwickler / Heidelbeer-Wickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
fruit trade Obsthandel {m}
fruit trader Fruchthändler {m}
fruit tree Obstbaum {m}
fruit tree bark beetle [Scolytus rugulosus, syn.: Eccoptogaster rugulosus] Runzeliger Obstbaumsplintkäfer {m}
fruit tree bark beetle [Scolytus rugulosus, syn.: Eccoptogaster rugulosus] Kleiner Obstbaumsplintkäfer {m}
fruit tree blooming periodObstblüte {f}
fruit tree case moth [Coleophora hemerobiella]Obstblattschabe {f}
fruit tree case moth [Coleophora hemerobiella]Knospenminiermotte {f}
fruit tree case moth [Coleophora hemerobiella] Obstblattmotte {f}
fruit tree nurseryObstbaumschule {f}
fruit tree pruning Obstbaumschnitt {m}
fruit tree tortrix (moth) [Archips podana] Obstbaumwickler {m} [Falter]
fruit tree tortrix (moth) [Archips podana] Eschenzwieselwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
fruit tree tortrix (moth) [Archips podana]Johannisbeerwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
fruit treesObstbäume {pl}
fruit treesFruchtbäume {pl}
fruit treesObstgehölze {pl} [Obstbäume]
fruit type Fruchttyp {m}
fruit varietiesObstsorten {pl}
fruit vegetables {pl}Fruchtgemüse {n}
fruit vendor Obstverkäufer {m}
fruit vendor [female]Obstverkäuferin {f}
fruit vinegarObstessig {m}
fruit wine Fruchtwein {m}
fruit wineMost {m} [vergoren]
fruit wineObstwein {m}
fruit yoghurt Fruchtjoghurt {m} [bes. österr., schweiz., südd. auch {n}] [bes. ostösterr. auch {f}]
[fruit brandy made of cornelian cherries] Dirndlbrand {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [Obstschnaps aus den Früchten der Kornelkirsche]
[fruit suitable for cooking, baking]Küchenobst {n} [veraltend] [Obst zum Verkochen]
(fruit) fleshFruchtfleisch {n}
(fruit) kernel Fruchtkern {m}
(fruit) pie Obstkuchen {m}
(fruit) preserves {pl} Kompott {n} [Konserven]
fruitarian Frutarier {m}
fruitarian [female] Frutarierin {f}
fruitarianism Fruganismus {m}
fruitarianismFruitarismus {m}
fruit-basedauf Früchtebasis [nachgestellt]
fruitbatFlughund {m}
Fruitbearing Society Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft {f}
fruit-bearing tree Obstbaum {m}
fruit-bearing treesObstbäume {pl}
fruitcakeFrüchtebrot {n}
fruitcake Früchtekuchen {m}
fruitcake Fruchtkuchen {m}
fruitcake [Am.] [sl.] [pej.] [a male homosexual]Schwuchtel {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
fruitcake [coll.] Verrückter {m}
fruitcakes Fruchtkuchen {pl}
fruit-eating species Fruchtfresser {m}
fruit-eating species {pl} Fruchtfresser {pl}
fruit-eating species {pl}Frugivoren {pl}
fruiter [Br.] [fruit grower] Obstbauer {m}
fruiter [fruit ship]Fruchtschiff {n}
fruiter [fruit-bearing tree] Obstbaum {m}
fruiterer [chiefly Br.] [fruit dealer] Obstler {m} [Obsthändler] [regional]
fruiterer [esp. Br.]Obsthändler {m}
fruiterers Obsthändler {pl}
fruit-flavored [Am.] mit Fruchtgeschmack [nachgestellt]
« frosfrotfrozfrugfruifruifruifrusfuckfuddfuel »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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