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favourite variety [Br.]Lieblingsvariante {f}
favourite vase [Br.]Lieblingsvase {f}
favourite vegetable [Br.] Lieblingsgemüse {n}
favourite vegetable soup [Br.]Lieblingsgemüsesuppe {f}
favourite victim [Br.] Lieblingsopfer {n}
favourite violin concerto [Br.] Lieblingsviolinkonzert {n} [auch: Lieblings-Violinkonzert]
favourite waiter [Br.]Lieblingskellner {m}
favourite weather [Br.]Lieblingswetter {n}
favourite website [Br.] Lieblingswebsite {f}
favourite western (film) [Br.] Lieblingswestern {m}
favourite whisky [Br.] Lieblingswhisky {m}
favourite white wine [Br.]Lieblingsweißwein {m}
favourite wife [Br.] Lieblingsfrau {f}
favourite wine [Br.] Lieblingswein {m}
favourite with the ladies [esp. Br.]Frauenliebling {m}
favourite word [Br.]Lieblingswort {n}
favourite words [Br.] Lieblingswörter {pl}
favourite work of art [Br.] Lieblingskunstwerk {n}
favourite writer [Br.] Lieblingsschriftsteller {m}
favourite writer [female] [Br.]Lieblingsschriftstellerin {f}
favourite yogurt [Br.] Lieblingsjoghurt {m} [österr. {n}] [schweiz., südd. auch {n}] [ostösterr. auch {f}]
favourite zoo [Br.] Lieblingszoo {m}
favourites [Br.] Favoriten {pl}
favourites [Br.] Lieblinge {pl}
favouritism [Br.]Günstlingswirtschaft {f}
favouritism [Br.]Bevorzugung {f}
favouritism [Br.] Vetternwirtschaft {f} [pej.]
favouritism [Br.] Freunderlwirtschaft {f} [österr.] [Vetternwirtschaft] [ugs.]
favouritism [Br.] Spezlwirtschaft {f} [bayer. für: Vetternwirtschaft]
favouritism [Br.] Begünstigungspolitik {f} [pej.]
favouritism [Br.] Vetterliwirtschaft {f} [pej.] [schweiz.] [Vetternwirtschaft]
favours [Br.] Gefallen {pl}
favs [coll.] [favorites / favourites] Favoriten {pl}
favusKopfgrind {m}
Fawkes Formation Fawkes-Formation {f}
fawn beige
fawn hellbraun
fawn Hirschkalb {n}
fawn Kitz {n}
fawn Tierjunges {n}
fawn gelb [Tierfarbe, z. B. bei einer Dogge]
fawnRehbraun {n}
fawn [of the roe deer] Rehkitz {n}
fawn [of the roe deer] Rehkalb {n}
fawn antechinus [Antechinus bellus] Augenfleck-Breitfußbeutelmaus {f}
fawn brown [RAL 8007]Rehbraun {n} [RAL 8007]
fawn hopping mouse [Notomys cervinus] Kitz-Hüpfmaus {f}
fawn hopping mouse [Notomys cervinus]Rehbraune Australische Hüpfmaus {f}
fawn mushroom [Pluteus cervinus, syn.: Pluteus atricapillus] Rehbrauner Dachpilz {m}
fawn mushroom [Pluteus cervinus, syn.: Pluteus atricapillus] Hirschbrauner Dachpilz {m}
fawn pluteus [Pluteus cervinus, syn.: Pluteus atricapillus] Hirschbrauner Dachpilz {m}
fawn pluteus [Pluteus cervinus, syn.: Pluteus atricapillus]Rehbrauner Dachpilz {m}
fawn-breasted bowerbird [Chlamydera cerviniventris]Braunbauch-Laubenvogel {m}
fawn-breasted brilliant [Heliodoxa rubinoides] Braunbauchbrillant {m}
fawn-breasted brilliant [Heliodoxa rubinoides]Braunbauch-Brilliantkolibri {m}
fawn-breasted kingfisher [Dacelo leachii]Haubenliest {m}
fawn-breasted kingfisher [Dacelo leachii]Blauflügel-Kookaburra {m}
fawn-breasted kingfisher [Dacelo leachii]Blauflügel-Jägerliest {m}
fawn-breasted tanager [Pipraeidea melanonota] Schwarzrückentangare {f}
fawn-breasted thrush [Zoothera machiki] Tanimbarerddrossel {f}
fawn-breasted waxbill [Estrilda paludicola] Sumpfastrild {m}
fawn-breasted waxbill [Estrilda paludicola] Ockerastrild {m}
fawn-breasted whistler [Pachycephala orpheus] Orpheusdickkopf {m}
fawn-breasted wren [Thryothorus guarayanus]Guatayoszaunkönig {m}
fawn-colored [Am.] rehfarben
fawn-colored lark [Am.] [Calendulauda africanoides, syn.: Mirafra africanoides]Steppenlerche {f}
fawn-colored mouse [Am.] [Mus cervicolor, syn.: M. cunicularis, M. strophiatus] Falbmaus {f}
fawn-coloured cowry [also fawn-coloured cowrie] [Br.] [Luria isabella, syn.: Cypraea cavia, C. clara, C. cylindroides, C. isabella, C. isabelloides, C. literata, C. lemuriana] Isabellas Kauri {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
fawn-coloured lark [Br.] [Calendulauda africanoides, syn.: Mirafra africanoides] Steppenlerche {f}
fawned geschwänzelt
fawner Schmeichler {m}
fawner Schmuser {m} [ugs.] [Schmeichler]
fawner Schöntuer {m}
fawn-footed melomys [Melomys cervinipes, syn.: M. limicauda, Uromys banfieldi]Mosaikschwanzratte {f}
fawn-footed melomys [Melomys cervinipes] Kitzfüßige Mosaikschwanzratte {f}
fawn-footed mosaic-tailed rat [Melomys cervinipes, syn.: M. limicauda, Uromys banfieldi] Mosaikschwanzratte {f}
fawn-footed mosaic-tailed rat [Melomys cervinipes]Kitzfüßige Mosaikschwanzratte {f}
fawn-headed snake-eater [Polemon collaris] Hellköpfiger Schlangenfresser {m}
fawning hündisch [unterwürfig]
fawningSchmeichelei {f}
fawning sich [Akk.] selbst unterwerfend
fawning [dog]schwanzwedelnd
fawningly kriecherisch
fawnish hellbräunlich
fawns Hirschkälber {pl}
faxFax {n} [schweiz. meist: {m}]
fax Faxkopie {f}
fax backFaxback {n}
fax banner sheet Fax-Deckblatt {n}
fax bookFaxbuch {n}
fax bookTelefaxbuch {n}
fax connection Faxanschluss {m}
fax logFaxprotokoll {n}
fax (machine) Faxgerät {n}
fax message Faxmitteilung {f}
fax number Faxnummer {f}
fax orderFaxbestellung {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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