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fumbler [pej.]Stümper {m} [pej.]
fumbler [pej.] Tölpel {m} [pej.] [ungeschickter, fehleranfälliger Mensch]
fumbler [pej.]Tollpatsch {m} [ugs.]
fumblers [pej.] Stümper {pl} [pej.]
fumbling umhertastend
fumbling linkisch
fumbling for sth. nach etw. [Dat.] tastend
fume Dunst {m}
fume Qualm {m}
fume Rauch {m}
fumeDampf {m}
fume [fig.]Wut {f}
fume cupboardDunstabzug {m}
fume cupboard Abzug {m}
fume cupboard Digestorium {n}
fume cupboard Kapelle {f} [insbes. schweiz.] [Abzugshaube für Laborluft]
fume cupboard [dated] Digestor {m}
fume extractorRauchabsauger {m}
fume extractor hood Dunstabzugshaube {f}
fume hood Dunstabzug {m}
fume hood Rauchfangdach {n}
fume hoodAbzugshaube {f}
fume hoodDigestorium {n}
fume hood Digestor {m}
fume hoodAbzug {m} [Abzugshaube]
fume hoodKapelle {f} [insbes. schweiz.] [Abzugshaube für Laborluft]
fume poisoning Rauchvergiftung {f}
fumed geräuchert
fumed oak [Am.]Räuchereiche {f}
fumes Dünste {pl}
fumesDämpfe {pl}
fumes Abgase {pl}
fumet Fumet {m} {n}
fumewort [Corydalis solida] Gefingerter Lerchensporn {m}
fumewort [genus Fumaria] Erdrauch {m}
fumewort family {sg} [family Fumariaceae] [now subfamily Fumarioideae of Papaveraceae]Erdrauchgewächse {pl}
fumewort family {sg} [family Fumariaceae] [now subfamily Fumarioideae of Papaveraceae] Fumariaceen {pl}
fumigantBegasungsmittel {n}
fumigated ausgeräuchert
fumigated unit begaste Einheit {f}
fumigation Desinfektion {f}
fumigation Räucherung {f} [zur Desinfektion]
fumigation Ausräucherung {f}
fumigationBegasung {f}
fumigationFumigation {f}
fumigations Desinfektionen {pl}
fumigator Räucherapparat {m}
fumigators Räucherapparate {pl}
fuming rauchend
fuming wütend
fuming mad wutschnaubend
fuming nitric acid rauchende Salpetersäure {f}
fuming sulfuric acid [H2SO7] [Am.] rauchende Schwefelsäure {f}
fuming sulphuric acid [Br.] rauchende Schwefelsäure {f}
fuming techniqueRäucherverfahren {n}
fumitory [genus Fumaria]Erdrauch {m}
fumitory family {sg} [family Fumariaceae] [now subfamily Fumarioideae of Papaveraceae]Erdrauchgewächse {pl}
fumitory family {sg} [family Fumariaceae] [now subfamily Fumarioideae of Papaveraceae] Fumariaceen {pl}
fumitory subfamily {sg} [subfamily Fumarioideae of Papaveraceae] Fumarioideen {pl}
fumonisin [mycotoxin] Fumonisin {n} [Mykotoxin]
fumous [obs.]fumös [geh.] [selten]
fumy rauchig
fun Freude {f}
fun Scherz {m}
funSpaß {m}
fun Hetz {f} [südd.] [österr.]
funGaudi {f} [bayer.] [österr.]
funGaudee {f} [österr.]
funFun {m} [ugs.]
fun Vergnügen {n}
funJux {m} [ugs.]
fun [coll.]lustig
fun [coll.] amüsant
fun [funny, droll] spaßig
fun and gamesSpiel und Spaß
fun and games {pl}das reinste Zuckerlecken {n} [ugs.]
fun app Spaß-App {f}
fun factFunfact {m} {n} [auch: Fun Fact] [unterhaltsame, erheiternde Randbemerkung]
fun factor Spaßfaktor {m}
fun functionFun-Funktion {f}
fun functions Fun-Funktionen {pl}
fun fur Kunstpelz {m}
fun house [Am.] [Rummelplatzattraktion mit Räumen mit beweglichen Böden, Zerrspiegeln etc.]
fun house [Am.]Gruselkabinett {n}
fun house mirror [Am.]Zerrspiegel {m}
Fun in Acapulco [Richard Thorpe] Acapulco
fun killer [coll.] Spaßbremse {f} [ugs.]
fun of driving Fahrvergnügen {n}
fun ride [esp. fairground] Fahrgeschäft {n} [bes. Jahrmarkt]
fun run Volkslauf {m}
fun societySpaßgesellschaft {f}
fun timelustige Zeit {f}
[fun fair part of the Viennese Prater] Wurstelprater {m}
[fun fair part of the Viennese Prater]Volksprater {m}
Funafuti [atoll that forms the capital of Tuvalu] Funafuti {n} [Atoll und Hauptstadt von Tuvalu]
funambulation [dated] [ropedancing] Seiltanzen {n}
funambulist Seiltänzer {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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