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English-German Dictionary

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(fatless) spongeBiskuit {m} {n}
fatlike fettähnlich
fatlingjunges Masttier {n}
fatly reichlich
fatness Beleibtheit {f}
fatnessDicke {f}
fatnessFettigkeit {f}
fatness Üppigkeit {f}
fatness Fettleibigkeit {f}
fatnessFettsucht {f}
fatness Feistigkeit {f} [pej.] [Feistheit]
fatness [pej.] Feistheit {f} [pej.]
fatness of the land Fruchtbarkeit {f} des Bodens
fat-nosed spiny rat [Maxomys inflatus]Breitnasen-Rajah-Ratte {f}
Fatou set Fatou-Menge {f}
Fatou's lemma [also: lemma of Fatou]Lemma {n} von Fatou
fat-reduced milk fettreduzierte Milch {f}
fat-reducing fettabbauend
fats Fette {pl}
fat-shamingFatshaming {n} [ugs.]
fatsi [Fatsia japonica, syn.: Aralia japonica, Aralia sieboldii]Zimmeraralie {f}
fatsi [Fatsia japonica, syn.: Aralia japonica, Aralia sieboldii] Japanische Aralie {f}
fatso [coll.] [pej.] Fettsack {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
fatso [coll.] [pej.] Fettwanst {m} [pej.] [dicke Person]
fatso [coll.] [pej.]Fettkloß {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
fat-soluble fettlöslich
fat-soluble vitaminsfettlösliche Vitamine {pl}
fatspine spurdog [Squalus crassispinus]Fettdorn-Dornhai {m}
fat-splitting fettspaltend
fatstock Mastvieh {n}
fatstock Schlachtvieh {n}
fat-storing cell [Ito cell] Fettspeicherzelle {f} [Ito-Zelle]
fat-storing cells Fettspeicherzellen {pl}
fatsuitFatsuit {m}
fatsuit Fettanzug {m}
fat-tail / fat-tailed geckos [genus Hemitheconyx] Afrikanische Krallengeckos {pl}
fat-tail / fat-tailed geckos [genus Hemitheconyx] Afrikanische Lidgeckos {pl}
fat-tail gecko [Eublepharis macularius, syn.: E. fasciolatus, E. gracilis, Cyrtodactylus macularius, C. madarensis] Pakistanischer Fettschwanzgecko {m}
fat-tail gecko [Hemitheconyx caudicinctus, syn.: Psilodactylus caudicinctus, Stenodactylus caudi-cinctus] West-Afrikanischer Krallengecko {m}
fat-tail gecko [Hemitheconyx caudicinctus, syn.: Psilodactylus caudicinctus, Stenodactylus caudi-cinctus] Afrikanischer Krallengecko {m}
fat-tailed dunnart [Sminthopsis crassicaudata]Dickschwanz-Schmalfußbeutelmaus {f}
fat-tailed dunnart [Sminthopsis crassicaudata] Dickschwänzige Schmalfußbeutelmaus {f}
fat-tailed dwarf lemur [Cheirogaleus medius] Westlicher Fettschwanzmaki {m} [Lemur]
fat-tailed dwarf lemur [Cheirogaleus medius] Mittlerer Katzenmaki {m} [Lemur]
fat-tailed dwarf lemur [Cheirogaleus medius] Fettschwanzmaki {m}
fat-tailed gerbil [Pachyuromys duprasi] Dickschwanzmaus {f}
fat-tailed gerbil [Pachyuromys duprasi]Fettschwanzrennmaus {f}
fat-tailed gerbil [Pachyuromys duprasi]Fettschwanz-Rennmaus {f}
fat-tailed jird [Pachyuromys duprasi] Fettschwanzrennmaus {f}
fat-tailed jird [Pachyuromys duprasi] Fettschwanz-Rennmaus {f}
fat-tailed pseudantechinus [Pseudantechinus macdonnellensi] Fettschwänzige Breitfußbeutelmaus {f}
fat-tailed rat [Pachyuromys duprasi] Fettschwanzrennmaus {f}
fat-tailed rat [Pachyuromys duprasi]Fettschwanz-Rennmaus {f}
fat-tailed scorpion [Androctonus australis]Sahara-Skorpion {m}
fat-tailed sheepFettschwanzschaf {n}
fatted gemästet
fattened bull Mastbulle {m} [gemästet]
fattened calf Mastkalb {n}
fattened cattle {pl}Mastvieh {n}
fattened chickenMasthuhn {n} [gemästet]
fattened gooseMastgans {f}
fattened oxMastochse {m}
fattened poultry Mastgeflügel {n}
fattener Mäster {m}
fattening mästend
fatteningdick machend
fattening dickmachend
fatteningMästen {n}
fatteningMast {f}
fattening and slaughter performance [of the animals slaughtered] Mast- und Schlachtleistung {f} [der Schlachttiere]
fattening bull Mastbulle {m} [zum Mästen]
fattening dietMastkur {f}
fattening pig Mastschwein {n}
fattening pig place Mastschweineplatz {m}
(fattening) feedMast {f} [Mastfutter]
fatter fetter
fatter [more overweight]dicker
fattest fetteste
fattest [most overweight] dickste
Fatti maschii, parole femine [USA] [Maryland state motto: Manly Deeds, Womanly Words] [Motto des US-Staates Maryland: Männliche Taten, weibliche Worte]
fattier fettiger
fattiest fettigste
fattily fettig
fattiness Fettigkeit {f}
fatting mästend
fatty fettig
fatty speckig
fatty fetthaltig
fatty Fett-
fatty fett [fetthaltig]
fatty [coll.] [hum.] [pej.] Dickerchen {n} [ugs.] [hum.] [pej.]
fatty [coll.] [pej.]Fettkloß {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
fatty [containing fat] fetthältig [österr.]
fatty [female] [coll.] [pej.] Fette {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [dicke weibliche Person]
« fat[fatpfatafathfathfatlfattFaugfaulfaulFauv »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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