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English-German Dictionary

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full protection suit Vollschutzanzug {m}
full rangeganze Palette {f}
full range Komplettsortiment {n}
full range of products volles Sortiment {n}
full rank voller Rang {m}
full record Vollanzeige {f}
full record screen Volltitelansicht {f}
full recourse volles Rückgriffsrecht {n}
full recoveryvollständige Genesung {f}
full refundvolle Rückerstattung {f}
full rehearsalGeneralprobe {f}
full renovationKomplettumbau {m}
full report vollständiger Bericht {m}
full reportvolle Berichterstattung {f}
full retreading Runderneuerung {f} [von Wulst zu Wulst]
full ride [Am.] [sl.] Vollstipendium {n}
full rig Vollzeug {n}
full ripenessVollreife {f}
full rotation volle Drehung {f} [ugs.] [Drehung um 360°]
full rotation komplette Umdrehung {f} [Drehung um 360°]
full rotationVolldrehung {f}
full scale <FS, f.s.>Vollaussteuerung {f}
full scale plant Industrieanlage {f}
full scale value Skalenendwert {m} [z. B. auf Messzylindern]
full scan vollständiger Scan {m}
full scholarship Vollstipendium {n}
full score Partitur {f}
full screen gesamter Bildschirm {m}
full screenVollbild {n}
full screen displayVollbildschirmanzeige {f}
full screen mode Vollbildmodus {m}
full service [complete service] Komplettservice {m}
full service [fig.] Vollbedienung {f}
full service brokerageMaklergesellschaft {f}, die auch Versicherungsleistungen anbietet
full service contractVollservicevertrag {m}
full service providerVolldienstleister {m}
full service provider Full-Service-Dienstleister {m}
full service providerFullservice-Dienstleister {m}
full session Plenarsitzung {f}
full set ganzer Satz {m}
full set of documentsvollständiger Satz {m} von Dokumenten
full settlementvoller Ausgleich {m}
full settlement voller Zahlungsausgleich {m}
full settlement clauseSaldoklausel {f} [schweiz.]
full shotFull Shot {m}
full sib Vollgeschwister {n}
full siblingVollgeschwister {n}
full siblings Vollgeschwister {pl}
full siblings vollbürtige Geschwister {pl}
full sibsVollgeschwister {pl}
full sisterleibliche Schwester {f}
full sisterVollschwester {f}
full size natürliche Größe {f} [Maßstab 1:1]
full skirt Tellerrock {m}
full slip Unterkleid {n}
full slipKombinege {f} [österr.] [veraltend]
full snow coverage zusammenhängende Schneedecke {f}
full solar eclipse totale Sonnenfinsternis {f}
full songVollgesang {m}
full speedvolle Geschwindigkeit {f}
full speed Full Speed {m} {f}
full speedFullspeed {m} {f}
full speedhöchste Geschwindigkeitsstufe {f}
full speed aheadvolle Kraft voraus
full speed aheadvolle Fahrt voraus
Full speed ahead! Volle Kraft voraus!
Full speed ahead! [a command] [also fig.] Volle Fahrt voraus! [Kommando] [auch fig.]
full spin Volldrehung {f}
full statement of accounts voller Rechenschaftsbericht {m}
full statement of the factsumfassende Darstellung {f} der Tatsachen
full steam Volldampf {m}
full steam ahead Volldampf voraus
Full steam ahead! [dated] [command] Volle Kraft voraus! [Kommando]
Full steam ahead! [fig.] [also dated: a naval command]Volle Fahrt voraus! [fig.] [auch Kommando]
Full steam ahead! [German Emperor Wilhelm II]Volldampf voraus! [Kaiser Wilhelm II.]
full stop [Br.]Punkt {m} [Satzzeichen]
full stop [esp. Br.] Schlusspunkt {m} [Satzzeichen]
full stop after an abbreviation [Br.] Abkürzungspunkt {m}
full stop that ends an abbreviation [Br.]Abkürzungspunkt {m}
Full stop! [Br.]Basta!
full stops [Br.] Punkte {pl} [Satzzeichen]
full storey [Br.] Vollgeschoss {n}
full study grant [Br.] Vollstipendium {n}
full style [appellation, title]vollständiger Titel {m} [auch: offizielle Anrede]
full subsidiaryhundertprozentige Tochter {f}
full supplyausreichende Versorgung {f}
full suspensionVollfederung {f}
full suspension bike vollgefedertes Rad {n}
full systemVollsystem {n}
full system capacity Systemauslastung {f}
full system provider Vollsystemanbieter {m}
full takeovervolle Übernahme {f}
full term normale Schwangerschaftsdauer {f} [38 - 41 Wochen]
full term Fetusausreifung {f} [normale Schwangerschaftsdauer 38 - 41 Wochen]
full terms volle Bedingungen {pl}
full textVolltext {m}
full text data base system Volltextdatenbank {f}
full throttle Vollgas {n}
full throttleVollast {f} [alt]
full throttle operationVollgasbetrieb {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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