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English-German Dictionary

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fatteningMast {f}
fattening and slaughter performance [of the animals slaughtered]Mast- und Schlachtleistung {f} [der Schlachttiere]
fattening bull Mastbulle {m} [zum Mästen]
fattening dietMastkur {f}
fattening pig Mastschwein {n}
fattening pig placeMastschweineplatz {m}
(fattening) feedMast {f} [Mastfutter]
fatter fetter
fatter [more overweight]dicker
fattest fetteste
fattest [most overweight] dickste
Fatti maschii, parole femine [USA] [Maryland state motto: Manly Deeds, Womanly Words] [Motto des US-Staates Maryland: Männliche Taten, weibliche Worte]
fattier fettiger
fattiest fettigste
fattily fettig
fattiness Fettigkeit {f}
fat-to-muscle ratio <FMR> Verhältnis {n} Fett- zu Muskelmasse
fatty fettig
fatty speckig
fatty fetthaltig
fatty fett [fetthaltig]
fatty [coll.] [hum.] [pej.] Dickerchen {n} [ugs.] [hum.] [pej.]
fatty [coll.] [pej.]Fettkloß {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
fatty [containing fat]fetthältig [österr.]
fatty [female] [coll.] [pej.]Fette {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [dicke weibliche Person]
fatty acid Fettsäure {f}
fatty acid catabolismFettsäurekatabolismus {m}
fatty acid compositionFettsäurezusammensetzung {f}
fatty acid degradationFettsäureabbau {m}
fatty acid elongaseFettsäure-Elongase {f}
fatty acid metabolism Fettsäurestoffwechsel {m} [auch: Fettsäure-Stoffwechsel]
fatty acid metabolismFettsäuremetabolismus {m}
fatty acid methyl ester [FAME] Fettsäuremethylester {m} [FAME]
fatty acid moleculeFettsäuremolekül {n}
fatty acid oxidation Fettsäureoxidation {f}
fatty acid synthase <FAS>Fettsäuresynthase {f}
fatty acid synthesis <FAS> Fettsäuresynthese {f}
fatty acid-binding protein <FABP>Fettsäurebindungsprotein {n} <FABP>
fatty acid-binding proteins <FABPs> Fettsäurebindungsproteine {pl} <FABPs>
fatty acids Fettsäuren {pl}
fatty alcohol Fettalkohol {m}
fatty alcohol radical (residue)Fettalkoholrest {m}
fatty alcohol sulfate [Am.]Fettalkoholsulfat {n}
fatty alcohol sulphate [Br.] Fettalkoholsulfat {n}
fatty alcoholsFettalkohole {pl}
fatty amides Fettamide {pl}
fatty amides Fettsäureamide {pl}
fatty aminesFettamine {pl}
fatty appendices Fettanhängsel {pl}
fatty atrophy Vakatwucherung {f} [Fettatrophie]
fatty atrophy Fettatrophie {f}
fatty bone marrow [Medulla ossium flava] (gelbes) Fettmark {n} [gelbes Knochenmark]
fatty creamFettcreme {f}
fatty degenerationVerfettung {f}
fatty degeneration degenerative Verfettung {f} [Zellen, Gewebe, Organe]
fatty degeneration [Degeneratio adiposa] fettige Degeneration {f}
fatty degeneration of cells Zellverfettung {n}
fatty degeneration of the heart Herzverfettung {f}
fatty degeneration of (the) liver [Steatosis hepatis]Leberverfettung {f}
fatty deposit Fettablagerung {f}
fatty eye Auge {n} [kurz für: Fettauge]
fatty fish Fettfisch {m}
fatty foodfettes Essen {n}
fatty foods Fettigkeiten {pl} [ugs.] [fettreiche Nahrungsmittel]
fatty heart Fettherz {n}
fatty heart [Cor adiposum, Lipomatosis cordis, Adipositas cordis] Herzverfettung {f} [Fettherz]
fatty layer Fettschicht {f}
fatty liver [Hepar adiposum] Fettleber {f}
fatty liver <FL> Verfettung {f} der Leber
fatty liver disease <FLD> Leberverfettung {f}
fatty liver (disease) Wohlstandsleber {f} [ugs.]
fatty liver inflammation [steatohepatitis] Fettleberentzündung {f} [Steatohepatitis]
fatty liver syndrome <FLS> Fettlebersyndrom {n} <FLS>
fatty metamorphosis of (the) liverLeberverfettung {f}
fatty ointment Fettsalbe {f}
fatty pancreonecrosis fettige Pankreasnekrose {f}
fatty pholiota [Pholiota adiposa]Schmieriger Buchenschüppling / Buchen-Schüppling {m}
fatty pholiota [Pholiota adiposa] Schleimiger Schüppling {m}
fatty stool [steatorrhoea]Fettstuhl {m} [Steatorrhö]
fatty stool [steatorrhoea] Ölstuhl {m} [Steatorrhö]
fatty tissue Fettgewebe {n}
fatty tissue necrosisFettgewebsnekrose {f} <FGN>
fatty tumor [Am.] Lipom {n}
fatty tumor [Am.]Fettgewebstumor {m}
fatty tumour [esp. Br.] Fettgewebstumor {m}
fatty tumour [esp. Br.] [lipoma] Lipom {n}
fatty unguent Fettsalbe {f}
Fatuhiva monarch [Pomarea whitneyi]Fatuhivamonarch {m}
fatuityEinfältigkeit {f}
fatuity Albernheit {f}
fatuous albern
fatuous töricht
fatuous einfältig
fatuous [comment, grin]blöd [ugs.]
fatuous electorate Stimmvieh {n} [pej.]
fatuously albern
« fatifatafatefathfatifattfatufaulfaulfaunfave »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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