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fatheaded [coll.]dumm
fatheaded [coll.]dämlich [ugs.]
fatheaded [coll.]doof [ugs.]
fatheadedness [coll.] [also: fat-headedness]Dummheit {f}
fatheads [family Psychrolutidae] Dickkopf-Groppen {pl}
fatheads [family Psychrolutidae]Quappengroppen {pl}
fat-hen [Atriplex prostrata, syn.: A. calotheca, A. hastata, A. latifolia, A. spinacifolium, A. triangularis]Spieß-Melde {f}
fat-hen [Atriplex prostrata, syn.: A. calotheca, A. hastata, A. latifolia, A. spinacifolium, A. triangularis] Spießblättrige Melde {f}
father Vater {m}
father Ätti {m} [südwestd. u. schweiz. mdal.: Vater]
father [attr.] [e.g. figure, fixation, substitute]Vater- [z. B. Figur, Fixierung, Ersatz]
Father [Catholic priest] Pfarrer {m}
father [fig.] Begründer {m}
father [of a family]Familienvater {m}
Father <Fr.> Pater {m}
father absenceVaterabwesenheit {f}
father and sons operation [Am.] [coll.] Vater-und-Sohn-Betrieb {m}
Father Basilio's striped mouse [Hybomys basilii]Basilios Streifenmaus {f}
father bear [esp. animal figure] Bärenvater {m} [bes. Tierfigur]
Father Christmas [Br.] Weihnachtsmann {m}
Father Christmas [Br.]Christkindchen {n} [das Geschenke bringt] [südd.] [österr.]
Father Christmas [Br.] Christkind {n} [das Geschenke bringt]
father confessor Beichtvater {m}
father confessorBeichtiger {m} [veraltet] [Beichtvater]
Father David's rose [Rosa davidii] Davids Rose {f}
Father Dowling Mysteries Ein gesegnetes Team
father figureÜbervater {m}
father figureVaterfigur {f}
father figure ["father of his country"] Landesvater {m}
father fixation Vaterfixierung {f}
Father Frost Väterchen {n} Frost
Father Goose [Ralph Nelson]Der große Wolf ruft
Father Hugo's rose [Rosa hugonis] Chinesische Gold-Rose {f}
father imageVaterbild {n}
father of a familyFamilienvater {m}
Father of All Bombs [coll.] <FOAB> [Russian Aviation Thermobaric Bomb of Increased Power] Vater {m} aller Bomben
father of the / his countryLandesvater {m}
father of the bride Brautvater {m}
father of the childKindsvater {m}
father of the godsGöttervater {m}
father of the groom Bräutigamsvater {m}
father of the house [dienstältestes Mitglied des Parlaments]
Father of the House [UK] Alterspräsident {m} [Parlament]
Father of the Nation Vater {m} der Nation
father of three dreifacher Familienvater {m}
father of twozweifacher Familienvater {m}
Father Rhine and his Daughters [fountain sculpture, Düsseldorf / Germany]Vater Rhein und seine Töchter [Brunnenplastik, Düsseldorf]
father substitute Vaterersatz {m}
father tapeVaterband {n} [Sicherungstechnik bei Magnetbändern]
Father Time die Zeit {f} [als Allegorie]
father to a girl Vater {m} eines Mädchens
(Father) Superior [of a monastery] Vorsteher {m}
father-child relationship Vater-Kind-Beziehung {f}
father-daughter relationshipVater-Tochter-Beziehung {f}
fatherhoodVaterschaft {f}
fatherhood Vatertum {n} [geh.]
Fatherhood [Paul Weitz]Fatherhood
fatherhoods Vaterschaften {pl}
fathering zeugend
fatheringVatersein {n}
father-in-lawSchwäher {m} [veraltet] [Schwiegervater]
father-in-law <FIL>Schwiegervater {m}
fatherland Vaterland {n}
Fatherland [Robert Harris] Vaterland
Fatherland's Front [also: Patriotic Front] [Austrofascist party] Vaterländische Front {f} <VF> [1933 - 1938]
father-lasher [superfamily Cottoidea] Seeskorpion {m} [Name zahlreicher Fische der Familie Cottidae]
fatherlessnessVaterlosigkeit {f}
fatherlike wie ein Vater
fatherliness Väterlichkeit {f}
fatherly wie ein Vater
fatherly advice väterlicher Rat {m}
fatherly advice {sg} väterliche Ratschläge {pl}
fatherly kiss Vaterkuss {m}
father-of-three dreifacher Familienvater {m}
fathers Väter {pl}
Fathers and Sons [Ivan Turgenev] Väter und Söhne [Iwan Turgenew / Turgenjew]
Father's Day Vatertag {m}
Father's DayMännertag {m} [Vatertag]
Father's Day [Creepshow episode] Vatertag
Father's Day [in Germany on Ascension Day] Herrentag {m} [bes. ostdd.] [Vatertag]
Fathers' Day [Ivan Reitman] Ein Vater zuviel
Father's Day [USA][Ehrentag für den Vater am 3. Sonntag im Juni]
Father's Day gift Vatertagsgeschenk {n}
fathers' generation Vätergeneration {f}
father's house Vaterhaus {n} [geh.] [veraltend]
Fathers of the ChurchKirchenväter {pl}
father's prideVaterstolz {m}
fathers' rights movementVäterbewegung {f}
father's role Vaterrolle {f}
fathers-in-law Schwiegerväter {pl}
father-son relationshipVater-Sohn-Beziehung {f}
fathers-to-bewerdende Väter {pl}
fathers-to-be angehende Väter {pl}
father-to-beangehender Vater {m}
father-to-bewerdender Vater {m}
fathom <fm> [six feet] Klafter {m} {n} [veraltet selten {f}] [Tiefenmaß]
fathom <ftm> (nautischer) Faden {m} <fm>
fathomable ergründlich
« fastfastfat[fatpfatafathfathfatlfattFaugfaul »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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