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English-German Dictionary

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fulling mill Tuchwalke {f}
fulling mill Walkerei {f}
fulling mill [machine for fulling cloth] Walke {f} [Maschine, mit der Filze hergestellt werden]
full-leather Ganzleder-
full-leather coversGanzlederdecken {pl}
full-leg orthosis [knee-ankle-foot orthosis]Ganzbeinorthese {f} [Knie-Knöchel-Fuß-Orthese]
full-length in Lebensgröße
full-length abendfüllend [Spielfilm, Oper etc.]
full-length durchgehend
full-length [gowns, curtains etc.] bodenlang
full-length cultivator Ganzflächengrubber {m}
full-length dive [football] Hechtsprung {m}
full-length feature film Langfilm {m}
full-length (feature) movieabendfüllender Spielfilm {m}
full-length film Film {m} von ganzer Spiellänge
full-length mirrorGanzkörperspiegel {m}
full-length portrait Ganzfigurenporträt {n}
full-length slip Unterkleid {n}
full-line forcing Zwang {m} zur Abnahme des ganzen Sortiments
full-lipped volllippig
full-load curve Volllastkurve {f}
full-load hours Volllaststunden {pl}
full-load operation Volllastbetrieb {m}
full-load stop Volllastanschlag {m}
full-load stopMaximal-Mengenanschlag {m}
full-load torque output Drehmoment {n} bei Volllast
full-logarithmic / full-log graph paper [dual logarithmic] doppeltlogarithmisches Papier {n}
fullmoon / full-moon maple [Acer japonicum]Thunbergs Fächer-Ahorn / Fächerahorn {m}
full-mouth disinfection <FMD> (vollständige) Munddesinfektion {f}
full-mouth gag [McPherson mouth gag]McPerson-Maulgatter {n}
full-mouth radiographZahnstatusaufnahme {f} [röntgenologisch]
full-mouth X-rayRöntgenstatus {m}
fullness Fülle {f}
fullness of being Wesensfülle {f}
fullness of life Lebensfülle {f}
fullness of power Machtfülle {f}
fullness of power [plenitudo potestatis]Vollgewalt {f}
fullness of timeFülle {f} der Zeit
full-on [coll.]hundertprozentig [ugs.]
full-on [coll.] [angry, happy, etc.]total [ugs.]
fullones Tuchwalker {pl} [Fullones; Arbeitskräfte, die seit der römischen Antike das Gewerbe der Wäschereinigung betrieben]
full-page advertisement ganzseitige Anzeige {f}
full-page spread [advertisement]ganzseitige Anzeige {f}
full-pay leavevoll bezahlter Urlaub {m}
full-pressure suit vollständiger Druckanzug {m}
full-protection device Vollschutzgerät {n}
full-protection devices Vollschutzgeräte {pl}
full-range fuseGanzbereichssicherung {f}
full-range offering Vollsortiment {n}
full-range service provider Komplettdienstleister {m}
full-range supplierKomplettanbieter {m}
full-range traderVollsortimenter {m}
full-rigged ship Vollschiff {n}
full-rim glasses {pl} [one pair]Vollrandbrille {f}
full-scale maßstäblich
full-scalein großem Stil [nachgestellt]
full-scale vollmaßstäblich
full-scale attackGroßangriff {m}
full-scale deflection Vollausschlag {m}
full-scale deflection [e.g. of an instrument pointer]Skalenvollausschlag {m} [z. B. beim Messinstrument]
full-scale deflection [e.g. of an instrument pointer]voller Zeigerausschlag {m} [z. B. beim Messinstrument]
full-scale deflection [e.g. of an instrument pointer]Endausschlag {m} [voller Zeigerausschlag]
full-scale error Messbereichsfehler {m}
full-scale invasionGroßinvasion {f}
full-scale invasion großangelegte Invasion {f}
full-scale investigation umfassende Untersuchung {f}
full-scale offensiveGroßoffensive {f}
full-scale production Serienfertigung {f}
full-scale retreatRückzug {m} auf ganzer Linie
full-scale test Großversuch {m}
full-scale university Volluniversität {f}
full-screenvollflächig [z. B. Bildschirmanzeige / -darstellung]
full-screen bildschirmfüllend
full-screenschirmfüllend [Bildschirm]
full-screen displayVollbildanzeige {f}
full-screen mode Vollbildansicht {f}
full-screen mode [1-on-1] Vollbildmodus {m}
full-screen viewVollbildansicht {f}
full-service bankUniversalbank {f}
full-service contract Full-Service-Vertrag {m}
full-sib Vollgeschwister-
full-size lebensgroß
full-size bed Doppelbett {n}
full-size model 1:1-Modell {n}
full-size orchestra Orchester {n} in voller Größe
full-size van [Am.]Kleintransporter {m}
full-sized lebensgroß
full-sized headphone [circumaural headphone] ohrumschließender Kopfhörer {m}
full-slot milling Vollnutfräsen {n}
full-spectrum light [also: full spectrum light] Vollspektrumlicht {n}
full-stack developer [also: fullstack developer] Full-Stack-Entwickler {m}
full-step modeVollschrittbetrieb {m}
full-term endorsement Vollindossament {n}
full-term infantReifgeborenes {n}
full-term infantreifgeborenes Kind {n}
full-term neonatesReifgeborene {pl}
« fullfullfullfullfullfullfullfullfullfulsfume »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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