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English-German Dictionary

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favorable [Am.]positiv
favorable [Am.]gefällig <gefl.>
favorable [Am.] [outcome] glücklich [Ausgang]
favorable [to / towards] [Am.] günstig [für]
favorable auspices [Am.]glückverheißende Vorbedeutungen {pl}
favorable balance [Am.]Aktivbilanz {f}
favorable balance [Am.] günstige Bilanz {f}
favorable balance of trade [Am.] aktive Handelsbilanz {f}
favorable characteristics [Am.] günstige Eigenschaften {pl}
favorable climate [Am.] günstiges Klima {n}
favorable conditions [Am.] fördernde Bedingungen {pl}
favorable conditions of payment [Am.] günstige Zahlungsbedingungen {pl}
favorable credit terms [Am.]günstige Zinsbedingungen {pl}
favorable leasing rate [Am.] günstige Miete {f}
favorable local characteristics [Am.]günstige Standorteigenschaften {pl}
favorable location [Am.] Gunstlage {f}
favorable opinion [Am.] Befürwortung {f}
favorable opportunity [Am.] günstige Gelegenheit {f}
favorable position [Am.] günstige Position {f}
favorable price [Am.] günstiger Preis {m}
favorable price [Am.] günstiger Kurs {m}
favorable reception [Am.]gefälliger Empfang {m}
favorable reception [Am.] wohlwollende Aufnahme {f}
favorable reply [Am.]günstige Antwort {f}
favorable result [Am.] günstiges Ergebnis {n}
favorable situation [Am.] günstige Lage {f}
favorable tax treatment [Am.]Steuervergünstigung {f}
favorable terms [Am.] günstige Bedingungen {pl}
favorable to women [Am.]frauenfreundlich
favorable trade balance [Am.] aktive Handelsbilanz {f}
favorable trend [Am.]günstige Entwicklung {f}
favorableness [Am.] Gefälligkeit {f}
favorableness [Am.] Gunst {f} [des Schicksals, Wetters, etc.] [literarisch]
favorably [Am.]gefällig
favorably [Am.]wohlwollend
favorably [Am.]mit Wohlwollen
favored [Am.]begünstigt
favored [Am.] beliebt
favored [Am.]gewünscht
favored [Am.] favorisiert
favored [Am.] befürwortet
favored [Am.] bevorzugt
favorer [Am.] Gönner {m}
favoring [Am.]begünstigend
favorite [Am.]Favorit {m}
favorite [Am.] Liebling {m}
favorite [Am.] Günstling {m}
favorite [Am.] [attr.]Lieblings-
favorite [Am.] [attr.]bevorzugt
favorite [Am.] [in a race or similar competition]Sieganwärter {m}
favorite [female] [Am.]Favoritin {f}
favorite act [Am.] [circus, cabaret show etc.]Lieblingsnummer {f} [im Zirkus, Kabarett etc.]
favorite action film [Am.] Lieblingsactionfilm {m} [auch: Lieblings-Actionfilm]
favorite action movie [Am.] Lieblingsactionfilm {m} [auch: Lieblings-Actionfilm]
favorite activity [Am.] Lieblingstätigkeit {f}
favorite activity [Am.] Lieblingsaktivität {f}
favorite actor [Am.]Lieblingsschauspieler {m}
favorite actress [Am.] Lieblingsschauspielerin {f}
favorite adversary [Am.]Lieblingsgegner {m}
favorite airline [Am.]Lieblingsfluglinie {f}
favorite album cover [Am.] [favorite record cover]Lieblingsplattencover {n} [auch: Lieblings-Plattencover]
favorite anecdote [Am.] Lieblingsanekdote {f}
favorite animal [Am.] Lieblingstier {n}
favorite antique shop [Am.]Lieblingsantiquitätenladen {m} [auch: Lieblings-Antiquitätenladen]
favorite antique store [Am.] Lieblingsantiquitätenladen {m} [auch: Lieblings-Antiquitätenladen]
favorite apple pie [Am.] Lieblingsapfelkuchen {m}
favorite aria [Am.]Lieblingsarie {f}
favorite armchair [Am.]Lieblingssessel {m}
favorite art teacher [Am.] Lieblingskunstlehrer {m}
favorite art teacher [female] [Am.] Lieblingskunstlehrerin {f}
favorite athlete [Am.]Lieblingssportler {m}
favorite athlete [female] [Am.] Lieblingssportlerin {f}
favorite aunt [Am.] Lieblingstante {f}
favorite author [Am.]Lieblingsautor {m}
favorite author [Am.] Lieblingsschriftsteller {m}
favorite author [female] [Am.] Lieblingsautorin {f}
favorite author [female] [Am.]Lieblingsschriftstellerin {f}
favorite bakery [Am.] Lieblingsbäcker {m} [Geschäft]
favorite ballpoint pen [Am.]Lieblingskugelschreiber {m}
favorite band [Am.]Lieblingsband {f}
favorite band [Am.] Lieblingsgruppe {f} [Lieblingsband]
favorite bank [Am.]Lieblingsbank {f} [Geldinstitut]
favorite bank [Am.] [e.g. river bank] Lieblingsufer {n}
favorite bar [Am.]Lieblingskneipe {f} [ugs.]
favorite beach [Am.] Lieblingsstrand {m}
favorite bead store [Am.] Lieblingsperlenladen {m}
favorite beer [Am.]Lieblingsbier {n}
favorite bench [Am.] Lieblingsbank {f} [Sitzbank]
favorite beverage [Am.] Lieblingsgetränk {n}
favorite Bible verse [Am.] Lieblingsbibelvers {m} [auch: Lieblings-Bibelvers]
favorite Bible verse [Am.] Lieblingsbibelspruch {m} [auch: Lieblings-Bibelspruch]
favorite bikini [Am.] Lieblingsbikini {m}
favorite bio teacher [Am.] [coll.]Lieblingsbiolehrer {m} [ugs.]
favorite bird [Am.]Lieblingsvogel {m}
favorite blanket [Am.] Lieblingsdecke {f}
favorite blouse [Am.] Lieblingsbluse {f}
favorite blues recording [Am.] Lieblingsbluesaufnahme {f} [auch: Lieblings-Bluesaufnahme]
favorite board game [Am.] Lieblingsbrettspiel {n}
favorite book [Am.] Lieblingsbuch {n}
favorite bookstore [Am.] Lieblingsbuchladen {m}
« fattFaugfaulfaulFauvfavofavofavofavofavofavo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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