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English-German Dictionary

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favorite ring [Am.] Lieblingsring {m}
favorite room [Am.] Lieblingszimmer {n}
favorite rose [Am.] Lieblingsrose {f}
favorite route [Am.] Lieblingsroute {f}
favorite rum [Am.] Lieblingsrum {m}
favorite salad [Am.] Lieblingssalat {m}
favorite sausage [Am.] Lieblingswurst {f}
favorite saying [Am.] Lieblingsspruch {m}
favorite scarf [Am.] Lieblingsschal {m}
favorite scent [Am.] Lieblingsduft {m}
favorite science fiction writer [Am.] <favorite SF writer>Lieblings-Science-Fiction-Autor {m} <Lieblings-SF-Autor>
favorite sculptor [Am.] Lieblingsbildhauer {m}
favorite season [Am.] [of the year]Lieblingsjahreszeit {f} [auch: Lieblings-Jahreszeit]
favorite serial [Am.] Lieblingsserie {f}
favorite shampoo [Am.]Lieblingsshampoo {n}
favorite sherry [Am.] Lieblingssherry {m} [auch: Lieblings-Sherry]
favorite shirt [Am.] Lieblingshemd {n}
favorite shoe shop [Am.]Lieblingsschuhladen {m} [auch: Lieblings-Schuhladen]
favorite shoe store [Am.]Lieblingsschuhladen {m} [auch: Lieblings-Schuhladen]
favorite shoes [Am.]Lieblingsschuhe {pl}
favorite shop [Am.]Lieblingsgeschäft {n}
favorite shop [Am.] Lieblingsladen {m} [Geschäft]
favorite short story [Am.] Lieblingskurzgeschichte {f}
favorite sin [Am.] Schoßsünde {f} [veraltet] [Lieblingssünde]
favorite singer [Am.]Lieblingssänger {m}
favorite singer [female] [Am.] Lieblingssängerin {f}
favorite sister [Am.]Lieblingsschwester {f}
favorite skirt [Am.] Lieblingsrock {m}
favorite snack [Am.] Lieblingssnack {m}
favorite soccer player [Am.] Lieblingsfußballspieler {m}
favorite socks [Am.]Lieblingssocken {pl}
favorite son [Am.] Lieblingssohn {m}
favorite song [Am.]Lieblingslied {n}
favorite son-in-law [Am.]Lieblingsschwiegersohn {m}
favorite soul recording [Am.]Lieblingssoulaufnahme {f} [auch: Lieblings-Soulaufnahme]
favorite soul singer [Am.] Lieblingssoulsänger {m}
favorite soul singer [female] [Am.] Lieblingssoulsängerin {f}
favorite soup [Am.]Lieblingssuppe {f}
favorite species of monkey [Am.] Lieblingsaffenart {f}
favorite spice [Am.]Lieblingsgewürz {n}
favorite sport [Am.]Lieblingssportart {f}
favorite sport [Am.]Lieblingssport {m}
favorite sportsman [Am.] Lieblingssportler {m}
favorite spot [Am.] Lieblingsplatz {m}
favorite spot [Am.]Lieblingsfleck {m} [Lieblingsplatz]
favorite spot [Am.] Lieblingsort {m}
favorite store [Am.] Lieblingsladen {m} [Geschäft]
favorite store [Am.]Lieblingsgeschäft {n}
favorite string quartet [Am.] Lieblingsstreichquartett {n}
favorite subject [Am.] Lieblingsfach {n}
favorite subject [Am.] Lieblingsmotiv {n}
favorite subject [Am.] [favorite topic]Lieblingsthema {n}
favorite subjects [Am.] Lieblingsthemen {pl}
favorite summer vacation center [Am.]beliebter Sommeraufenthalt {m}
favorite sundae [Am.] Lieblingseisbecher {m}
favorite supermarket [Am.]Lieblingssupermarkt {m}
favorite sweater [Am.]Lieblingspulli {m} [ugs.]
favorite symphony [Am.] Lieblingssinfonie {f}
favorite tale [Am.] Lieblingsgeschichte {f}
favorite talk show [Am.] Lieblingstalkshow {f} [auch: Lieblings-Talkshow]
favorite talk show host [Am.] Lieblingstalkmaster {m} [auch: Lieblings-Talkmaster]
favorite tea [Am.]Lieblingstee {m}
favorite teacher [Am.] Lieblingslehrer {m}
favorite teacher [female] [Am.] Lieblingslehrerin {f}
favorite team [Am.]Lieblingsmannschaft {f}
favorite teddy [Am.] Lieblingsteddy {m}
favorite tennis player [Am.]Lieblingstennisspieler {m}
favorite tennis player [female] [Am.] Lieblingstennisspielerin {f}
favorite tenor [Am.] Lieblingstenor {m}
favorite theme [Am.]Lieblingsmotiv {n}
favorite thingLieblingsding {n} [ugs.]
favorite tie [Am.] Lieblingskrawatte {f}
favorite time of the day [Am.]Lieblingstageszeit {f}
favorite tipple [Am.] [coll.]Lieblingsdrink {m}
favorite tomato [Am.] Lieblingstomate {f}
favorite topic [Am.] Lieblingsthema {n}
favorite town [Am.]Lieblingsstadt {f}
favorite toy [Am.] Lieblingsspielzeug {n}
favorite trail [Am.]Lieblingsweg {m}
favorite translator [Am.] Lieblingsübersetzer {m}
favorite translator [Am.] [female]Lieblingsübersetzerin {f}
favorite tree [Am.]Lieblingsbaum {m}
favorite trick [Am.] Lieblingstrick {m}
favorite T-shirt [Am.] Lieblings-T-Shirt {n}
favorite tune [Am.]Lieblingssong {m}
favorite turtle [Am.] Lieblingsschildkröte {f}
favorite TV series [Am.] Lieblingsfernsehserie {f}
favorite type of bread [Am.]Lieblingsbrotsorte {f}
favorite type of cheese [Am.] Lieblingskäsesorte {f}
favorite type of tea [Am.]Lieblingsteesorte {f}
favorite uncle [Am.] Lieblingsonkel {m}
favorite underwear [Am.]Lieblingsunterwäsche {f}
favorite variety [Am.]Lieblingssorte {f}
favorite variety [Am.] Lieblingsvariante {f}
favorite vase [Am.] Lieblingsvase {f}
favorite vegetable [Am.] Lieblingsgemüse {n}
favorite vegetable soup [Am.]Lieblingsgemüsesuppe {f}
favorite victim [Am.] Lieblingsopfer {n}
favorite video game [Am.]Lieblingsvideospiel {n} [auch: Lieblings-Videospiel]
favorite villain [Am.]Lieblingsschurke {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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