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Fauvillers Feiteler-Radebruch {n}
fauvism [also: Fauvism]Fauvismus {m}
fauvist fauvistisch
fauvists Fauvisten {pl}
fauxunecht [nachgemacht, z. B. Leder]
faux ami [false friend]falscher Freund {m}
faux ami [false friend]Fauxami {m} [falscher Freund]
faux furkünstlicher Pelz {m}
faux fur Kunstpelz {m}
faux fur Webpelz {m}
faux furKunstfell {n}
faux fur Pelzimitat {n}
faux fur mink blanket Kunstnerzdecke {f} [Webpelz, Kunstfell]
faux fur throw Überwurf {m} aus Kunstfell
faux fur-trim vest Weste {f} mit Kunstfellbesatz
faux leatherKunstleder {n}
faux leather Ledernachbildung {f}
faux leather Textilleder {n} [Kunstleder]
faux marble aus falschem Marmor
faux pasFehlgriff {m}
faux pas Lapsus {m}
faux pas Fehltritt {m}
faux pas Fauxpas {m} [bildungssprachlich]
faux pas Entgleisung {f} [fig.]
faux pas Ausrutscher {m} [ugs.] [sprachliche Entgleisung, Fehler]
faux pas {pl} Fauxpas {pl}
faux silkKunstseide {f}
faux suede Affenhaut {f} [Material, Stoff]
fauxbourdon Fauxbourdon {m}
fauxhawkFake-Iro {m} [ugs.] [falscher Irokesenschnitt]
faux-naïfgespielt naiv
faux-pas word Unwort {n}
faux-rustic pseudorustikal
fav [coll.] [favorite / favourite] Favorit {m}
fav [coll.] [favorite / favourite]Lieblings-
fava bean [Am.]Ackerbohne {f}
fava bean [Vicia faba]Saubohne {f}
fava bean [Vicia faba] Puffbohne {f}
fava bean [Vicia faba] Faberbohne {f}
fava bean [Vicia faba] Viehbohne {f}
fava bean [Vicia faba]Pferdebohne {f}
fava bean [Vicia faba]Große Bohne {f}
fava bean [Vicia faba] Dicke Bohne {f}
fava bean [Vicia faba]Favabohne {f}
fava bean [Vicia faba]Schweinsbohne {f}
fava beans [Vicia faba] Dicke Bohnen {pl}
fave [coll.] [short for: favourite] Lieblings-
fave [coll.] [short for: favourite] Favorit {m}
fave actor [coll.] [short for: favorite / favourite actor] Lieblingsschauspieler {m}
fave actress [coll.] [short for: favorite / favourite actress] Lieblingsschauspielerin {f}
fave band [coll.] [short for: favorite / favourite band]Lieblingsband {f}
fave beer [coll.] [favorite beer] Lieblingsbier {n}
fave biscuits [Br.] [coll.] [short for: favourite biscuits] Lieblingskekse {pl}
fave book [coll.] [short for: favorite / favourite book]Lieblingsbuch {n}
fave Chinese restaurant [coll.] Lieblingschinese {m} [ugs.] [Restaurant]
fave color [Am.] [coll.]Lieblingsfarbe {f}
fave colour [Br.] [coll.] Lieblingsfarbe {f}
fave dessert [coll.] Lieblingsdessert {n}
fave dessert [coll.]Lieblingsnachtisch {m}
fave dish [coll.] [fig] [short for: favorite / favourite dish] Leibgericht {n}
fave eatery [coll.] [fave short for: favorite / favourite] [favourite restaurant] Lieblingsrestaurant {n}
fave film [coll.]Lieblingsfilm {m}
fave granddaughter [coll.]Lieblingsenkelin {f}
fave Greek restaurant [coll.] Lieblingsgrieche {m} [ugs.] [Restaurant]
fave Italian restaurant [coll.] Lieblingsitaliener {m} [ugs.] [Restaurant]
fave movie [esp. Am.] [coll.] Lieblingsfilm {m}
fave restaurant [coll.] Lieblingsrestaurant {n}
fave singer [coll.] Lieblingssänger {m}
fave singer [female] [coll.] Lieblingssängerin {f}
fave team [coll.]Lieblingsmannschaft {f}
fave website [coll.]Lieblingswebsite {f}
fave website [coll.] Lieblingswebsite {f}undsoo
favela [shantytown]Favela {f}
favella [spv.] [shanty town] Favela {f} [Slumstadt]
faveolate wabig
faveolate wabenartig
Faverolles [chicken breed]Faverolles {pl} [Hühnerrasse]
favic alopeciaKopfgrind {m}
favicon Favicon {n}
favillous [obs.] aschig
favipiravir [C5H4FN3O2]Favipiravir {n}
favism Favismus {m}
favism Bohnenkrankheit {f}
favism Saubohnenkrankheit {f}
favism Favabohnen-Krankheit {f}
favonian [favorable, of wind] günstig [Wind]
favonian [mild, of wind] mild [Wind]
favonian [westerly, of wind]westlich [Wind]
favor [Am.] Gefälligkeit {f}
favor [Am.] Gunst {f}
favor [Am.] Liebesdienst {m} [geh.] [Gefallen]
favor [Am.]Huld {f} [veraltet, noch ironisch] [geh.]
favor [Am.] Gefallen {m}
favor [Am.] Wohlwollen {n}
favor [Am.]Gnade {f} [Gunst]
favor at court [Am.] Hofgunst {f} [veraltet]
favorability [Am.]Günstigkeit {f}
favorable [Am.]günstig
favorable [Am.] vorteilhaft
favorable [Am.] wohlwollend
« fatlfattFaugfaulfaulFauvfavofavofavofavofavo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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